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He was leaning at the door frame. I recognized his scent. His vanilla, mint and alcohol scent, strange but quite pleasant.

"Hi." I awkwardly started, not even knowing what to say.

"Hi." He replied copying my tone, and still not moving from the front of the door.

"Can you-." I gestured that I wanted to get inside.

"Uh, oh, sure.

I-I'm Michael." He stepped away from the door.

"I know.

Do you want to come in? I was only going to grab my dance shoes but we need to talk." I entered the house and headed to my room after motioning Michael to sit on the living room.

I headed back after I grabbed the shoes and started. "So..."

"So..." He copied me again.

"You really need to stop doing that.

And if you don't want to start on the topic, I will. Do you remember anything about the night? Because if you think your little hobby of getting girls drunk and ruin their lives is fun, think again." I snapped.

"Sorry, as far as I am concerned, you were already drunk when I even saw you, and the bartender told me it was your idea of getting a tattoo." He showed anger in his voice.

"Oh, what he told me was that I told you I always wanted to get a tattoo, not that I wanted to get it that night! But then you dragged me to your friend's tattoo shop." I continued.

"Wow, I don't even know how I got a matching tattoo with you." He showed me his tattoo.

"At least you got the good part of it.

Now if you excuse me, I have a dance class to attend." I stormed off the house, and he took that as his queue to leave too, so he followed right behind me.

"Wait, Charlotte." He called, as I was entering Ashton's car.

"What?" I yelled back.

He approached me and said "You owe the tattoo artist 30$, we only had money to buy one tattoo."

"If you think I am going to pay for something I didn't want in the first place, you are wrong.

Goodbye, Michael." I entered the car and told Ashton I was ready to leave.

From the rear-view mirror I saw Michael calling me a bitch and kicking the nearest garbage bin.

"Who was that?" Ashton asked.

"The guy of the night I got the tattoo. Now hurry or we'll be late." I quickly replied.

"What happene-."

"I don't want to talk about it."


I headed home after my lovely encounter with Charlotte. And on the way I found Luke.

"How did it go? Did you find her?" He asked.

"I did find her but honestly I'd rather not, she was such a fucking bitch. She started accusing me of getting her drunk and forcing her to make the tattoo plus she refused to pay the remaining of it." I told him.

"Is she that bad?

She is nothing like her roommate." Luke blushed out.

"You've been texting Noémi, haven't you?" I knew he was interested in her.

"Yeah, she's really nice." He couldn't stop showing that shy smile he had when we met her.

"Little Lukey has a crush." I teased him.

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