1; the whole word is against me.

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I woke up to the dreadful sound of the alarm clock. I flopped on my side and stretched out my arm, turning the alarm clock off.

"Jack sweetheart! Wake up, you're gonna be late on your first day!" I hear my mom call from downstairs.

I slowly sit up and rub my eyes. "Coming!" I yell back, my voice slightly groggy. I roll out of my white bed sheet covers and stand up on the carpet floor. I made my way over to my dresser and picked out a red sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. I changed into the clothes I had picked for myself and stared at my reflection in the full size mirror I had.

I made sure that the sweatshirt would cover the faded slits on my wrists. Of course I would never tell my mother about this. She wouldn't be able to take it.. She already struggles enough because of how abruptly my dad left us.

The reason why I had begun cutting myself was because of how people treated me throughout 6th and 7th grade. I had this one friend, Sophia  Lillis, I told her everything. I told her about my dad and how he left after I came out. He didn't tell mother though.. and Sophia hadn't told anyone, so she was the only one that knew.

Well, until we had a huge argument over something dumb that I can't remember anymore. She told everyone how I was a fag and caused my dad to leave and everything. I became homeschooled for the rest of 6th grade and middle school..

I headed downstairs, smiling at the scent of freshly buttered pancakes and bacon that filled the air. I took a seat at the glass dining table and watched as my mom came over and slid a pancake and two pieces of bacon onto my plate.

"Aren't you hot in that? Its gonna get up to ninety degrees today!" My mom asked, tilting her head to the side as she spoke. "I get really cold easily.. I also heard that the school was cold and so were the classrooms." I made up an excuse, not actually knowing anything about the new school whatsoever. "Oh, okay. Welllll~ Are you excited?! You're gonna be in your first year of highschool! Oh my baby is growing up!" My mom smiled and jumped around happily. "First of all, mom, I'm not a baby. Second of all, I guess I'm excited." I shrugged, telling a lie. I knew that the bullying would get worse, especially if someone were to find out about my past..

After I finished eating, my mom called out, "Jack, the bus is here!" and I grabbed my backpack, heading out the front door after giving my mom a hug. I walked up to the bus and watched as the doors opened. I took a deep breath and stepped in.

I stood at the front of the bus, staring at the filled rows of filthy bus seats. I gulped as I caught that everyone was staring me down. "Young man, please take a seat.." The bus driver groaned. I snapped out of my gaze and nodded in his direction. I heard a few snickers but I ignored them and started to walk down the isle.

Some kid stuck his foot into the isle. I reacted quick enough and managed to step over it. But as soon as I did so, I felt myself get pulled back. I fell backwards onto the nasty floor. Everyone laughed and I heard a few 'nerd's and 'geek's being thrown at me. I stood up and drew my fist back, my eyes burning through his skull. And with all the strength I had, which was not very much, I swung my hand across his face. Like I said, I wasn't that strong but I was strong enough to cause the other boy's nose to bleed.

"You!" I heard someone yell behind me. I turned my head around and saw the bus man pointing at me. "Sit across from me now! Bowers are you okay?" He said again. I widened my eyes in shock and turned to face the Bowers kid again. Was this bus driver being serious, this fucker started it!

"I'm bleeding Mr. Hopper!" Henry yelled with a fake, hurt, voice. He smirked at me before I spun around and sat in the seat across from the driver. I crossed my arms and slouched down into the seat. Great, just great.
Once the bus arrived, kids started to pour out of the bus. The bus driver held me and Bowers back from stepping out though. "Both of you are coming with me to explain what happened to the principal." The man said sternly. He grabbed onto my upper arm and dragged me with him while Bowers followed closely behind,  grinning widely.

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