A Joke Taken to Far

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Kids use to joke about how your quirk could 'take someone's breath away' and how you could easily make someone 'burn to a crisp'

It hurt. Every word that left their mouths that involved your quirk hurt.

It wasn't your fault... It wasnt.. Right?

At birth, you came out not being able to breathe, and slowly dying in your mother's arms. No matter how desperately they tried your body refused to receive the oxygen you were being given. Out of pure luck, a Quirkologist who was extremely talented in her research and work realized your lungs only refused oxygen because they needed to receive Arsine, a highly toxic and flammable gas.

They would not allow your parents to take you home and for 4 weeks you were hooked to a mask that helped your lungs receive the arsine gas, you weren't even old enough to know how much of an issue to society you would be.

Breathing for you was entirely different than anyone else. You breathed in Arsine and breathed out carbon dioxide, like most. Since day one you were given a tank and breathing mask so you could receive arsine.

Your quirk could activate through microscopic holes in your hands and neck, releasing a gas that could suffocate and kill someone in seconds, and if exposed to fire it would blow up. Your father always told you to NEVER use your quirk to harm someone and you were constantly scolded when you threatened to even activate it.

Your mother loved to garden and would usually invite you to help her.

"See. You are helpful.." Your job in the garden was to kill the weeds, allowing only a little gas out of your palms. Although your parents loved you and your quirk others did not, so soon came the day you would finally snap.

There you stood, men and women dead all around you, cameras and guns pointed at your figure and hot wet tears traveling down your cheeks.


Neon blue gas released from your palms and neck, but what the officers and police didn't know is that your quirks gas was highly flammable. Bombs were thrown at you, what a dumb choice...

The bombs that were lit set aflame the gas causing a mass breakout of fire anywhere there was gas. One bomb had crept a little closer and exploded, burning you in the process, screams of agony rang in the ears of bystanders, you had fallen onto the ground, spasming from the intense pain of exposed flesh. that day you fled the scene, some say you fled because of an injury and others say you were too scared to fight anymore.

Only a few weeks later an uprising villain had arisen, the all feared villain Pain-Killer; Explosive and dangerous, someone who could literally, blow anyone away.

Although you were a fearsome villain, not all who crossed paths with you fell dead upon your quirk. Somewhere worthy opponents but others were amateur heroes and jealous villains fighting for a larger title. This quickly led your name to be spread upon the city to city, parent to parent, child to child, and student to student.

All emotions from you had vanished, as if you were some robot only programmed to cause chaos upon people, nothing made you show emotion anymore. Not even killing anyone could make you crack. The last time you felt something was when you where with your parents.

 Your mind became corrupt, every hero was worthless and deserved to die, especially those who are only in for it for the money and fame it brings upon their name. It was disgusting, seeing people live out their dreams of being a hero when that could have been you.

(627 Words)

(A/N: HERE IT ISSSSS i have 0 Self control. so UHH WAHAUFAED SORRY HAAH- hope you enjoy this first chapter -w-!!! ily dont forget to vote ;w;)

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