Chapter 85 // The Thoughts After

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Dwight's POV

After I had helped Y/N with her situation, my time on the gates was over. I went to my room and sat on my bed, head in my hands.

I pushed back my hands, running them over my hair. As I closed my eyes for a second, I took a deep breath and thought. 'Surely I just misunderstood that,' I thought to myself. One hand held up my head, as it covered my mouth, and my elbow rested on my leg. I couldn't keep still. I kept changing positions, thinking about what I saw while getting people to carry John to his room.

'What Ralph said didn't sound good, super bad if anything... but I can't say anything until I'm sure. I'll just cause shit,' I explained, and nodded, to myself. I looked over to my chess pieces, trying to order my thoughts like how they were on the board. "Fuck!" I muttered aloud, crossing my arms loosely in my laps and hanging my head. Every inch of me was tensed.

'If I tell Negan, he'll kill the boy without thought... if I tell Y/N she'll be pissed and probably end up telling Negan anyway,' I groaned mid-thought, 'This shouldn't be so fucking hard!'

Alana's POV

"Ah..." I started uncomfortably. "Ralph, what happened?" I asked as I saw blood coming out of his nose. "I had a little issue earlier, I'm sure you can help me though doc'," He grinned to me. My chest tightened and I nodded, "I'm sure you'll be fine in a while"

Hesitatingly, I moved over towards him as he sat down on the bed.

Hecate's POV

'But how was I supposed to ask for help after all of that?' I thought, dwelling on everything, in my room.

A/N: Sorry for the MUCH shorter chapter. I know it's not much compared to usual, but I needed this bit to be it's own chapter.

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