Change Of Heart

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[Y/n] doesn't remember how she found herself back at the league of villains hideout, getting ready to attack a camping trip filled with UA students, but she was. If she were to refuse they might skin her alive, burn her or do something even more stomach twisting. She observed everyone around her before her eyes met the same icy blue eyes as before. In all his stupid glory stood the patchworked man she fought in an alleyway. The man seemed to have noticed her, giving her a very stern and angry look before turning his gaze away from her frame.

This time [Y/n] was prepared for this attack, she had on and fireproof clothing, she didn't know what would happen with this kids and she wasn't taking any chances. The girl continued to look around until spotting a man in a black straight jacket, his teeth bared for all to see as drool dripped from his mouth. [Y/n] shuttered, these people were psychotic.

Her attention was focused on the whirling purple mist in front of her, she watched as one by one everyone stepped in, leaving her to step in last. [Y/n] knew for a fact shed most likely see Shouto, she was 100% positive about it and she wasn't ready. Right away the girl noticed she had been placed somewhere in the middle of the forest, it was well rounded and the trees were fairly tall, around 18-30 FT.

The burned girl crept around, seeing if she cold spot anyone in the midst of the green leaves. [y/n] made sure her breathing tank was secured and wouldn't come undone if it happened to snag on a branch. Before she turned back to her original place she spotted a group of visibly horrified student huddling, a girl with a frog appearance and another with a rounded face and brown hair.
They held hands, making the girl sick to her stomach. She watched as they were continuously attacked by the teenage female Toga Himiko, the completely psychotic, blood addicted high school student wanted in several murder cases.

She ignored the pleads from the two teens and violently attacked them, desperately trying to get the brown haired girls blood for her quirk. [Y/n] turned around, walking away from the scene before she stumbled into an area of smoke, it was grey in color and seemed to have spread everywhere. Looking around she spotted another group of students behind a bush, a black haired female seemingly creating gas mask from her skin.

Once again [y/n] walked away from the scene, she wasn't meant to attack anyone, she was just here in case something didn't go right and she had to kill them quickly. Finally, her legs stuttered as a wave of purple fire swept the forest, igniting the trees on fire. The girl was sent into panic mode. She hated fires, they always brought up bad memories.
Her eyes grew wide, her feet planted to the ground being unable to move as she relived her worst moment, when she became a victim of her own quirk.

[Y/n] snapped out of her trace, rushing towards the source of the fire coming up from behind the black sea urchin.

"HEY!" her voice laced in anger "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?" He turned around, a shit eating smirk planted on his dumb face. "Im simply getting rid of these brats, although the plan backfired."

Looking behind the man she saw Shouto carrying someone on his back, along with other students like a green haired boy. Her eyes flashed between the spiky haired man and the bi-colored boy, she had made a choice.

Her fist clamped shut before the man had noticed what she was doing, she attacked. She severed his body in two with the side blades on her armor. She thought she had finally won before it seemingly melted away, revealing it was just a clone.

She stood seething in front of the UA students, they watched her posture fix and her stone eyes stare right at them. Her [E/c] hues met with mismatched Ice blue and grey eyes. Her gaze seemed to travel above the group of students, confusing them even more before she rushed forward.

Right before she reached them she had seemed to change her mind, or so they thought. Turning around everyone saw what she had been looking at. A weird man in a black straight jacket with his teeth shown was flipping and flopping and had seemed to be following them.

"TIME TO BE A FUCKING HERO!" the girl swung her foot into one of the villains teeth, shattering it into splinters. Everyone stared in astonishment, a sudden change of heart. [y/n] knew broken people had a habit of making hell feel like home, she was sick and tired of running away and fighting for her life.

She knew she could never take back the many lives she had taken in her four years as a run away villain but she was willing to try, change her heart and mind and use her quirk in a positive way.

More teeth shot at the girl, quickly she reacted lifting her foot up, spinning around and cracking the sharp teeth. "IVE HAD ENOUGH!" she shouted before gripping another one of the villains teeth and using it as a boost to get near.

She slammed her fist into the villains jaw, knocking out half of his teeth and breaking what was left. He fell onto the ground, wiggling in pain and saying incoherent things to himself.

Everyone stared at the girl, knowing who she was they backed away from her, even Shouto was frightened.

[y/n]s eyes widened before she ran off through the burnt trees and bushes, disappearing once again.

She certainly was a cowardly villain now.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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