A Queens Greedy Reign

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It has been days since you last saw that Bi-colored male and you were quite frankly upset you missed seeing his frightened face.

You needed a few things for a specific recruit and went into town in casual clothing to retrieve the list they gave you.

Since quirks were 80% of the population there had to be a store that was just for needs of peoples quirks, right?

Although there wasn't a 'Quirk shop' there was a witchcraft store, which definitely sparkled curiosity in you.

Pushing the door open slowly and hearing the faint ringing of a bell and a 'Coming!' from the backroom was enough to make your curiosity grow.

A man stepped out from behind some curtains, he seemed extremely tired with dark bags under his eyes along with striking black and white hair "What can I help you with fine lady?" you fixed your collar on your shirt "I just need a few witchcraft books along with a tank of arsine, which I heard you carry...Correct?" he nodded slowly "Yes we do carry that, what do you need it for if you don't mind me asking?"

reaching in your cloaks inside pockets you pulled out some yen "Its for a machine I'm building, anyway how much for one witchcraft book and a tank of arsine?" the man seemed to contemplate "id say 15000 Yen" with no words you pulled out the yen "What is a young girl like you walking around looking for tanks of arsine and witchcraft? shouldn't you be in school...?" you handed over the yen "That's for me to know.." he sighed "Alright whatever kid, let me get what you need.

After standing there for around 5 minutes the man comes out with a metal wagon with the arsine tank and the book "If you can return the wagon.." he simply said, disappearing behind the curtains once more.

As you were walking down the sidewalk you spotted a familiar ally way shortcut, taking a turn you headed off before stopping dead in your tracks.

It was him.

That brat.

Todoroki, he was completely oblivious of your presents but it seemed he was too focused to care.

Pulling out your phone you dialed someone


"We might have to do the transition sooner..." and with that you hung up, scattering away from the boy and off to the hideout.

bursting through the door you laid the book down onto the ground and flipped through most of the pages until you found it.

You finally found it.

Witchcraft transition: A spell that can transmit magic energy from someone with a spell/ witch quirk to share their magic with the person of their choosing, but the agreement must be mutual.

You giggled to yourself like a lovesick schoolgirl "Get ready.."

-one week later-

"I need someone to find this boy.." You held a picture of a boy with striking green hair "we need to find him tonight, and Azari. I need to use your power tonight."

Two masked members left the hideout to find the green haired boy as you talked things over with Azari

"Ma'am you do know it will only last for 10 minutes, right?" you sighed in frustration "Are you serious?!" you scratched your scalp violently "Whatever! ill get dresses, get the ritual ready when you get a call from them finding the boy..."

You walked away to put your villain costume, it was a sleeveless black trench coat with fur on the collar and end of it, black button up shirt, ripped black jeans and knee-high boots with spikes on the heel. (I'll be drawing it soon, ill edit it l8r tho-)

The phone rang and Azari picked up, she talked with the person and hung up "Ma'am! I'm starting the ritual, they will send me live locations of the boy!" you smiled widely "finally.."

A magic circle drawn with chalk was in the middle of the floor with 4 candles lit around it "Step into the circle" you were actually excited...You could now defeat a very powerful uprising hero, someone better not get in your way.

"If I seem in pain continue, ill be fine" you assured Azari as you stepped into the circle "Alright" and with that she started to read and cast spells upon your body until suddenly the circle was ignited, your body felt like someone was ripping it apart, screams erupted from your throat and the sound of wind blowing was all you heard.

Red and black bandages latched onto your arms wrapping tightly against your skin while other bandages latched to your neck. After the brutal transformation you fell to the floor, not even knowing you had been semi-floating during that whole thing, the ribbons seemed to float away from you.

"Where is the location.."

-Time Skip-

You had arrived at the set location not only to find the boy but a rival "Stain.." you whispered to yourself there could only be ONE hero hating villain, and of course, it could only be you.

You unleashed the ribbons that were bound to your wrist harshly and watched as they tied up Stain, Midoriya, the boy you had been after turned around to see you, he gasped "The gas villain: Inhuman!" he screeched a bit by your attack on stain as you suddenly hurled him into a wall.

"There can only be ONE! VI-" ice trailed up your feet, you turned to see him. That brat.

You unleashed the ribbons on your neck and sent them flying at violent speeds towards him "TODOROKI!" Midoriya called out to him but it was a little too late.

Your ribbons had now captured Todoroki, he kept his hair down and his voice silent, you giggled psychotically "Aw.. and now this is where the adventure end-" he lit himself aflame burning the ribbons off his body

"Midoriya, you have to send more than your location.."

A/N: I changed your villain name bc the other one was so dUMB i made it up so fast- ANYWAY- hope you enjoy this long ass chapter

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