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Raul : You're spacing out again, Pam.

Pam : . . . . Huh? Oh— right. Yes. What were you saying?

Raul : Basketball. We'll all practice. Come and play with us, will you?

Pam : Oh. . . Yeah, sure.

      It was a great day and we needed to practice for the upcoming matches. Kaedan had already set up the date for the unofficial street ball match against another team which would probably include guys from other schools too. I had been pretty excited about the ordeal. After they'd leave, we would obviously play more streetball. When I asked Kaedan about letting Pam join us, he had enthusiastically accepted my "perfect" suggestion.

      Maybe he really was serious about Pam. Hm, I could just ask him about it. But maybe I'll let him be anyway.

The school day tripped by. Though quite a rumor circulated 'round the corridors.

Susan, the renowned nerd, had crashed into a guy and they had instantly "fallen in love". I couldn't believe the littlest bit of it. People are so weird with their horrendously weird rumors.

Although I'll admit, when I learned the name of the guy later, my inner conscience break danced inside me. And oh boy, how I waited for the last class to get over. In no time, I was in front of Daniel's locker where we usually met and Jeremiah was unfortunately always with him anyway.

Raul : You fell in love with Susan?

      I sounded . . . . ambiguous. Maybe.
      Jeremiah's face hardened. His jawline tightened. He gave off deadly vibes.

Jeremiah : Say what?

Daniel : Oh that's just a rumor. It's not true.

Jeremiah : Tell me the name of the person who spread that bullshit and I'll—

Daniel : Calm down! Seriously!

Kaedan : Wow, wow, what's the matter? I thought we were gonna go play basketball.

Daniel : Yeah. We are. Let's go dude.

Raul : Wait, you're coming too?

      I could play with Daniel as my team mate?!

Daniel : Yeah, well. We'll probably play after your match with the other team is over. I can't say I play well but I can play. Jeremiah here prefers to keep a low profile about such stuff but in reality, he's awesome.

      Wait a second . . .
      Why!? Why him too?

Jeremiah : You're just being delusional, Daniel.

Raul : Well, we'll see about that.

      I could still sense quite the unhappy vibes radiating from him. And maybe it was just me, but it seemed like they were directed towards me.

So I was finally getting a chance at showing off my skills to a certain someone but now Mr Spoilsport was gonna join in to ruin it all? To ruin all the chances that could've possibly showed up?
      Stop glaring at me, Jeremiah, you dumbhead!

Why was he ever created?

(My greetings keep changing in every chapter. . .)
Anyways, who would you rather choose?
Daniel or Kaedan?
Comment! Also, vote if you liked this chapter!
- Mallina

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