The salty air.

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Soarin decided to take Rainbow Dash out for a date on the ocean. There was a party out on a boat that was supposed to be amazing and because they were wonderbolts they got half off admission. When they got to the boarding dock they were in awe. The ship was huge. It was gold and white with pink accents, you could see the bright lights in the ball room from 50 feet below it on the dock. "This is amazing..." Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Soarin smiled at her.  When they walked into the ballroom Soarin was surprised at how little ponies were there, there were only about 20-30 in such a big space. True this was the first year of the party and it was expensive, but he still expected more. There was fondue, with an array of fruits and desserts to dip into it. There was mini sandwiches, and all these dainty foods. Rainbow pulled his leg " Soarin! Pie and fondue!" She dragged him over and dipped some pecan pie into the chocolate. " try some, it's good." She told him, " ... pecan pie? With cho-" " try it" she insisted. He dipped a square of pie into the fondue and popped it into his mouth. " wow." "Isn't it delicious?" She exclaimed and took another. He smiled at her as she indulged in the fondue and chuckled, "definitely."
An hour of eating and exploring later,they meet up on the deck. Rainbow Dash took a deep breath of the salty, cool air. "I love the smell of the sea." She admitted. "I really don't come here often enough." "It is very peaceful." Rainbow put her front hooves over the edge of the boat. "This is so nice, just being here again. It seems so... Refreshing." She said. She sighed. "But," she looked at the water "I'm sorry for over-reacting, it really wasn't your fault.. And I missed you a lot.." "I should've just kicked her out immediately, I should never have even let her talk, it's my fault Dash." "You may think that, but I know it's not." She looked up at him. "I'm sorry." She repeated. "It's okay.." He replied. They stared out into sea for awhile before he asked her. "Do you wanna dance?" "Me?Dance?" "What do you mean? It's like flying! You can do it." "I don't know..." He extended his hoof, and after a few seconds, she took it. She followed his moves slowly, shadowing his hoof steps. With the faint music from inside coming to an end, he dipped her down and kissed her. It lasted for a little while before he lifted her up, she smiled at him, and he smiled back.

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