Some Truth In Her Lies

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(Y/N) Turns around, she had finished a battle she didn't want to start.

"That fucker was a waste of time." after turning the corner she saw someone up ahead "Hello? I don't have all fucking day." once those words left her mouth the figure started to walk forward.

Her eyes squinted, trying to see who this mystery person could be until she noticed something all too familiar: red hair.

"YOU BASTARD!" a shrill left the girls throat once she realized who the person was "GET AWAY FROM ME!"

The person was finally in full view, the scar over his left eye visible now in the dim moonlight.

He sighed before taking in a breath to speak "Inhumane. Do you think this is what your father wants.. or wanted?"

The girls face softened, her eyes began to burn and her throat was dry, she wanted to talk but barely mustered out the word "no..." (Y/N)s eyes clamped shut as she turned her head to the side, a shadow being cast upon her features.

"you.." her voice was husk, it burned from even saying a single syllable but she went on "YOU DON'T KNOW ME!"

The young boy opened his mouth to protest but was quickly silenced when the girl began to speak once more "what could I do..?" Her face flushed red from trying to contain her emotions from breaking free.

"my quirk... WAS MADE TO KILL!" Her sudden outburst made the boy step back, by now she was crying, tears streaming down her face as she stepped forward "HOW COULD SOMEONE LIKE ME BECOME ONE OF THEM!" her fist balled up as she scrunched her eyebrows "HOW!?"

She began to step closer "HOW IS SOMEONE LIKE ME SUPPOSE TO TELL THE PERSON THEY LOVE THEY DIDNT FEEL GOOD ENOUGH!" her facade began to crumble, her once strong appearance depleting "HOW! TELL ME!" her voice was ragged and strained.

The boy stood there before speaking "You could have simply told him.. Inhumane, hes been looking for you, his daughter.. you know he would do anything to help you"

her eyebrows furrowed, even more, pulling up her mask so she could talk better "HE DIDNT HELP ME! HE IGNORED ME!" her cry made him step back a bit farther away from the broken girls figure "HE KNEW I WASNT ALRIGHT, HE KNEW I WAS GETTING BULLIED!" her voice strained once more, large amounts of salty tears trailing down her small face "AND HE DIDNT DO SHIT! HE JUST SAT ON THE SIDELINES AND WATCHED!"

The girl's knees finally gave out as she fell onto the pavement, her arms outstretched catching her as she angerly stared at the ground, her vision blocked by hot tears.

"he didn't do anything..."

Her body curled up, her back hunched as she cried, her whimpers were soft and her breath was uneven.

(Y/N) felt a hand on her back, she wanted to push it off, yell at the person touching her, but she couldn't, she was so tired and broken her strength had died out.

"Inhumane... You don't have to stay like this. You don't have to be a villain anymore.." suddenly the girl's body sat up, pushing the bi-colored male away from her "I DONT HAVE A CHOICE!" her voice seemed to echo and her breath was getting quicker meaning she was slowly suffocating "I don't know what else to do..."

She began to stand up, her face dried of tears as she pulled her mask up and over her mouth and right side of her face "but we cant always get what we want..." her eyebrows furrowed more as she turned around "You know... I only became a villain to be respected... and once I realized that fear was getting me what I wanted I became more and more fierce"

(Y/N) turned her head over her shoulder to look at the boy with her good eye "I never wanted any of this.. But it's too late to turn back." she went to leave the boy but he tackled her, making her back hit the cold pavement.

His eyes were saying something she couldn't quite understand, something she hadn't felt in a while, something foreign.

His lips turned down into a small frown, opening his mouth his lips seemed to quiver "you're a good person but you're making all the wrong decisions!" her eyes widened momentarily before returning back to her angry facade "WHERE WAS MY HELP WHEN I WAS ALMOST KILLED!" the boy above her seemed shocked at her statement, his eyes widening.

"wh-what do you mean?" her eyes furrowed more, her teeth gritting "I was always the villain as a child when we played Hero VS Villain and it was taken to far. I was pushed into a running river and struggled to make it out without drowning."

Her legs sneaked their way to the boys stomach as she brutally kicked him off of her form.

"If you ever see me again.." she looked him straight in the eyes "Kill me." saying that she jumped up off the pavement making a break for it.

The boy watched as she disappeared from view before he gripped his chest, near his heart "I wish I could have helped you..."

A/N: AHA! here it is~ my very first chapter of 2018.. hope yall enjoy this and sorry for it bein late.. i couldnt figure out a scenario and finally.. F I N A L L Y had come up with one! so taaadaaa!

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