8; you dont have to worry

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After school that day, I went home without Finn. I was scared that if I saw Finn's face, I would cry. Which is what I did when I got home.

I bursted through the door and ran past my mother, the water already forming in my eyes. I lunge up the stairs, moving my feet swiftly.

"Jack! Slow down, you'll fall." My mom said loudly. "I'm fine!" I replied, hating the way my voice sounded; shaky.

Once I got upstairs and into my room, I shut the door, locking it, and hopped straight into my bed. I heard a knock. "Jack? What's wrong?" My mom called through the door, trying to open it. "I just have a lot of homework!" I said loudly, my voice somewhat muffled by the pillow. My voice came out shaky again.

"Jack open the door!" I heard banging on the door but I just ignored. "Did you take your pills like I told you too?!" She yelled but I didn't answer back. "Jack?" The door knob was shaking back and forth, she wanted to get in. "Jack open the door now!"

I slowly stood up, my face stained with tears. I walked along the carpet, my feet heavy. I opened the door and looked straight down in-front of me. My mom quickly pulled me into an embrace and I felt the water from her eyes drop onto my shoulder. "Please tell me what happened.." She said, hugging me tighter.

I told her. I told her all about Henry and his minions, but not about Finn. Finn didn't do anything wrong. Im just a friend to him, nothing more. I need to get that through my head.

After all of this, my mom asked me one simple question, "Do you want to become homeschooled?"

My eyes widened at the thought. People wouldn't bully me and call me names. I wouldn't have to go through all of the pain again.

I turned back to my mom and nodded slowly.

After school, I looked around for Jack, figuring that we would be walking home together since we have been for the past couple of days.

After about 10 minutes of waiting and watching as kids poured out of the school, I began to worry. I texted Jack.
-text messages:

FW: Hey, where are you?

FW: Jack? Did you leave early?
Or did your teachers make U
stay after the bell rang??

FW: Did I do something wrong?..
sent 1:30 pm read 1:32 pm

FW: Jack thank god! Why aren't
U answering?
sent 1:33 pm read 1:33 pm

sent 1:34 pm read 1:34 pm

I can't talk to you right now. :JG
sent 1:40 pm read 1:40 pm
-text messages end

I stare down at my phone, my eyes widening and a million questions going through my head.

What did I do? I don't recall doing anything to hurt him..

I began to run, stuffing my phone into my back pocket and gripping onto my backpack straps to make sure it wasn't going to move and flop around as I ran.

I stop once I reach Jack's house. I see Mrs. Grazer walking down the steps and unlocking her car. I walk up to her, my legs not allowing me to run any longer. I try to control my breathing as I walk towards her.

She stops and smiled at me. "Hi Finn." She simply says. "Is Jack home?" I say in return and she nods replying with, "Yeah, the front door is open, he should be on the couch." I waved bye to her and she drove off. I stepped up to the front door and place my hand on the knob.

I slowly turn it and walk in, my eyes scanning the room and falling on Jack who was sitting on the couch with the blanket covering everything except for his head.

"Jack!" I ran over to him and place my hand on his shoulders. He looks up at me and I take note of his tear stained cheeks. "What happened?" I asked quickly. Jack's eyes water up again. "Y-You idiot!" He hits me weakly in the chest and my eyes widened, my mouth parting slightly.

"You..You-" Jack was bawling his eyes out and all I could do was stand there, like an idiot. Not knowing what I did to hurt this delicate boy. "You always say these nice things to me!-"

"But they're true-" I start to say but Jack hits me weakly again, his head dropping. "You make my stomach feel funny every time I'm near you. It's so unfair. Life is so unfair." Jack's voice cracked and he cried into my chest, his hands tugging at my shirt.

I stared down at the top of Jack's head. I gently wrapped my hands around him and pulled him into a tight embrace. After that I pulled away from him slowly and leaned my head down. "Jack, do you like me?.." I whispered and his head moved upwards.

I stared at his face, glazed with dry tears because of how much he had cried. I brought my hands up to his warm cheeks and cupped them in my hands.

"Jack.." I leaned my head in, closing my eyes once I felt our noses touch. The space between our lips quickly closed in, and I felt his soft lips against my own. The kiss sent electricity throughout my body. I knew this is where I belonged. With Jack.

After awhile I pulled my head away from Jack's and stared into his eyes. His face was all red and I smiled knowing it was not just because he was crying. "You're so adorable." I teased and Jack turned his head away, his face turning even more red, if that was even possible.

"And.." I began, I cupped Jack's head again, turning his head towards mine. "You don't have to worry anymore because.." I smiled at him, touching our foreheads together.

"I like you too, Jack Dylan Grazer."

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