4; acting like you care.

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My mom made me stay home from school the next day. She wanted to make sure I got used to when I took the pills. She also had bandaged up my wrists and made me swear to never do it again.
The day after that, I could finally go to school. The only reason I was excited was because I would get to see Finn.

I hopped out of bed and pulled a black sweatshirt on as well as some skinny jeans. I slipped on my black vans and ran downstairs. "I'm not hungry mom." I said before beginning to walk out the door. "Wait! Aren't you forgetting something?" My mom asked, throwing the pill bottle in my direction. I caught it and stared down at it, frowning. I opened it and poured out one into my hand. I popped it into my mouth and swallowed it down with my saliva. "Bye mom, love you." I said, stuffing the pills into my pocket before walking out.
I arrived at school and walked in, trying to avoid eye contact with others. I scan the hallways for Finn's face and so finally see him, standing by his locker. I smile and begin to walk up to him. I stop though, when I see a girl who looks familiar, walk up to Finn and place her lips on Finn's. She pulled away and smiled at Finn. I instantly recognize her. Sophia. I turn around as the bell rings and speed walk to my first class while keeping my head down.

I sit down in my seat and ignore everything Finn does. Including tapping on my shoulder, and whispering my name.

Jack was ignoring me completely, I don't know why. Maybe he didn't want to get yelled at by the teacher..?
At lunch, I sit and wait at an empty table for Jack, anxious to get to talk to him. I see him enter the cafeteria with his lunch box.

But, out of nowhere, Henry steps infront of him and grabs his wrist, pulling his sleeve down. My eyes widened. Bowers ripped off the bandages while Jack yelped out in pain, beginning to cry. "Hah! So the rumors were true! You're just a suicidal faggot!" He yells and everyone become silent.

Faggot?, I thought.

I stand up and walk over to Henry. "Let him go douchebag! Have you ever thought that the reason he's like this is because of people like you?!" I screamed in his face. Henry let go of Jack's wrist and shoved him backwards.

"Sh-Shut up.." Jack whispered and everyone in the cafeteria was silent. "What?" I asked. "Shut up! Your the one who told him about my wrist right?! Your the only one I told! You- You.. have no right to call yourself my friend!" Jack yelled, his voice shaky and echoing throughout the cafeteria. He cried while screaming and once he was finished, he ran out.

I watched the back of his head as he ran out. I couldn't talk. "Are you sure I'm the one who caused this." Henry whispered into my ear from behind before walking out, laughing obnoxiously.
(earlier this morning)
I stood by my locker, looking around for Jack. This girl walked up to me and shoved her lips onto mine. My eyes widened and I stumbled backwards, wiping my lips. "What the hell is your problem-" "Your close friends with Jack right?" Sophia asked, looking over at something behind me. "We're friends, and you didn't answer my question." I said, disgusted. Sophia just smiled and walked away.

What the hell?

I felt my wrist getting pulled upwards and I watched in shock as Henry Bowers lifted up my sleeves. He ripped off my bandages and I scream out in pain, my eyes watering. "Hah! So the rumors were true! You're just a suicidal faggot!" Henry's voice echoed in my ears and the whole cafeteria was silent, watching the show we put on.

Who told him?, I thought then my eyes widened. Finn.. I grit my teeth.

Finn walked over to Henry and yelled, "Let him go douchebag! Have you ever thought that the reason he's like this is because of people like you?!" I stared at him in shock then lowered my head.

"Sh-Shut up.." I whispered, loud enough for some to hear.
"I said.. Shut up! Your the one who told him about my wrists right?! Your the only one I told! You- You.. have no right to call yourself my friend!" I yelled shakily, my voice cracking as I cried. I got up and ran out of the cafeteria.

// A/N: cri cri:( \\

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