xv|| seventeen xv||

56 7 1

"So, do you still like Chuck?" Anne asked, changing the topic.

"What?" I shuttered.

"I asked you if you liked Charlotte."

"Yeah, I mean, she's a nice girl."

"You and I both know that wasn't what I meant, Michael."

"Fine, I don't know. I really don't know and I hate the fact that I can't be next to her without thinking of what would have happened if I wasn't a jerk when we met, or even what would have happened if I wasn't that drunk when I was at the bar."

"The worst thing you can do to yourself Is to start thinking about the 'what if's and all of the things that could have happened but actually didn't. If you want to make things right you need to start thinking more about the future and less about the past."

"You are right, Anne, I just-"

"You're scared, I know but you better decide if you want to sit around and watch Chuck and Ashton get all lovey dovey around you or if you want to make her yours."

"Why do I feel like your only telling me this because you have this little, tiny, huge crush on Ashton?"

"I may or may not find him attractive, yes. If that's what your suggesting." She blushed.

"How cute, my little sister has a crush." I "aw'd" and poked her cheek.

"Stop it! I do not have a crush! You're the worst brother ever!" She laughed, trying to keep a straight face.

"Shut up, you know you love me and I'm the best brother ever." I tickled her.

"Fine, fine you are awesome and rad. Just stop tickling me!" She said, almost running out of breath. "Now, you better head off to the mall, because Stacey just texted me that Chuck is there, alone. And if you want to do a big romantic gesture now is the best time."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." I said unamused while she continued chuckling. "But I should get going, to buy groceries and stuff."

"Yeah, yeah, just get the girl Guy Clifford."

"Guy Clifford? Well, that's new, girl Clifford." I mocked her.

"Shut up?"

"That sounded more like a question."

"I thought you said you needed to get going?"

"And I do. Bye." I answered, walking towards the door.

Now I just felt stupid, I can't be with Charlotte, I can't like Charlotte, all because I know what it's like to be on the other side. I know how it feels to be betrayed and I just can't do that to Ashton, he is a great guy and he doesn't deserve it, but my heart cringes every time I see them together, I just want to fill his shoes but I can't.

When I reached the mall I felt completely lost, because even though it can't have more than thirty stores, I can never find her and even if I do find her, I have no idea what to say. I think I should just give up and go check out hottopic or the music store.

When I got to the music store, I headed to my favorite section, the one where you can try out the instruments. I was looking over to the new guitars and amplifiers when I heard someone start singing and playing piano, her voice was beautiful.

I didn't want to look like a creep but I was hiding near her hearing her sweet voice singing "All Of Me" by John Legend. I couldn't help but wonder who she was, her silhouette was familiar but I didn't know who it belonged, but I soon would find out when she turned around.

"Michael?" Susana asked. I've been nothing but a jerk to her. We haven't even spoken since the party where I messed everything up.

"You were amazing, Susana. I didn't knew you could sing or play piano."

"There are a lot of things that you don't know about me, Mikey." She giggled.

"I hate to mess up the good mood, but I haven't properly apologize to you since, you know... So, sorry for everything, I know it affected you too and I wasn't thinking about what I was doing and-"

"It's fine, Michael."

"-it was a selfish thing to... Wait, what?"

"It's fine, I'm over it. And you had your reasons to do what you did."

"You are a great girl, Susana."

"I've been told." She winked.

"I'm going to try out some guitars. You want to come?"

"Sure, but I can't play guitar."

"But you can sing beautifully."

"Stop it, I'm not that great."

"Yes, you are and I want to show it to you. Do you know anything by "All Time Low" or "Green day"?"

I dragged her and an acoustic guitar to the part of the store closest to the door and motioned her to sit on the ground. I started strumming "Remembering Sunday" and started singing as well, Susana joined in and soon enough we had a small crowd around us. Susana sang

Juliet Simms's part perfectly and I was blown away by her talent. After we ended our little performance some people clapped and I was so happy that she could realize how talented she actually was.

When we were getting out of the store the manager approached us and asked if we wanted to do that more often, but this time with a payment. We agreed and he asked for our contacts to book us. It was all really sudden but I can play guitar and Susana can play piano so I'm sure we'll ace it.

We decided to talk this whole thing through in the coffee shop.

"I can't believe this actually happened to me, to us actually, but you are really talented so of course it would happen to you." She rambled.

"Please, you are amazing! I don't think you've heard your voice yet." I grabbed her hand in mine and, surprisingly, she intertwined her fingers.

"Thank you." She smiled.

We were sitting on one of the tables in the back and I suddenly saw the person I was looking for actually waving at me.

I'm back biatchos <3 and I just reached 1k reads, WHAT?! I LOVE Y'ALL SO MUCH XX oh and what do you think of the new cover? yay or nay?

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