chapter 1

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I had just gotten off my plane, waiting around for Jack to come pick me up. I went over to the baggage claim and found my black case. I hauled it onto the floor, raising up the bar and rolling it onto its wheels.

I waited and waited, thirty minutes plopped in and I sighed. He probably forgot.

I decided to get up and call a taxi, but as soon as I grabbed my phone, someone from behind grabbed it from me.

"Hey!" I quickly turn around to see Jack's dark brown eyes. I froze. I havent seen Jack in 3 years and he finally had enough time to have me over.

He smiled and I couldnt help but smile too. He looks so different. Hes still kinda short still, but his hair is curly and not straight, hes got a ring in his nose, square earings, and he wasnt wearing his glasses like he normally would. I liked it. (I dont know the exact time he got his nose rings or earings... please dont hate on me..)

"Hey Sophie." His voice was different too. Deeper and more playful. I could feel my face starting to get hot.

"Hi Jack." I squeaked. He chuckled and pushed the bar down on my suitcase, grabbing the handle and raising it off the floor. He winked before returning my phone and turning on his heels.

"Where were you, by the way. I was looking for you for half an hour." He laughed and my stomach churns. I giggle a bit and he turns to look at me.

"I was looking for you!" He laughs and I do too. He wraps his free hand around my shoulders and pulls me close.

"So... howve you been?" I look up at him as he looks down at me.

"Good, I guess. Just finished school. And I found a pretty nice place out here I might look into..." he stares at me, his gaze getting softer. His eyes crinkle at the corners as his grin grows.

"Well, I cant wait for you to meet my band mates. Youll like them, I promise."

"Oh, so youve replaced me with like 4 other guys?" I ask playfully. He glares at me, squeezing his lips together into a line and tilts his head.

"I never said that. Hey.." he turns me so I face him. He drops my bag and rests his hands on my shoulders. "I would never do that, okay? I really did miss you." He gives me a reassuring smile and a kiss on the head. We proceed on. As we reach the parking lot, i notice a big bus.

"What the-"

"Yeah, its pretty cool right? Thats our bus, we call it batman." (They call it batman right?? :/) he lets out a little laugh when hes seen that my jaw is dropped.

"Damn." He pushes me forward. "Are the other guys with you?" He nods.

"Yeah. They cant wait to meet you." He smiles and I do too. Even though im freaking out. I dont like meeting new people. I can feel Jacks eyes on me. "Dont worry, I know you dont like meeting new people, but theyre usually on social media, you should be fine." He smiles again, and of course I smile as well.

When we got to the bus, Jack led me to go in first. As I walk in, 5 different heads shoot up to look at me. I smile and wave awkwardly.

"Guys, this is the one and only awkward Sophie Grace." They all say hi and greet themselves.

"Im Jonah," the tall one says. Hes got brown hair, blue eyes, and a cute smile.

"Im Zach," one of them say. Hes got dark brown hair and the same dark brown eyes as Jack. His voice is a lot deeper then I thought it would be.

"Im Daniel," the gap-toothed one says. Hes tall, brown hair, and bright blue eyes. He was cute too, his smile shooting through the room.

"And im Corbyn," the only blonde one says. Hes got blue eyes too, and a cute smile like they all do.

But I think Jack's rare smile has a special place in my heart.

"And this is Bill our bus driver," Jack says. I turn to him and wave. "So, Sophie, whatcha wanna do?"

"Take a nap." They all chuckle. I sit down in an empty spot and Jack sits on top of me. "AAAHKK- Jack move your fat ass!" He makes a pouty face and sits next to me.

On our drive to the why dont we house, it was quiet. And the suspense was killing me. I sighed loudly and everyone looked at me. "Sorry.."

When we reached the house, Jack had once again carried my bag inside and set in in an empty room for me to sleep in. I lie on the bed and jack lays his head on my stomach, looking up at the ceiling. "Im not that fat right?" He asks.

"What, no! I was just joking.. youre actually in really good shape. I just wanted you off of me." He nods and grabs my hand. He leads it up to the top of his head and I start playing with his hair. It was one of those secrets he didnt like anyone to know about: he likes people to play with his hair.

"What did you do to your hair, by the way?" I ask.

"Why? Do you not like it?" He asks back.

"I mean, yeah sure, looks great, but I kind of liked your straight hair. But this hairstyles making me hungry. You got anything to eat?"

He gets up and picks me up over his shoulder. "AH! JACK PUT ME DOWN!" I cant help but laugh as we make our way into the kitchen.

He sets me down and starts looking through the fridge. "Whatcha in the mood for?"

"Noodles.." he turns and glares at me. "What!? Its your hairs fault!" He laughs and goes through the cupboards until he finds some Ramen Noodles.

He puts some water in a pot and waits for it to boil. Once it does, he opens the packaging, takes out the flavor packets and pours the noodles into the water.

"Hows home treating you?" Jack asks.

I shrug. "I mean it, its not the same without you. I dont have many friends. I mostly just watch youtube."

"You are on youtube for like your whole day, and you never stumble upon me or my band?" He laughs and I shrug. His laugh is a lot cuter then it was. It kind of had a bigger purpose now, I guess.

"I guess not." He smiles, showing his teeth and his eyes start to crinkle. "So, when did this bad boy faze start?"

"I dunno, a couple years ago. I like it though."

"I like it too." Jack steps a bit closer. For a second I think hes going to kiss me, but he quickly turns around and speed walks over to the stove. The water had boiled up too high and was pouring out onto the fire beneath it. I laugh as Jack tries to stop the sizzling noise. I walk over and shut it off completely and the noise stops. "You are too cute." Jack tilts his head.

"Oh, so you think im cute?" He smirks and I blush.

"Uh..." I felt my cheeks getting warm again and im soon cut off of my own embarrassment.

"Guys whats burning?" Daniels voice echoes as he walks in the kitchen.

"My noodles." I sigh and look into the pot. Theyre still good so I pour in the flavor packet and stir it. I ask Jack to grab me a bowl and I pour it in.

"Why was it burning?" I look over at Jack and he scratches the back of his neck.

"I got a bit distracted. Thays all." He looks away and faces the stove. I felt my heart drop for a second. Does he think of me as a distraction? Is that why he left?

"Hey Sophie, were going clothes shopping for you tomorrow. Okay?" Daniel says. I snap out of my thoughts and nod my head.

So, thats my first chapter, I hope you all enjoy and keep reading. Make sure to vote, comment, and follow if youd like. Also, check out my Jonah marais fanfiction, which will be having a sequel to soon. Ok, love yaaa

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