Chaptef 1

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"Discord is coming over today for tea Rainbow! This place must be spotless, I am gonna go get supplies, please clean the house while I'm gone!" Fluttershy said to her wife. "Of course mrs.Shy." Rainbow joked. Fluttershy stuck out her tongue "Mrs.Dash" She gave her a kiss on the cheek "Remember to feed Angel for me."  She grabbed her saddle bag and walked down the  stone steps from her cottage. She knew Rainbow was forgetful,but she hoped she would remember everything.

"Alright Tank! Let's get this show on the road." Rainbow started picking things up off the floor, most everything was hers and she felt a little guilty. She shook it off and kept going until there was no clutter on the floor, by the time she was done, it was already 11! She fed Angel,  who was thumping his foot by his food bowl.  Angel annoyed Rainbow Dash, but she put up with it. Rainbow re organized, cleaned off the table, and at 11:50, ten minutes before Discord would arrive, Fluttershy came back. "Hey Rainbow Dash!" She said in her sing song-y voice as she walked through the door. She set her stuff down and when she went in the kitchen  for the tea set, there was a huge pile of dirty dishes. "Rainbow!!!" Rainbow Dash zoomed in. "Yes dear?" "I thought you were gonna clean the house!" "I did, see." She pointed towards the spotless cottage. Still flying, Rainbow Dash landed on the ground. "You did everything but the dishes, I need the tea set cleaned!" "Oh... sorry." Rainbow Dash started cleaning the tea set out while Fluttershy angerly got everything out of her bag. Why was Fluttershy so mad about one little thing? When Rainbow Dash was done she boiled water and put it in the pot. When she set it down on the table while Fluttershy put the cups down she asked "Fluttershy, I know you're really stressed with the baby and all, but why are you so angry?" Fluttershy teared up "Some stallions yelled at me today in the market, they said I was sinful, that my baby should be dead." She looked down. "Fluttershy whoever it was they will be dealt with, why don't you just tell me-" she was interrupted when the door bell rang, she went to get it but Discord just popped in "Why hello there!" He took a look at Fluttershy "are you okay?" Rainbow shook her head "some mean stallions said her baby should be dead,and that she was sinful." Discord instantly got upset. "Who?" "Hoops, Dumbell, and Score" "You mean the bullies from flight camp?! What are they doing here, I thought they were nice now?!" Rainbow exclaimed. Fluttershy shook her head. "Come on Discord." Rainbow Dash and Discord flew out the window and went to the market, but they weren't there anymore. "Summer Wind!" Rainbow waved to a candle selling sales mare. " Have you seen three big stallions? They have foot balls,basketballs, and a dumbelle for their cutie marks?" She nodded.Her curly yellow mane bouncing. " They just went in to sugar cube corner." "Thanks!" Discord said teleporting him and Dash. And low and behold, there they were, eating cupcakes at a table."So, picking on my wife?" Rainbow Dash said walking over. They laughed, standing up. "She  shouldn't even be your wife!" Hoops said. "Yeah, it's not even love if it's not a stallion and a mare!" Dumbell said. "Oh really?" Rainbow Dash mocked, she walked up and punched Dumbell in the face, she pushed him down and said:" never talk to Fluttershy again." She flew out the door and back to the cottage, they had tea, they had fun. But when Discord left, another argument broke out.

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