Watch out for the blood hound

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You huffed 'Finally.. I'm away from them..' turning your head you looked back to make sure they weren't following you only to be knocked to the ground.


Slowly you got up, turned away and continued to walk.

'I cant attack them, they will certainly defeat me easily..' your fist clenched 'stupid..'

Luckily for you, the three boys didn't bother to catch up with you.

Walking down another ally way you bumped into someone 'are you fucking serious.' you mentally screamed, why was this person even here?

"Ah.. (Y/n)" the man with the black hood spoke "Beat it Shigaraki, I don't want to listen to your crusty voice" you walked past him "and don't say my name ever again." you continued to walk down the silent ally, ignoring and drowning out the sound of Shigarakis bitching.

You drowned out the noise so much you had no idea he was running after you, he gripped your shoulder with all five of his hands as the sleeveless green trench coat disintegrated in his grip, exposing your skin. The flesh started to crack.

"YOU IDIOT!" your voice echoed in the ally as you swung your foot around, roundhouse kicking him, although you didn't knock him unconscious you did manage to make him stumble back "You..." gripping your shoulder you hissed in pain "YOU'RE AN ASSHOLE?! AFTER EVERYTHING I HAVE DONE FOR YOU!" you shouted at him.

"All you did was give us route maps.. Don't act like you seriously helped us" he cracked a smile with his crusty lips, his eyes almost glowing in the dark of the night, how disgusting.

You yanked up your skirt to reveal the garter pouches you handmade and pulled out sharp throwing knives that seemed to shine even in the dim moonlight. Your arm retracted back as you charged to Shigaraki, you sat on top of him, knife to his throat "You're so annoying, killing you now would be a blessing to anyone." he smirked, grabbing the tube that connected to your mask and arsine tank.

"It would be a shame.. If this were to wither away."

he teasingly hovered his pinky over the tube, your face going pale-

"What? Scared you might die?"

That was it. You snapped once again. Large, thick amounts of gas released from your palms into the air, Shigaraki knew of your quirk but not the details, so he was screwed.

You got off him, backing up and reached into the pouch pulling a box of matches out and lighting it.

You looked him dead in the eyes and flicked the match in his direction, setting aflame most of the space around him.

"I bet this isn't what you had intended" and with that, you left him to burn.

Thankfully your walk home was very peaceful with little to no interruptions.

Pushing open the door of your hideout all your members seemed to be gathered around a certain area

"What are you doing?"

They all visibly jumped to the sound of your cold voice "Nothing boss!"

You weren't buying it. "Move aside before I kill you all" "Y-YES MA'AM!"

A chart was hung on the wall, it showed all routes both secret and nonsecret and other odd things. "Who did this? I'm not mad I'm just curious."

A girl you recruited some time ago because of her unique quirk raised her hand "I did ma'am. I did it so we would have a better advantage" The girl wore a along with a hooded black cape that seemed to slightly float.

"Thank you..." her face flushed a bit "Its Azari..." she removed her mask to reveal her slanted and jagged misaligned "Thank you Azari." the girl bowed "it was my pleasure."

You walked to your room with all the plans you personally mapped out along with unknown routes

"Get ready U.A"

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