Facial Scars

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The male in front of you didnt react to your comment.

You stared intensely at his facial scar, once he noticed he turned his head.

"How'd you get your scar?" You were trying hard to make this boy talk but he rolled his eyes, turning his head back to you.

He stared at you for a few moments and then flinched, it seemed as if a light bulb went off in his head. "You're that villain that keeps killing uprising heroes... Right?"

Your eyes widened as a smirk appeared upon your face "So you've heard of me? wow.. i mus be popular." you struggled to free yourself from the now melting ice.

"Of course.. Anyone who kills heroes will be heard of." his eyes averted down to the ground.

The icy chamber he had created was certainly annoying you but you continued to wiggle in the frozen block.

"Youre so harsh.. Trapping a teen like me in ice.. what if i die of hypothermia?"

your complaining was angering the boy, he turned putting his hand to your face "Shut up and just tell me why you're here." you smirked "to kill people like you." gas spilled from your neck but since the boy was in rage he didnt notice it filling the air around you two.

"Thats it? Thats all-" the boy went to take a breath in but choked on the gas he failed to notice.

"Wow.. thats pretty pathetic..." the wiggling you did payed off as you slowly wiggled out of the ice "See ya' later ice boy" and with that said you fled.

You ran towards the warp gate, tired from this action since you were mostly a nocturnal villain but of course just before you could leave someone grabbed you.

"HEY! What the fu-" you were slammed once again onto the ground with your face being pressed into the cement and your arm behind your back, you tried turning your head to see who had slammed you once again onto the cold harsh ground but your face was pushed harder into the ground.

The person moved their head next to your ear, you could feel hot breath on your neck.. How disgusting.

"Finally got you." you  remembered this voice, it was explosion boy. You huffed when he pulled your harm farther back "Dont even dare moving or ill blow your ass into a million pieces."

You smirked activating your quirk "Im not moving.." although your head was pounding from overuse of your quirk you still fought through and managed to pollute the air.

The boys hands started crackling and popping from behind you which almost made you terrified, what if he burns you?

You felt something cold touch the back of your head "Move and ill activate it." you didnt know what 'it' was but didnt want to find out, luckily his friend walked over "Thats not very heroic..." smirking, you added on "Yeah.. Not heroic at all!" instead of his grip loosening it tightened, you hissed from the pressure.

The boy still had you in his grip but was way to curious for his own good, he started yanking and pulling on the tubes that connected you to your breathing tank "What the fuck are these?" by now your heart was pounding in your chest as 'Dont pull them' repeated over and over in your head.

You snapped.

A giant puff of neon smoke released from your neck and hands, blocking everyones sight. 

Slowly you managed to break free from the boys bone crushing grip and ran in a random direction hoping to escape and go home.

This is the very first time you had ever been afraid in forever.

You ran for your life towards the purple mist, eventually reaching it and tripping into it.

(Words 631)

(A/N: I really hope you guys are enjoying this book so far because im in LOVE with writing it -w-! dont forget to vote <3 ily all! its 1 am and i rEALLY need sleep.)

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