Chapter 81 // Old 'Friends'

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After we had spoken things out, we decided to just get on with it and head for the Hilltop.

He stopped at the gates. "Ah, all doing their jobs," Negan muttered, as we got out and walked over. 'Surely they didn't start by themselves, but who ordered them then?' I thought, as we walked through the gates. Negan held out his arms, "Well, well, well! Look who's a little late to the party" After he laughed, he turned to me, with an eyebrow raised. "I'm going to check Hecate's alright," I told him, "I'll catch up with you" He nodded then walked off, over to a few saviours.

I watched him take a couple of steps, then went to find Hecate. I peered around corners, down small gaps, but I couldn't find her. My pulse slowly increased as I got worried, and my body tensed. I swallowed hard, and called out, "Hecate?" The biggest sigh of relief left my lips as her head popped out of the corner I was walking towards. I relaxed and put a hand to my chest for a second as she walked out and leant against the wooden structure.

"What's up?" She asked. I shook my head, "Just," I started, now smiling, "Couldn't find you for a while, is all" Nodding, she smiled too, "Missed me?" "Of course," I pulled in my bottom lip, and smiled sadly at her. I walked closer and pulled her into a hug, one hand to her head and the other on her back. I rested my chin on the top of her head lightly. I felt her shaking as she laughed, and her arms wrapped back around me. "You sure you're alright?" She asked. I nodded and hummed.

After letting her go, I held her shoulders, "Did you order these men?" One corner of her lips curled upwards, and her cheeks flushed a subtle pink. "Yeah, neither you or dad were here yet. So, I figured, why not?" She laughed nervously, shifting her gaze to the side for a moment. "I'm so proud of you," I told her. "You really are like your dad," I admitted. Her eyebrows raised, "Really? Because, last I checked, I didn't have a bat wrapped in barbed wire" I laughed, "Definitely" I put one hand on the top of her head, messing up her fringe a bit. "Mum!" She complained, bending down to get away from my hand, so she could fix her hair. She pouted. "Sorry," I smiled. "Oh hey," I paused for a second, "Where's your lip ring?" "Oh-! I decided to take it out today, something different," She smiled, "Is it weird?" "No, I've just never seen you without it," I explained.

"Hecate-?" Someone called out, from where she came from. I looked over as she turned around. "Oh..." His voice trailed off quietly. "Mike?" I muttered. Pulling a straight face, he stared at the ground. I looked at his cheek, a scar was left. I sighed silently, nodding, and looked back to Hecate, "Busy?" "Oh no, mum, it's not like that- I'll stay if-" She panicked. I smiled, "It's fine, I'm not stopping you" I used one hand to cup her face, "You just be you... don't loose who you are"

Hecate's POV

I looked to mum as she told me, "You just be you... don't loose who you are" My eyebrows furrowed slightly, my lips parted in slight shock. 'What is she saying?' I thought. Goosebumps rushed over my body as it reminded me of my carer back at the orphanage.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I nodded and smiled a bit. "Sure thing mum..." I muttered. She smiled to me once more, and turned to leave. I watched her walk away, until I couldn't see her anymore. My stomach turned, I didn't have a good feeling about it.

I took a, second longer, blink and turned to Mike. "Sorry," He said. "It's fine," I smiled to him, assuringly. We walked down to where Jesus probably was. "Hey," I waved to him. He greeted me back, then asked, "How's your mum?" I nodded, "She's alright" "Good," He muttered.


Time Skip

"Mum!" I heard a voice yell. I paused, half way to opening the door, and turned. I watched Hecate run over. "Yes?" I furrowed an eyebrow. "I'm going with you guys this time," She told me, panting and smiling. Immediately, my eyebrows raised, "Oh? Okay" I smiled and opened the door for her, so she could sit in the middle.

When Negan got in, he asked what was with the sudden change in seats. "I missed you guys," She shrugged, keeping her eyes forward as she smiled. Negan started up the vehicle, tilting his head for a second with his eyebrows raised, "Well, o-fucking-kay then" He chuckled.

On the journey back home, we made a few silly jokes and sat happily with eachother. "Who the fuck?" I heard Negan growl. "What is it?" I asked, as he stopped the vehicle. "Boys," He told me. "Boys?" I repeated. I looked to where his gaze was. My eyes squinted as I looked at them. Negan then got out, and shut the door behind him as he went to talk to the men in the vehicles behind us. "Let's get out," I told Hecate, opening the door and getting out with her, shutting the door after. I walked around, to stand infront of the vehicle as Hecate followed behind me.

Negan took a few men with him, and approached the boys. I stayed back with a Hecate, a few saviours surrounding as if we were royalty. I watched them talk with wide eyes. 'Who are these boys and why are they here?' I thought to myself. There were three of them, all looked around the same age as eachother - maybe not much older than Hecate.

As Negan turned swiftly on his heel, he walked back - after ordering his men to drag the three back to the vehicles. "Who are they?" I asked him as he got back to us. "Y/N, Hecate, meet Ralph, Dylan and Phil," He introduced us to them, pointing to each one with 'Lucille'.

'Ralph', who looked slightly older than the other two, now that I was seeing him up close, had this hard pale skin and deep brown hair, with small pink lips. "How old are you?" I asked, pointing at Ralph. "18-" "Ma'am" Negan corrected him, making a small grin come over my lips. "18 ma'am," He said. I turned to the other, 'Dylan', "You?" "17 ma'am," He hesitated slightly. Compared to the other two, he had the most dark skin and darkest hair, with the most full lips out of the three. 'Phil'. I looked at him. "17 too- ma'am," He looked down slightly. I nodded. 'Phil' was a dirty blonde, with lightly tanned skin and small lips - like 'Ralph'.

Hecate's POV

I stared in utter shock. My muscles tensed as I stared the three hard in the eyes. 'Ralph, Dylan and Phil,' Repeated over my mind as I fell sick to the stomach. 'Why are they here?' I asked myself. I could tell that they recognised me, I could tell from the spark in Ralph's eyes and the hidden smirks on the other two's faces. I listened as mum questioned them on their age. How innocent they tried to look... sickening. I wanted to leave, wish that we had never went today. 

As each second passed, I felt a weight under my eyes and on my shoulders, one that I hadn't felt for a long time. But how could I forget it?


'These boys seem so familiar...' I thought to myself.

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