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~the night~

"Okay so you are a ballerina who does nothing interesting in her life but to jump around and go to bars when she is tired of her perfect life." Michael continued, when he was tired of hearing Charlotte talk about her life.

"Hey! I am interesting! And my life is nowhere near perfect." Charlotte protested.

"Oh really, princess? When was the last time you did something fun?"

"I rode a rollercoaster last weekend."

"I mean something really interesting, not a temporary bliss. What have you always wanted to do but never did because you were too afraid of the consequences?"

"Well, I kinda like tattoos."

~the day after~


"Luke, you have to help me."

"What do you want me to do, Mickey, it's not like I can make a movie out of what happened last night so we could see it."

"Don't ever fucking call me Mickey again." I absolutely hate when he calls me that. "Why wasn't the bartender there? I have so many questions."

"I wish I could help mate, I really do, but it's just a tattoo, it even makes you look more punk rock."

"It's not just a tattoo, it's a permanent mark on my skin which I have to find the meaning behind because I did it with a girl and that's all I can remember."

"Just wait until tomorrow and talk to the bartender, Cam or Cal or whatever he was called."

"Don't even say the name Cal."

"Calum really is sorry, you know, they both are, for what they did to you."

"They betrayed me Luke, sorry doesn't cut it."

After a chat over meaningless things and a game of FIFA Luke went home and left me alone with my thoughts.

Laying in my bed, all I can think about is that it was all like I woke up with amnesia and forgot about the little things about last night. If that girl meant so much to me to make me get a tattoo with her, why wouldn't I even remember her name, wait I think it was something like Juliet or Catherine or Amelia, no, no, no, I don't remember anything about her. Maybe tomorrow...

~two days after~


I got up at 8:30 a.m. and realized that today I would get what I really needed, answers.

I made breakfast for me and Noémi and woke her up, of course we got into a pillow fight because she didn't want to wake up before 11, but, once I told her that I made breakfast, she jumped out of bed and headed to the kitchen.

"So..." She dragged her word as she ate the nutella covered toast. "You know that the pub  is probably closed right now and that I like to rest on the only dance free day of the week, so why did you wake me up?"

"Well, I kind of need some help buying a new underwear for mydinnerwithIrwin." I purposely said the last part too quick because I had some explaining to do.

"Sorry, what? I didn't quite get the last part, what do you need new underwear for?" She mocked me because I think she got every word I said.

"You know how I went to the Irwin's yesterday? Well, it was just me and Ashton because Lauren and Harry were at their friends houses and Anne Marie was working with Antony, the new choreographer, and we ended up having a movie and pizza night. We started by watching 'Friends with benefits' because that was probably the only movie I hadn't seen yet and had always been dying to see. In the middle of the movie, Ash started asking me if I'd ever consider being like that with anyone and I answered that for me it was impossible for one of the people involved not to fall for the other, but he stated that it was possible, and even when the movie ended and I proved I was right he said that he wanted to proof his theory. I know what you are thinking you perv, but nothing happened and we ended up falling asleep on the couch. Then it was 1 a.m., Anne Marie got home and she woke me and said that she could give me a ride back, which was very kind of her, but I am distracting myself from what I really what to say which is that yesterday, Ashton texted me if I would mind to be part of his experiment, for his theory, and so he asked me out for dinner today and said that we could go to his friend Calum's house, since he would be getting high in a party somewhere."

"So, you and Irwin are like fuck buddies now?"

"I guess you can call it that, I don't plan on falling in love with my best friend, which feels like almost my brother, and he doesn't clearly want to fall for me, at least that's what he says now."

"You go glen coco!"

"Stop quoting mean girls, Noémi, that is so not fetch."

"This is why I love us."

"Let's just go, because you know how long I take shopping."


We got to the mall and headed to our favorite lingerie store, I chose the cutest black lace set and Noémi still can't believe that I am doing this with Irwin, but I don't see what's wrong with having a little fun while proving him wrong.

Hiyaa :) this was just a quick update, that I hoped you enjoy. I know you wanted something to happen between Ashton and Chuck, but not this time ;)

Shout out to the real Noémi for being an awesome lad :)

Hope you are enjoying the story :D

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