A Vigilante For a Day

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(WARNING: This chapter has triggering subjects.)

Sitting up from the place on her couch the (h/c) the girl rubbed her tired and heavy eyes.

It was silent, and not the good type. A silence that is so thick it could kill.

This was odd for her hideout to be so quiet, what was causing this?

Adjusting her breathing tank the (tall/short) girl observed her hideout, it seemed as if someone had broken in.. How come she didn't hear them?

This hideout had no windows and little to no natural light, the only room that had natural light was yours but you always kept it closed due to paranoia. Lighting a candle the girl looked around until she saw the doorknob to the entrance door was missing and on the ground... Which I'm pretty sure wasn't supposed to be on the floor.

Panic washed over the girl as she realized that dried blood, scratches and chains were littered on the floor.

[(Y/N) P.O.V]

"What...The fuck." you angerly thought as you picked up the heavy chains "they need to clean their messes up.." your teeth gritted eachother. Your attention was turned away from the chains as you heard a fairly loud bang against the door, knowing it could be the police or even a hero you simply avoided the door and waited behind the couch.

The banging soon went away and you had now decided to see what was going on in the public so you pulled up social media, but not the normal social media.

You had access to a specific place of the internet, you could see things people normally wouldn't see, like kidnappings, murders, abusers, and people with illegal porn.

Corvano Leo: Child abuser. Age: 24.

You weren't doing anything today so why not become a vigilante for a day?

You headed out to the address under the man's name in search to help those children out.

Finally, you came to a shady apartment and knocked "Hello?" you said fairly loudly.

A man with bright blue eyes and black hair opened the door "Can I help you?" he said in a gruff, deep voice.

Smiling a bit you peeked in his apartment "Yes you can, by getting out of my way. I know you have been abusing some children here and it definitely not leaving without a fight." you scolded.

"hey.. aren't you that teenage villain? whats her name... Inhumane? whats a runt like you doing here? and how the hell do you know I even have kids?" his questions kept flowing and you grew tired of his stalling.

Putting your palm over his face you blasted him with the gas watching him fall back and his eyes water. "Hey!" you said stepping over the now dead or unconscious man "I'm here to save you!" and with that two children stepped out from behind a door frame tattered in bruises, motioning them to leave they scurried past you.

You watched as they hurried out into the streets getting the attention of by standers and most likely telling them the conditions they had to deal with. Stepping back over the man on the floor you headed on your way.

Stopping abruptly you saw him, what were the chances? did the world just hate you?

You no longer cared if you got caught, someone would bail you out anyway..

Running at a decent pace you caught up with the bi-colored male, kicking him in the back of the knee causing him to stutter in his step.

He turned around to see you, the person who said hated him. He got into a fighting stance from instinct as you just stood there... Wearing the same emotionless face you always do.

"What do you want." he spat in an angered tone "No need to get fussy... I'm just.. bored." he squinted, unsure if you were actually bored or up to something.

"Why should I trust you?" he slowly relaxed "I don't know, I wouldn't trust myself but it's up to you." shrugging you walked next to him "where are you off to?"


You and Todoroki have been walking down the same sidewalk for 30 minutes complaining about several things "You know.. I just hate them" he looked over at you, puzzled "Whose 'them?'" your fist clenched "The people who made me who I am." you stopped abruptly.

"Whats wrong.." looking around he spotted Midoriya in the distance, Todoroki turned to see if you also noticed his presence but you had disappeared. He figured you had just gone home until he saw you leap from a building to get close to the green haired boy.

he could practically see your tail flick in curiousity but failed to notify Midoriya about your presence before it was to late. Jumping from the roof of a building you landed on Midoriya.

"Long time no see!" you said adding a bit of emotion to the end of the sentencem the boy underneath you was in so much shock he couldnt form a sentence until he finally gained the ability to move once again.

He brutally pushed you off in fear "What the hell man!" you screamed at him "Im here to say hello.." you bowed. Midoriyas eyebrows furrowed "How do i know youre not here for something more?" you stood up straight, shrugging "I dont know.." you paused  a bit "Honestly if you want you could take me to jail." Midoriya was not one to hesitate when people could most likely be in danger, especially if a villain like you was in plain sight.

As if on cue some of your comrads had jumped from the roofs of several buildings and had lined up behind you. "Midoriya i know what you've been through.. Bakugou is a little shit and deserves punishment" you held your hand out only for him to back up in horror "Bakugou didnt know any better! plus its just his anger talking!" your face contorted into a creepy smile "And how do you know that?"

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