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A small child runs to her father eagerly yanking his pant leg "Dad! Do you think ill ever become a hero?" the girl said hoping all around. The man bent down patting his daughters head "of course.. Anything is possible if you put your heart into it" the girl beamed, eyes bringing tears from joy as she hugged her father.

The girls first day of school and she discovered her quirk, most would be excited about finding out their quirk but the girl regretted everything.

"(Y/N) just killed all the plants!!" a child screamed "Go away! you're killing the plants!" the girl backed up into the corner "n-no I didn't mean to!" her eyes watered as she tried to reason with the other children "Liar!" they shouted at her.

From that day forward she would forever be called a villain.

In middle school, she struggled with bullying.

"You deserve this, after all we're the heroes and you're the villain." a boy spat at the girl lying down on the cold cement covered in bruises. She didn't respond. She didn't want to respond. She felt empty. She walked home after the boys left, once again covered in bruises, scrapes, and cuts.

The girl opened the front door "Welcome home honey." her father smiled, she forced herself to smile back "Hi dad.." swiftly she went past him and to her room, around the corner.

Throwing the book bag she carried onto the floor she threw herself onto the bed and cried. Why were they so mean? What did she do to deserve this? Why was she the only one targeted?

The next day she seemed to empty and soulless. A loud thud was heard when the same boys from yesterday slammed her into a locker "Whoops.. Sorry! I don't see worthless humans." he chuckled along with his friends as he continued walking by her.

It wasn't until lunch when it all went wrong.

Usually (y/n) went to a coffee shop during her lunch period, since its the only place she won't be verbally and physically abused by her classmates.

Unfortunately the same boy who pushed her into the lockers saw her walk off to the coffee shop.

The boy was quick to catch up with his comrades as he slammed his foot into the back of her knee, causing the girl to fly forward.

She turned around horrified. the people she desperately wanted to escape had now found her.

The boy smiled as he looked down at her shaking frame "stop being such a bitch and fight me for once you villain."

That was it. her patience shattered.

Slowly, the girl stood up, head down low as a shadow cast itself upon her face making her eyes barely visible.

Huge, thick amounts of gas leaked from her hands as she slowly raised her head, eyes wide and a grim eerie blank face, she stared into his eyes and spoke.

"If a villain is what you want me to become then you... WILL RECEIVE YOUR DESIRE!"

And with that a wave of neon blue gas covered half the street in seconds. "This is your quirk? this is the shittiest quirk I've ever-" the boy went to inhale but choked, throat constricting as his lungs refused the gas in the air.

He looked horrified, His eyes filled with tears as he coughed violently then suddenly collapsing.

His comrades had fled away from him and called the police on (y/n) since they had no idea what she'd do next.

She clenched her fist tightly as tears to freely flow down her red face as she heard sirens.

Around 15 armored police had their guns pointed at  (y/n), along with cameramen getting the scene on live tv, little did they knew a mass murder would take place.

The girls teeth gritted together "Come forward and put your hands up!" one police officer shouted, the tears felt like more and more were coming as she stepped forward and shouted.


A wave of gas swept upon the police as they looked at each other confused, then suddenly started dropping like flies.

No matter what they did they would choke and die, they had no knowledge of (y/n)s quirk and what the damage was when inhaled.

A shattered, broken girl committing lethal chaos.

Sobs wracked the girl's frame as she ran through always as fast as possible after having been burned from her face down on the right side. Some how she managed to arrive at her house, swinging the door open and crawling in from unbearable pain as she fetched bandages and other medicines to help the stinging and burning pain go down.

A broken voice called out to the girl sitting on the floor with medical supplies sprawled out

"(y/n)... Honey... W-why? Panic rushed through the small girl's veins as she had to think fast.

Gas filled the house in a matter of seconds as the sound of clashing metal was heard until the girl pulled a box of matches from the cabinet.

With a simple flick of her wrist, the match was aflame as she flicked it towards her mothers trembling frame. (Y/N) Escaped that with little to no damage.\

And to think... The girl who committed such a crime was only 13 years of age.

A (h/c) girl opened her eyes from her spot on the couch breathing heavily

"It....Was just a dream.." she wheezed.

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