Chapter Twelve: A Date with Evan and Drink Away Confusion

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Chapter Twelve

Me: Nothing. What you got in mind?

            I press send and walk into my bathroom to start getting dressed. I hear my bedroom door open but I ignore it. Then my phone begins going off and I decide to just continue getting ready.

            After a few minutes I hear my bedroom door shut again and I finish up my hair. I walk back out into my room and no one’s there so I grab it from my night stand and read the message.

Evan: I’ll pick you up at 8 and we can go to dinner, it’ll be fancy. It’s that French place.

            I sigh and say ‘ok’. Skipping through my closet I find a cute dress. I need a dress that is hot but classy at the same time. This is a make it or break it date. So I have to look hot and sweet. Where the hell am I going find a dress like that?! I continue to dig through my closet. I finally find the perfect dress! It’s a yellow dress and it falls just a few inches above the knee. It hooks around my neck and the top haft that covers my breast has diamonds on it. Right below the breast is a tight yellow peace rapped around with a diamond décor thing on it.

            I pull my hair back in an up do and put in diamond earrings and light makeup on. I take a deep and slip on a pair of silver high heels. I grab my yellow purse and hear the door bell ring. My heart races and I make my way out of my room and down our staircase. I swing open the door revealing a dashing Evan. His blonde hair in its perfect place, he’s in black pants, white shirt tuck inside, with a black jacket over top. He looks amazing. He smiles when he sees me and I smile back.

            “You look amazing, Caroline,” he says softly and my smile grows larger.

            “Thanks Evan, you too,” I say and step outside shutting the door behind me. We walk to his black, slick, limo. I sigh; I really don’t like limos they drawl to much attention.

            The driver gets out opening the door for us and Evan allows me to slide in first. I watch out the window as we drive though LA.  

            20 minutes later we stop in front of this beautiful dazzling restaurant. The driver open the door and Evan step out and I slid out after his. He offers me his arm and I slip mine throw his. We walk up to the restaurant and people are in the waiting room, waiting, but we walk straight up to the man stand behind the counter. The guy is cute with short brown hair, brown eyes, and in a black suit with a whit tie. “Bonjour, Sir,” the French guy says.

            “Bonjour, reservations for Scott,” Evan say nicely. 

            “Oui sir, right this way,” the guy says and leads us back through a dim lighted dining area with candles on all the table and people talking and eating. “Here you are sir,” the guy says and then disappears.

            “Wow this is amazing,” I say starring around stunned. I may be rich, but I don’t go to restaurant like this.

            “I know,” he says with a smile and a brown hair waitress walks over to our table.

            “Comment allez-vous?” the girl asks in French and she is stunning and I don’t see how Evan can look at me while she’s here.

            “Bein, merci,” he says with a smile at her and my heart kind of clenches in jealousy.

            “What can I get you?” she asks with a thick French accent. Evan smiles at her and then looks to me.

            I stare at the menu; damn it’s all in French. I mean I took French, but I don’t know this stuff. “I cannot read it,” I say calmly looking at him as my cheeks redden.

            “I’ll order for you,” he says and tells the waitress our order. I hate it when a guy orders for you. It freaking annoying!

            Evan stares at me while I just stare out the window beside us. I hear a bunch of screaming people and I look around seeing a crowd. I guess someone really famous most of walked in.

Damon POV


            I walk into this stupid French restaurant and get boom bared by fans. You got to be shitting me! Just my luck! A crowd instantly forms around me and I groan. I was being so careful! I never use a limo those thing just drawl unnecessary attention. I just wanted to come here to eat. Ok you caught me that am a lie!

            Earlier I went into Caroline’s room to talk to her but she was in the shower. And then her phone went off and I looked at it seeing where and when her date was and decided to go. I came here because, I don’t even know! I just want to make sure that douche doesn’t hurt her.

            I hate him! America’s good boy my ass! Caroline wonders why her mom never introduced them! Ha! If only she knew that it was on propose.

            The manager and such get those crazy fans out of my way. I look around and they our gone! Damn it! I growl and storm out to my Camero. I slid in stepping on the gas pedal! This plan fell through! I drove to Colin’s and press his entercom.

            “Hello?” his actually sober voice says and I lean out my window to reply.

            “Colin it’s me. Let me in please!” I say and hear him grumble and the gates open. I pull up and park my car. Then I leap out running up to his front door which swings open revealing Colin whose brown hair is messy and he’s wear some sweat pants and a black t- shirt.

            “Damon! Great timing man! Logan’s here too! We are just hanging!” he says happily and I walk in and he shut the door. We walk to the living room were Logan is sitting on the couch his feet propped up on the table and his guitar in hand.

            “Sup Damon?” he says looking up at me. I smile and sit down beside him. I run my fingers through my hair. I tell them about the night’s events and my confusion on why I give a crap. I am the type of guy who doesn’t care. Colin comes back from the kitchen with three beers and we begin to drink the night away.

Hey!! Sorry it's been so long!!!

Writer's block!! it sucks!!!!

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I hope ya'll do!

Do you like Damon's POV?

Hmmm!! More funny to come!!!

Well if you have any ideas on what you want to happen don't be shy i won't bite!! :)



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Thanks!!! Love ya'll!!!

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