11; boxers

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The next morning, I wake up to the sound of quiet sobs. I slowly flicker open my eyes and sit up, finding that I was moved to my bed. "What time is it?.."

"Jack.." I hear my mom's voice. It sounds scratchy, like she had been crying. I rub my eyes and gain full awareness. I turn towards my mom and see that she was, in fact, crying.

"Where's Finn?.." I say with a groggy voice, feeling around the bed for the other warm body that was with me last night. My mom rested the palm of her hands on my uncovered wrists and I look down, my eyes widening slightly. "He left last night, he told me what happened.." She said in return, water slowly starting to fall back down her face. I didn't reply. I looked away, not having enough courage to face her.

"Jack.. It seemed like he was the one that caused you to do this." She said, gripping my wrists a little tighter. I wince slightly and pull my hands away from her. I turn my head to her and stare into her eyes with disbelief.


"Stay away from him, Jack." She cut me off.

I could barely speak through the lump in my throat, "What?" I manage to say again, practically spitting out the word. "No... No!- Why would I do that?!-"

"Because he's bad news." My mom raised her voice slightly.

"Finn is not bad news..In fact he protected me from all those assholes from school! Finn is... I love Finn! He's my hero! Way more than a hero than you'll ever be, giving me depression pills and crap like that!"

"Jack, you're-"

"Yes I'm gay and you can't change the fact that I love him!" I yelled, my throat starting to hurt. I ran out of my room, grabbing my phone on the way out before my mom could say anything else. I ran out and sprinted to Finn's house, hoping he'd be up.

I pounded on the door then made sure my sleeves were covering my bandaged wrists. A little bit after I knocked, the door opened to reveal a women with curly hair, just like Finn's.

My tear-stained face softened and I looked up at her. "Hi, can I help you?" The women asked, tilting her head slightly to the side with confusion. "Oh- Um.. Is Finn here?" I ask.

Just then, a curly headed boy, with only his boxers on, came up in front of the women. "Mom who is it?" The boy asked, rubbing his eyes with his hands. My eyes drew down to the boy's boxers and a faint red color appeared across my face. I looked back up at the boy and said softly, "Finn.." The boy looked over at me after rubbing his eyes. His mouth fell slightly open. I smiled and ran up to him, wrapping my arms around his warm body. I felt my eyes begin to fill with water again as I recalled the idea my mother had about me staying away from this curly-haired beauty.

After a minute or two, Finn pulled back, smiling down at me. He then turned to the taller women and looked back at me. "Mom-.. I um I-"

"It's okay Finn. I accept you. You're still my baby boy either way." She said, a warm smile appearing across her face.

Finn smiled big in return. He laced his fingers with mine and began to run up the stairs with me getting dragged behind.

I belong here, I thought. I belong here with Finn.

Finn brought me into his room, shutting the door once we both got in. He let go of my hand and smiled once again. "Finn- I came here..because something happened.. with my mom." I said, changing the mood completely. "What? What happened?" Finn asked, walking over and sitting down on the bed, resting his back on the head board.

"W-Well, first of all.." I say, my eyes trailing down to Finn's boxers then quickly back up to his eyes. "Can you put on some clothes?" I mutter, embarrassed by my choice of words. I sit down on the bed in front of Finn. Finn laughed then grinned in my direction. "Why, what's wrong with me being in my boxers?" He chuckled, leaning his head closer to mine. I backed my head up and turned it away, my face quickly transitioning to a red color.

"It's just-"

"It's just what?" Finn moved completely forwards, bringing his hands into mine and pushing me back so he towered over me. His legs were on either side of my body and he smiled while I remained flustered. "Finnnn, I'm being serious." I whined. "I'm being serious too. Why do I have to put on some pants? I'm comfortable like this!" He said back, his smile growing even bigger. I turned my head to the side, my face becoming warmer.

"Hmm, I'll have to make you say it then." Finn thought out loud. I looked up at him, a confused look coming across my face. He quickly moved his hands away from mine and up my shirt, tickling my stomach.

I bursted out laughing, squirming around under him. "Stop- Stop!" I said in between laughs. "Make me!" Finn said, playfully, continuing to tease my sides with his fingers. "I will then!" I giggle and wrap my arms around Finn's neck, pulling him in and placing my lips on his.

I reopen my eyes once I feel Finn's head shift back. He stared down at me, his mouth agape and his brown eyes glistening from the light that was shining through the window. He moved his head back down towards mine again, and closed the distance between our mouthes.

He let his tongue trace my bottom lip and I part my lips for him, allowing his tongue to glide over every spot inside my mouth. He pulls his head back for a quick breath, a saliva string connecting both of our mouthes, then automatically continues our make-out session.

I rewrapped my arms around his neck and felt his fingers move up along my sides. Once I feel his fingers reach my chest area, I pull away from the kiss and move my hands up to his, gripping them tightly. "W-Wait.. I don't think we should be doing this

// A/N: all caught up now! btw there isn't gonna be smut \\

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