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                                                                          Chapter 1

                "Run Sky run !", I looked back at my brother laying on the ground holding onto his rib cage in the waterfall of blood, thick and haunting. I couldn't leave him but he told me to I didn't want to but still I did as told... so I ran. I ran in the woods behind the old cemetery, there I let the darkness guide me, not knowing where I was or where I was headed I just ran and cried I ran to go get help... wait help? What would that do? Nothing. I'm already a criminal, I can't trust anyone all everyone wants to do is kill me, why you ask? I'm kind of apart of a well known dangerous gang, "Scriptures", now they want to kill me cause I figured out their little plan, I know what they're about to do, what they will create... ciaos. I didn't want to end up like this I just wanted my dad to come back, I never knew he didn't care for anyone including me, he's willing to kill everyone in his path because he's fucking crazy. Run Skylar run, faster, faster, don't stop don't look back.

               My lungs started to burn and itch, I feel like I ran about 5 miles. Everyone in that funeral home should be dead, it exploded before I scurried into the woods. I bent down and rested my hands on my knees panting, building up enough courage I looked back not seeing nothing but a cloud of smoke. I stood in this position for a good minute then stood straight feel a shock of pain go through my body and feeling light headed, they beat me up pretty bad. I examined my body looking at my bruises and now scars, I had a huge cut on my left thigh blood soon filled my socks, I took off my sweater and ripped off the bottom of it wrapped the torn piece around my injured thigh then wrapped my sweater around my waist. "I can't stay here I have to keep moving", I soon realized that I could be being watched right now so I took off to what I think was east, it felt about 2am and I felt drowsy and my vision was starting to blur. "Alex, Alex", I began to repeat my elder brother's name while sobbing and walking, actually limping trying to find something to lean on. The ground felt weird, the trees disappeared, I think I came to a road, I focused my vision on yellow lines in the middle of the road. there was something else, headlights. "No!!", I started trying to run away but ended up jogging down the road, the car was coming closer and I was getting slower, weaker, soon I fell onto the ground dropping my weight on the pavement. I felt paralyzed and my vision completely blurred but I still saw the headlights stop and a shaky figure came into my view, soon I closed my eyes. 


            "Ouch my forehead", I felt weird but comfy... I think I'm dead? I rubbed my eyes to find a ceiling fan, I turned my head only finding a dresser with a glass of water and my clothes. After I finally realized that I revived fully, I sat up feeling a mixture of pain. "Shit!", I looked down at my arm and then my body, all I saw was white and brown bandages, panic struck, I've been held captive! They're going to kill me, why didn't they do it now? I gotta get out of here. I swung the blankets off of my legs and hopped out of the bed but I let out a small cry, I forgot about my thigh. Building up enough energy I crawled to the window pulling myself up but it was boarded up. I'm trapped. " Going somewhere?", I turned my back looking more deeper to the corner of my room, a short African American woman with light brown hair stared at me. "Who are you? Are you going to kill me?", I started asking question I don't want answered scared of my fate,"if you kill me then you won't know the secret plan that's going to corrupt in a week tops". She smiled at me and giggled," sweetie there's nothing to be afraid of we're here to help you, to bring down this so called organization", "we?", I asked puzzled. She giggled again and told me how she, along with a group of people, have been trying to bring down the Scriptures and that they needed my help. They were supposed to put an end to them, at least that's what they said.

          I followed the woman downstairs, Kate was her name, she introduced me to four other people ,two men and another  woman. They greeted me with open arms and they told me everything about how the Scriptures began in Mexico murdering everything in it's way all the way down to New York killing over 10,000 people, over a hundred people in it's gang. They started asking me questions and they said they wouldn't hurt me and that it would be okay, I still didn't trust them until they said that they knew where my father was. I told them my whole story from the start. It went down like this.....

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