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Hey! Just a short chapter. Sorry. A little update, I will be doing some Rarity and possibly Applejack perspectives for a little bit, new chapter will probably start with Rarity. Thanks!


The next week or 2, Rainbow Dash was not talking to him. She was still tying to absorb it. Soarin still sat next to her at the mess hall. He was tying to build back the trust they had. Trust was the glue in their relationship, without it, they had nothing. Rainbow was slipping from his hooves, he didn't know what to do. He left a voice mail for her every day in the morning and at night. He would tell her good morning, tell her to take her time, that he was willing to wait. At night he would wish her a good night, and tell her how amazing she was. Then he would end it, and go to bed. He did it every day for 2 weeks. Rainbow lavished in these messages, she listened to every single one. Every day.One morning he knew she would be flying to HQ, so, he went to her door and waited. She was surprised to find him waiting there. "Could I fly to practice with you, please?" She sighed and nodded. It was quiet for awhile. All you could hear was slow wing flapping, and the wind. "Rainbow I don't know how long it will take for you to understand." He sighed. She turned her head and held back tears. "Soarin. Every single relationship I've been in I've either been cheated on or felt left behind for some pony else. I panicked. I didn't want it again." "But Rainbow you have to under stand I wasn't.." "I guess I believe you but I just keep doubting it." "But-" "look, our foundation of trust has been broken down, it's gonna take a little while to build it back up again." "I guess I understand that." "I know you want things to be back to normal and I do too, but that can't happen until my feelings let me." He sighed. "Okay."

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