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"So what do I do now?" I asked while standing outside the door of Charlotte's house at 9 p.m.

"I think you are supposed to knock."

"And do what Luke? I can't just knock and say - hi, I am the guy you got drunk with and probably made the worst mistake of your life with too."

"Actually, you can Michael, and you will. Maybe just don't use that exact words."

As Luke gave me that precious advice, a blonde haired, short girl opened the door we were standing in front of.

"Hello, can I help you?" She raised her eyebrow in confusion of what we were doing in front of her house.

"Yes, I guess so, can we speak to Charlotte?"

"She currently isn't here, but I can leave her a message,  if you want.

I'm Noémi, by the way."

"Well Noémi, I'm Michael and this is L-" I was trailing off when Luke interrupted me.

"I'm Luke." He flashed her a shy smile, biting his lip ring.

"And I am here because... You probably noticed that Charlotte has a tattoo... I was at the bar that night and one thing lead to the other and we were both drunk and..." I continued.

My speech didn't even make sense but I think she knew the entire story and understood.

"Oh my god! You're the guy of the tattoo. I can't believe this.

Wait, how did you find her address anyway?"

"The guy who did the tattoo happens to be my friend and Charlotte left her address there."

"We looked everywhere for you, you know?

Please come in and we can speech about the night it all happened."


I woke up naked on Ashton's friend's guest bedroom. I opened my eyes to check the time on my phone, only to see a text from Noémi, where I could read:

"OMG Chuck, you won't believe this! The guy you did the tattoo with, Michael, just came by the apartment. He was really nice and he was looking for you, but don't worry, I gave him your number and told him to step by any time and bring his friend, who's a cutie btw."

How did he even find my house anyway? But I guess it was good, so now he had my number and we could finally meet up.

I grabbed the first shirt I found on the room, which I assumed was Ashton's, and headed to the kitchen for anything edible I could find.

"Oi, I'm Calum." A guy with dark hair and who looked like he had recently been in a fight, stood in the kitchen. I guess this is Ashton's friend.

"Hi Calum, I'm Charlotte. I'm Ashton's, hum, friend." I didn't really knew how to introduce myself but this would have to do.

His lips formed to an 'o' followed by a smirk, when he finally spoke. "Ashton told me all about you, he just left to buy bread but he will be here in a minute.

Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"No, not at all." I was confused but curious of what he had to ask.

"Why are you wearing my shirt?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sorry. Really sorry, I found it on the room and kind of assumed it was Ashton's." I said while heading upstairs to get my own clothes.

"Wait, you don't have to go change. It looks good on you, keep it." He winked.

I finally took a good look at the Fall Out Boy shirt I was wearing, and thanked Calum.

An uncomfortable silence was upon us until I spoke. "Do you mind if I ask you what happened to you?"

"This?" he asked while pointing at his bruised face and I nodded. "Basically, I am an awful friend and nailed my best friend's girlfriend. You can guess how that turned out."

"Well, I'm sure you had your reasons." I always tried to look at the two sides of any story.

"I really didn't, it just sort of happened, she called me and said she had a problem with the shower on her boyfriend's house, where she lives, or lived anyway. Since he was at work and I lived near by, she thought I was the best option. When I was fixing the broken shower, my shirt got all wet so I took it off, one thing lead to the other and last thing we knew my best friend was yelling while escorting me out of the house with punches." He explained.

Before I got the chance to say anything, Ashton walked in the house and the smell of fresh bread filled our noses. 

"You're finally awake. Good morning, Chuck!" He said, while pressing a soft kiss to my cheek.

"Good morning, Irwin." I took the bread off his hands and Calum placed Vegemite, nuttela, butter and milk on the table.

"I see you already met Calum." Ash grabbed the end of the shirt I was wearing, showing that he had noticed it was Calum's shirt.

"Well, I thought about a way of repaying Calum for letting us use his house and I was already naked so." I said, in the most serious tone I could find.

His eyebrows furrowed staring at me and Calum when we bursted out laughing. "I was kidding, you idiot. I thought this was your shirt when I took it off the bedroom floor and put it on, but Calum let me keep it."

"Don't play with me like that." He put an arm around my waist, kissed my temple and took a bite off this Vegemite covered slice of bread.

"Okay, daddy." I smirked.

He almost choked, and tried to cough to cover it, while I smiled.

"I better get some sleep, have a great day! Nice to meet you, Charlotte." Calum broke the tension between the three of us and headed to his room.

"Nice to meet you too. Sleep tight!" I answered.

"So... Where were we?" Ashton asked, pushing me to the cough and tickling me.

"No, Ash. Stop it. I have to get ready. Stop it!" I laughed really hard. Poor Calum, he wouldn't get much sleep with us in his house.

"Okay." He let me go and grabbed my hips as I walked to the guest room.

I put on the spare dance body and tights I had on my purse and kept Calum's shirt as part of my outfit.

It wasn't until the middle of the ride to the studio when I realized that I had forgotten my dance shoes at home, so we saw that we could make a quick stop for me to grab them.

When I reached the doorstep I didn't expect to find anything unusual, but I found person, that according to Noémi could only be Michael.

Hiyaaaa :) so I hope you are enjoying the story, if you are, you know what to do. And tell me what you think about the new cover, should I keep it or change back.

Thanks for reading!

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