6; was i the cause?

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I frowned slightly at the word 'friend.' I don't know why since me and Finn were just friends anyways.

After a while, I pulled my head back and shivered, feeling cold out of Finn's grasp. "We should tell the principal about what happened.." My voice cracked, wondering how my mom would react. "No. I'll tell them what happened to me." Finn said. "I don't want to risk having your mom send you to rehab or whatever."

I smiled and nodded, wiping the blood away from my nose. "Okay."
After school, me and Finn decided that we would walk home together to avoid Henry and his minions. It was really awkward since we didn't say anything to each other. I broke the silence though when I asked Finn, "Why'd you kiss Sophia?" Finn stopped in his tracks and turned to face me, a confused look across his face. "Who?" Finn asked. "Sophia Lillis.. She um, goes to this school.. She kissed you."

It took Finn awhile to understand. "Wait- That's the girl who-"
"I didn't kiss her, she forced herself on me.. Is that why you were ignoring me?"
"Uhm.. yeah kind of."
"Don't worry about her. I wouldn't kiss Sophia if I had a choice." Finn said.
"Oh okay.. good." I whispered the 'good' part very quietly.
"Were you jealous?" Finn asked me, chuckling softly.
"What- no!" I felt my face heat up. "I-I was just afraid you wouldn't hangout with me anymore!" I quickly lied.

I frowned slightly once Jack said that he was just worried that I wouldn't hangout with him anymore. I was hoping he'd actually tell me he was jealous.

I stared into his eyes, expressionless. Then I smiled, reaching my hand out and brushing it against his cheek while turning away. "You don't have to worry about that Jackie." I chuckled again, walking in the direction of my house. I could sense that he was blushing.
I got up as soon as my alarm clock rang. I hopped out of my bed and onto the fuzzy and warm carpet, gliding along to my closet. I picked out a t-shirt today and some jeans. I slid them on the looked over at my tall mirror, which reflected my whole body.

I smiled at myself then it slowly turned to a frown as my eyes scanned up and down my wrists and arms. I took off the shirt quickly and grabbed the first sweatshirt I saw. I put on the plain red sweatshirt and looked at myself in the mirror again. I smiled and nodded, approving of the outfit.

I head downstairs and sat at the table in front of a plate that already had food on it. I gulp it down while my mom watches me, smiling. "What?" I finally say, facing her. "Are you taking your pills?" My mom says and I turn away from her. "I dont need them anymore." I say sternly but my mom places her hand on my shoulder and sets down the bottle next to my plate. I groan and pour one out, swallowing it down with an egg.

A little later, I head outside and see Finn walking in the direction of the school. I run up to him and smile. "Hi." I say and he turns to face me, smiling as well. "Hey Jackie. Are you feeling any better from yesterday?" He asked and I nod. "A lot better."
We arrive at the school and Finn starts to walk to his locker. I reach my fingers out, about to grab his hand. I quickly stop myself and blush slightly. "I-I'll wait here." I say and watch as Finn nods. I go over and sit at a bench, scanning the courtyard. My eyes land on Sophia who's staring me down. I turn away, pretending I didn't see her.

I walked over to my locker and suddenly feel myself being shoved. I turn to see this very tall man, towering over me. "What the hell is your problem?" I ask, looking at him with a disgusted look. "You know Henry, he got suspended because of you, he has a concussion too!" I look at him from head to toe and snort, "Good. Now if you'll excuse me.." I began to walk away.

I felt a shoe land on my backpack and I fell forwards onto my hands and knees. I then feel the tip of a shoe hit me write in my stomach. I hear laughter and watch as kids began to leave at the sound of the bell.

I was left, curled up in a ball.

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