Chapter Twenty-Seven: Date day!

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

Caroline’s POV

            The stupid sun is streaming through my window and all I want to do is sleep. I glance over at the large green number on the clock. 12:56pm. I groans as I sit up and stretch great why must I wake up. I roll out of bed sit in my clothes from last night. Last night, oh my God! I kissed Damon and I loved it! Oh my… I agreed to a date with him!! What the hell happened?! I run my hand over my face striping out of my clothes and walk to the closet pulling on some tight purple short and a tank top. I slip on my bunny slippers and head down stairs, my stomach roars since it’s almost lunch time. I walk down the stair case and intp the kitchen. The coast is clear, good! Seeing Damon would be weird so I find myself sneak around my house like a ninja.

            I open the freezer and the cool air and fog hits me in the face and I quickly grab a microwavable pizza. Opening the box and removing the plastic I place the cheese pizza on a plate and then inside of our black microwave. I start it and walk to the fridge grabbing me a water and then I walk over to the bar leaning against it as I take a sip of my water. I glance around the kitchen making sure I was alone. I sigh in relief seeing an empty room. I reach over on the corner of the counter and grab my US Weekly Magazine and flip it open looking through it. I find a page that is about Damon and has a large picture of him in some dark jeans, white t-shirt and a black leather jacket over top of it. His brown hair is messy and he is wearing some clack sun glasses and there is a cigarette in one hand.

            I am planning on reading this but, I cannot stop staring at the gorgeous picture of him. “You are finally up?” a voice asks and I leap backwards holding a hand over my heart. The microwave release a loud beat alerting me it’s done. I stare up at the god of all men in front of me. Damon is standing there in a pair of blue plaid pajama pants that are way too low and allows you to see the v that dips below the waist line. He is shirtless revealing his perfect 6 pack and amazing chest. His brown hair is slightly tousled and his emerald eyes are staring at me.

            “Enjoying the view again?” he asks with his cocky smile.

            I roll my eyes at him. “Not in a million years,” I say shooting him a fake angry look.

            He chuckles a little. “Get ready soon our date starts at 7:30,” he says with a smile as he grabs a green apple from the basket that is in the middle of the counter. He takes I big bit of it.

            “Where are we going?” I ask raising an eyebrow as I got my pizza out and cut it.

            “That’s for me to know and you to dot dot dot,” he says with a cocky smile and head for the door.

            “What should I wear?” I ask sounding like a total girl, which I am!!

            “Something comfy. It really doesn’t matter what you wear I think you’re beautiful in anything,” he say as he stops and turns to me with a smile. I blush bright red as he turns and leaves the room.

            Did Damon really just say that about me? Am I going crazy?

            I bite off another piece of my apple and chew it. I glance around the room and walk toward the door so I can go get ready. I skip up the staircase and down the hallway to my room. I toss my apple into the trash and go to my closet. I grab a pair of shorts but decide not to wear them and then I see my nice pair of light blue jeans and smile. Now for a shirt. I flip through them until my hand lands on a short sleeve, v-neck, purple top with a white spaghetti strap under it. I enter my bathroom and quickly change and flat iron my blonde hair. I apply some light make up and make sure I look nice. I go back into my room and grab a pair of white heels and slip on then I put on a white belt around my jeans and silver hops in my ears. I look at my floor length mirror and smile in satisfaction. I look hot!!

            Wait why so I want to look hot for Damon?? Oh gosh no!!

            Grabbing my purse and phone I head out my door and down the stair only to see a gorgeous Damon standing there leaning against the rail. He is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans with a white button down shirt and nikes on, his brown hair messy and my mouth drops open a little. He had a black coat draped over his arm and then he looks down at his wrist watch, which is a rollx.

            I stop and clear my throat. His head shoots in my direction and he smiles with a sigh. “I thought you weren’t going come,” he says.

            I laugh as I reach the bottom and stand beside him. “The thought crossed my mind a time or two,” I tell him with a smirk.

            “Let’s go slow poke,” he says as he walks to the front door opening it for me.

            “Go where?” I ask as I walk slowly out the door. I see a black Chevy truck sitting in the drive way.

            “That’s a surprise,” he says simply as he walks past me and opens the truck door for me.

            “Why does everything have to be a surprise?” I ask as I get in the truck and put on my seat belt.

            “It’s only a surprise if I know it’s cool and if I was taking you out to eat or the movie I’d tell you but honestly I’m not the type to do something simple,” he says with a shrug and shuts my door.

            “Cause you like to flash your money,” I mumble as he gets inside.

            “What was that?” he asks as he puts on his belt and looks at me.

            “Nothing,” I say with a shrug and smirk.

            “I’m not stupid,” he says as he starts the truck.

            “Never said you were,” I state with a smile and rest my elbow on the window sill and my head in my palm.  

            “You thought it though,” he says as we drive off and one of his songs comes on the radio.

            “Maybe once or twice,” I say with a shrug and he chuckles which is so hot.

            He cracks his window and pulls out a cigarette lighting it. It’s kind of sexy when he smokes. Weird. I look out the window and see we have left the city and are near a beach. Where are we going then? A picnic on the beach? Hmmm…. We need hurry up and get there dang it!!


I updated!! :O

So sorry it's short!!

I didnt want include the date in this one!!

It'll be in the next promise!!!

SO anyone know what the date will be??

What will happen??

Any ideas??

Anyone who want to make a trailer for this or a cover or a banner? Feel free!!! Ill dedicate a chapter to you!!!

I hope i havent let you down!!

More will be here super soon maybe tomorrow? tonight? who knows!

Thanks for your love!! Please share this story !!!





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