x|x nineteen x|x

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing at ten a.m.

"Hey, babe!" A voice, I soon recognized as Ashton's, said.

"Hi." I mumbled, in my usual zombie morning stage.

"Did I wake you up? Sorry. My sister and I were going to the pool and we, well I, mostly, was wondering if you wanted to come with us."

"Yeah, I'd love to, do you mind if I invite Noémi?"

"No, the more the merrier! We are going to go now, but you girls show up whenever you feel like it."

"We'll probably have lunch here and then go, if that's okay?"

"Yeah, we are going to spend the whole day there so it's fine. I'll go now. I love you."

"Bye. Love you too."

I went to Noémi's room and woke her up, our movie marathon of "Mean Girls", "Clueless" and "17 Again" took it's tool on both of us.

Eventually, she got up and told me she was going to invite Luke, as well. Poor Lauren, she'll feel a little bit left out but I'm sure she'll make some friends there.

Noémi asked me if Luke could come to our house to have lunch and of course I said yes. What I did not expect was for him to bring company, and by that I mean Michael. We were all sitting on our table and it felt awkward, at least, I felt awkward, but I don't think the lovebirds saw it.

"We need to talk." I whispered to Noémi, who was finally away from Luke, and she met me in my room.

"Did you know he was coming?" I asked.

"I swear I didn't know anything. Luke just brought him because his sister was out with her friends and he was alone, plus, you know they are best friends."

"I'm not worried about him being here, I'm more worried about the fact of him being in the pool with me and Ashton."

"I completely forgot about that, just don't make a big deal out of it. Act natural." Noémi advised me.

Ten minutes later and we were three steps away from what used to be my relaxing place but now brings me nothing but stress.

"Babe!" Ashton greeted me, leaning in to kiss my lips, but I moved my face, so he was now kissing my cheek. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just a little bit tired, that's all." I lied.

"Oh, okay."

We all sat down next to each other, and I was glad Lauren was talking to Michael or it'd be very weird for them to hang out between two couples, specially Michael hang out with Ashton and me.

Ashton was great and I hated myself for thinking about Michael whenever he kissed me. There's this point in a relationship where you realize that you are either getting married or breaking up and I don't see us marrying, so it leaves one option.

"You want to know a little secret?" I heard Michael asking Lauren.

"Yes, of course." She replied.

"Part of the music Anaconda was written about me. Me and Nicky are, let's say, friends for a while now."

"You are so stupid." She chuckled.

"What? It's true. 'Dïck bigger than a tower.' says it all." He quoted.

Michael is such an idiot. I felt myself giggling and Ashton noticed.

"What's so funny, beautiful?" He asked.


"So, I'm funny is it? How about I throw you into the water? Is that so funny?!"

"Ashton, you wouldn't dare!" I warned.

"Watch me." He smirked and I ran, eventually, tripping on Luke's legs and landing right on top of Michael, wow this is just great!

"I'm so sorry." I looked into Michael's eyes only to find a sad look, even though his mouth formed a smile.

"It's fine, go run from your boyfriend."

His words were simple and powerful, he was obviously making me feel bad about us, is there even an us?

Ashton soon catches me and I end up in the water, again. What worries me the most is what would happen to our friendship if I told him our relationship just wasn't working for me. I don't want to break our bond but I don't want to marry him either.

He jumped in the water and then we headed back to our towels.

"We need to talk." I told Ashton.

"About what, beautiful?" He replied to my question.

"This. Us."

"Oh." He seemed worried, as his usual smile faded from his face. "What about us?"

"Ashton, you know I love you, right?"

"Yeah, of course."

"I love you because you've been my best friend for a long time and you've always supported me and you play a big role in my life but I just... Don't love you like you love me. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"What? I thought we were happy, you know?! I don't know what changed your mind."

"It doesn't matter what changed my mind. I realized that we are exactly like we were when we were just friends, well, except for the part of the kisses, and I don't want to change our friendship but I can't love you like you love me and I can't do this to you."

"I hope you understand that I won't stop loving you."

hey guys, i'm so emotionally unstable rn i can't even ausnsismaoanah but just know  i love ya and i'm always here for you if you want me to :) xx

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