First time in Forever

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"Rarity!" Rainbow burst in. "My date is in 3 hours!" Rarity was glowing. "Fabulous! I need to get you ready! Quick, get in the shower well I work my magic on your outfit!" Rarity shoved her in the bathroom. When she was done, Rainbow called Soarin and asked to be picked up at Raritys.Then she got her dressed and did her hair. When Rainbow looked into the mirror, she felt so beautiful.

The door bell rang shortly after she got dressed

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The door bell rang shortly after she got dressed. Rarity fetched it for her. When she saw Soarin she called to Rainbow Dash.  When Rainbow got to the door he was in awe. "Wow." He said breathlessly. Rarity giggled. He handed her some flowers. Classic, but cute. It had flowers that were arranged as a rainbow. Dash blushed and and took the flowers. "Thank you...." She said. Rarity pushed Rainbow out the door. "Go have fun!" She shut the door. "Okay now the place we are going is a surprise, so when we get close, I will tell you to close your eyes." She laughed. "Whatever you say." They flew for about 20 minutes in the night and talked and laughed, then they landed and a  wing went over her eyes. "Okay.... keep going.."  Then he moved his wing. They were in front of the fanciest restaurant in town. "Soarin, you didn't." She said. "Yes I did. Luckily they aren't too busy tonight so it won't be so crowded." "I don't believe it, it's so expensive and so hard to get a reservation," "actually it wasn't that hard." She just smiled as they walked in. They were seated at a table. " I know I don't have much experience with first dates, but this...." He chuckled. "Well  I think you will love the food here. They have almost everything! They have pasta,calamari, salads....." "Sooo.... What I'm hearing is no tacos?" They both laughed. When the waitress came they ordered calamari, and fettuccine Alfredo. "So, do you have any siblings?" She asked while she took a bite. "Yea, I have a sister. Her name is Strawberry Snow, curly red mane, white coat, very nice." He said. "I'm an only foal,, my parents were a little too supportive when I was a foal. Whatever I did, racing, eating, they always cheered me on." Soarin smiled "Really?" "Really." "I wish my parents were around more, my dad worked round the clock as a weather pony, and my mom worked part time as a cloud transport. But now that they are retired, I try to see them often as I can."She nodded. "My parents worked before they had me,my dad was an athlete and retired when they had me, and my mom used to work as a secretary part time. They loved their jobs a lot." He smiled. "Your parents were definitely enthusiastic at our practice that time..." she blushed "yeah....." "Don't worry about it! I thought they seemed real fun." They ate and talked some more, but it was mostly small talk. "You ever keep a secret so long it feels natural?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Hmm not really..." Soarin said. "Besides my crush on you that is." "Well, I have. I remember, it was so long ago. I was 12, and found out I was bi. And with all those protesters I was so scared of telling anyone." Soarin wanted to know where this was going. "So I went to a 'straight ally' meeting, and pretended I was an ally instead of bi. And then I met this mare." She sighed. "Her name was Strawberry Snow." Soarin gasped. "My sister?" She nodded. "After a meeting Snow came after me. She said to me 'Rainbow, you are not good at hiding things.' And walked away." Soarin laughed. "Really?" Rainbow giggled "really." "That's so funny! I never even knew that Snow went to those meetings all those years ago." They talked more about the subject. They finished their meal and paid the bill. They slowly walked back. She was following Soarin, and when they flew to her door. She was so sad that the date was over. "Do you wanna go on a second date with me...?" Soarin asked cautiously. "Of course, I have never been so happy." Soarin leaned in closer to her. She met him in the middle, and they kissed. It was a gentle, careful one. Her heart fluttered. And she lingered on the kiss a little while longer. When they broke apart,Soarin spoke a small good night, and flew off. Her heart was leaping. She went straight into her bed, and didn't bother turning on the light or changing. She felt too good. She just lay there with her thoughts until she finally fell asleep.

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