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They say Karma is a bitch.

To me, everyone's a bitch in this world. Except probably the ones I care about. And that apparently includes only my mom.

Mrs Anderson (Jeremiah's mom) : So how was school?

Jeremiah : Dumb.

Mrs Anderson : You really don't have to put so much pressure on yourself, Jerry.

Jeremiah : Mum, we need to stay alive. You need to stay alive. I know you want to. So, I have to work.

Mrs Anderson : But-

Jeremiah : I'm going to bed.

I don't even remember the last time da--- that asshole-- had called my mother's name. I don't need to either.
The only thing that I can remember is that it's only been me and my mom for the longest time.

Another problem besides having to work at a fast food restaurant is facing the bitches and assholes at school. Even though I have enough height and enough hair on my head to look decent enough, the dumb kids at my school can always somehow find a way to piss me off and then bully me about it.

Jacob (Dumb bully number one) : So how's waiter boy been?

Jeremiah : Fuck off.

Jacob : Oh yeah, come at me, you faggot!

   What the--

But then, there are people who might be able to help you out of dumb situations like these at times without pitying you.

Daniel (Helpful guy number one) : Hey, hey! Back off Jacob! You have enough reasons to stay out of trouble.

The blockheads actually walk away with that. Somehow Daniel always convinces them to. Maybe it's just his high rank, popularity and good looking face that makes it work.

Jeremiah : Thanks . . . I guess.

Daniel : Hey, what are friends for?

Jeremiah : I never did ask you to be my friend.

Daniel : Chuckle, chuckle . . . You're too funny.

I rolled my eyes.

Yup, pretty much.

Yo! I hope you can understand why I mentioned what I did about Jeremiah in the note at the beginning of this book. But, if you can't, then just wait and read ahead. This is the second POV by the way. Oh and . . . if you didn't find this chapter boring, you could turn that little star somewhere on your screen orange . . . :)
- Mallina

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