
28 4 17

   We were looking at each other.

Jeremiah : Hah?! Ahahahaha! Wha—what are you saying? Hah! You're hilarious, Susan.

   The sucked-up suspicion was starting to seep inside me.

Susan : Uh . . . You don't have a fever, do you?

   It was only an excuse to touch his forehead and further, contemplate his reaction.

Jeremiah : Wha—what?! What are you doing?! I—I'm fine!

   That's all it took for me to realize it.
   Shit. . .
   Now if he became self conscious then it was over.

Susan : Dude . . . . Your face is red. So very red. Are you possibly blushing?

   Don't touch your face. Touch your face. Don't touch your face. Touch your face. Don't touch—
   He literally slapped his cheeks!
   Okay. . . .

   Now for the third excuse—

Susan : Did someone say anything to you that is making you this jumpy?

   He stared at me. Just stared at me long.

   To be honest, deep within my heart, I had expected it.
   I mean, I wasn't completely stupid. I was one of the smartest kids in school after all. It was pretty obvious that there were high chances of Jeremiah not actually being asleep.
But now that I had enough evidence for confirmation that he had in fact listened to every bit of it, I was embarrassed to the bone.
   Ahhhh . . . That must've been the worst. What had he possibly thought of me?

   Everything I'd said must've sounded so, so very, sappy!
   It was all so against my personality!
   Utter, complete destruction of my firm front.

   But then again, he had come to know all of my feelings. And he was still here. And he was blushing. Which could only mean one thing.
   Without knowing it, I was thinking about him and smiling. To another stranger, it would've seemed quite creepy I guess. But I knew Jeremiah understood. Because I wanted him to understand. Because he needed to understand.

   Life can be so unpredictable.

   Who knew I'd fall in love with the irritatingly rude boy who had crashed into me and not even cared to apologize? But that was only the moment and the situation.
   Who knew he'd become such an essential part of my routine life and I'd go through his private life to secure a supporting role in such a short time? 'Cause like, we were practically strangers until that one collision near the staircase.

   And who knew Jeremiah would kiss me right there, right then, straight on and I'd kiss him back with equal passion?

   And oh my god, was it epic!
A first kiss, huh . . . .
   I could finally understand why girls looked for boyfriends and, or, why Ginny and Carla ever ditched me to spend time with their boyfriends.
   Because when the feelings become mutual, it becomes everything.

   We detached. I could feel eyes upon us. But I couldn't care less. Jeremiah's intense eyes were in mine. That's all I needed.
   And then did we snap out of it.

Jeremiah : Oh! I— Uh, I mean . . . that— that is an interesting lamp.

   I gaped at him, then at the lamp, and then again at him.
   Three . . . Two . . . One—
   We laughed. We shook with laughter. We doubled over and under and above and whatever with laughter.

Susan : So I'm guessing your answer's in the affirmative?

Jeremiah : Heh . . . Nerds can be good guessers.

Susan : Trust me, we're the best guessers out there.

   Jeremiah smirked.

Jeremiah : Figured as much. . . . Wanna be my girlfriend?

Susan : Dunno . . . You're rude and moody and snappy and—

Jeremiah : Hey! Do remember you confessed first!

   I chuckled.

Susan : But you're you and you're beautiful. I like you just the way you are. Exactly why I blurted my heart out.

   My tone had the littlest bit of humor in it and yet Jeremiah's face flushed.

Susan : What about you?

   He took in a deep breath.

Jeremiah : The moment I heard your voice and our eyes met, I knew I'd be hooked. I was hooked. I just didn't admit it to myself immediately I guess. Moreover, I wasn't the only rude one initially.

Susan : I was putting up a front, idiot.

Jeremiah : Yeah, you put it up well.

Susan : You're not good at sarcasm, so stop.

    We stared at each other in silence for a few seconds. The rest of the world was only a dull background with some music thrown into it.

Jeremiah : Never leave me behind?

Susan : Depends.

Jeremiah : Stay by my side forever?

Susan : I'll try.

Jeremiah : Can we kiss everyday?

Susan : You're kidding me, right?

Jeremiah : As in you're kidding me yes? Or you're kidding me no?

   I laughed and punched him in the side.

Susan : You decide.

Jeremiah : I'll go with the positive one then.

   We inched nearer to each other every split second.

Jeremiah : Be my girlfriend?

   No hesitation this time.

Susan : Yeah.

   When everybody started packing up to leave, Jeremiah pulled me aside before we could get into our car.

Jeremiah : Let's make it official now.

   I gasped internally when it sank in deep and proper. I had a boyfriend! He was gonna become my official boyfriend!
   But then a sinking feeling materialised in my heart. 

Susan : Uh, Jeremiah? . . . Are you really okay with me? I mean— this. You know—

Jeremiah : Hey, hey, Susan? Did I mention I love you too?

   I paused.

   I had no idea a direct confession felt this good!

   My voice wavered slightly with enthusiasm as I continued.

Susan : No you didn't. 

Jeremiah : Well, I do now.

   I let his gaze pierce me. Like I always did. Like I'm always gonna from now on.

Susan :  . . . 'Kay.

  Jeremiah gently grabbed my right palm. His skin was warm and soothing against mine. I looked at his tinted face, at our hands, one last time at the ocean and at that spot where the deserted pool chairs lay. I framed it in my head. Jeremiah caught me staring at that spot and tightened his grip on my hand.

   Yup. As long as that reassuring grip remained and as long as I could be one of the reasons for that smile, I knew I'd be just fine.

   It was more than good enough for me.

So . . . Uh . . . You're gonna need a tissue for what I'm gonna tell you now.
This was the last chapter for Susan. That's right. And this set of POVs is gonna be the last before the epilogue.
I know, I know. I forgot to warn you guys. Forgive me for that. . . . *joins palms*
This story is ending! I'm sad now. . . .
But I guess all stories need to end at one point or the other. . . .
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Thank you!
- Mallina ;) X)

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