12; my hero {complete! read authors note!}

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"We don't have to if you don't want to-" Finn said before being cut off by a knock on the door and a girl-ish voice. "Finn! I brought you and Jack some snacks." Finn's mom called through the door, beginning to open it. Finn panicked and ended up falling onto the floor. I held my laugh in as I pulled down my shirt and sat up.

"Here you go." Finn's mother said, smiling and setting down a cheese and cracker plate on Finn's desk. "Finn- get off the floor! And dear lord please put on some pants!" She rolled her eyes, smiling, then walked out.

I bursted out laughing, holding my stomach as I did so. Finn stood up and frowned. "Be quiet, I freaked out." Finn let a small smile creep onto his face but it quickly faded. "Ugh, I forgot she was even home." Finn rolled his eyes then sat back down on the bed. I gulped and sat up, "Well, now I can tell you what happened."

I told him what my mom said. By the end of the explanation, I was bawling my eyes out. Finn pulled me into his chest and comforted me. "It's okay, she'll realize she's made a mistake." Finn said, reassuringly, kissing the top of my head.
I woke up the next day, not to the annoying ringing of an alarm clock, but to Finn's soothing voice.

"Wake up Jackie.." Finn whispered into my ear, shaking my shoulder gently. I flutter my eyes open and sit up slowly, stretching my arms out above my head. "Good morning." I say, my voice groggy. Finn pecks my cheek and smiles, "Morning to you too."

Finn let me use his canada hoodie and his jeans, both of which were to big for me. As I looked at myself in the mirror, Finn came up behind me and wrapped his arms around to my front. I smiled and brought my hands to his.

"Are we.. uh-uhm a thing?"
Finn thought for a second then smiled softly. "Of course we are." He said which earned a smile from me.
When we arrived at school, Finn told me to stay by him, which is what I did. He brought me to the bathroom and told me how we were gonna deal with Sophia and Henry.

"If she shows the picture, I'm gonna make her feel bad. Extremely bad... Do you trust me?" Finn asked and I nodded. "Good." Finn said.
Henry wasn't in class for first period, and I managed to avoid seeing Sophia for the whole entire morning. But that changed once I got to the cafeteria.

As soon as I stepped in, scanning the room for Finn and his friends I heard a voice over the cafeteria speakers.

"Welcome, welcome! Everyone please settle down." The voice boomed through the room and I panicked as the lights were shut off. Everyone in the cafeteria was silent. "Okay- Now that I have all of your attentions.. Please welcome Jack!" The voice got closer and I suddenly found myself getting pulled onto the stage, since the school didn't have enough money to make it separate from the cafeteria.

I then saw who it was that was pulling me along. Henry Bowers. I turned to face the crowd and noticed Sophia, sitting at a staff computer. I then noticed Finn running towards the stage along with Wyatt who was running over to Sophia.

"This suicidal shit is actually gay! We even have proof!" Henry said again over the microphone before the projector lighted up behind me, showing the whole entire cafeteria the picture of me and Finn kissing.

My eyes widened and Henry shoved me to the ground, laughing while some kids joined in.

Finn reached the stage and came up behind Henry. He jumped on his back and pulled his hair. Henry jumped up and fell backwards, slamming Finn onto the ground. Finn quickly got up and slammed his fist across Henry's face, watching Bowers fall to the ground.

Wyatt appeared a minute after, holding Sophia by the wrist, his face all scratched up.

Finn stuck his hand out to me and I grabbed it. He helped me up then whispered, "Do you trust me?" I nodded and he pulled up the sleeve to my arm, raising my hand up to reveal my cut up wrist to everyone.

"You all see this?" Finn yelled. "This is because of Henry, for every punch and kick he's thrown at Jack. This is also because of Sophia, who told everyone about how his dad left after he came out to him about being gay. This is also because of all of you!" Finn screamed, his face turning redder and redder by the minute. "All of you did this! You did nothing to stop any of this!" Finn yelled one last time before turning and cupping my cheeks in his hand. Pulling me in and kissing me.

After what seemed like forever, Finn pulled away and turned back to the crowd. "So fuck all of you." He said with what little breath he had left. He then grabbed my hand and walked out of the cafeteria.

"Dang that felt good." He said and I laughed, hugging him tightly. "Thank you." I whispered.

Wyatt came out a couple of minutes later with Jaeden. "You two really put on a show, half the kids in the cafeteria were crying." Jaeden said, smiling. "Henry and Sophia got taken by the principal. Apparently they both locked all the staff in a janitors closet." Wyatt snickered. "Thank you guys." I say, smiling at all three of them.
The rest of the day I kept on getting apologies from kids I didn't even know. I forgave them all though.

There was one last thing that I had to do. I had to apologize to my mom.

I walked with Finn all the way to my house after school. Finn came up to the front door with me and I took a deep breath before knocking.

A few minutes later I hear the door creak open. I kept my head down and I felt Finn grab my hand. "M-Mom.. It's okay if you don't forgive me.. But I'm sorry- I won't stop seeing Finn-" I felt my mom's arms wrap around me. My eyes widened and I began to cry with her. "It's okay.. Its okay.. I'm sorry too." My mom whispered, stroking the back of my hair.

After me and my mom cried it out she invited Finn to stay over and he happily agreed.

We went up to my room and sat down of the bed. It was silent as we were still both processing what had happened that day.

The silence was interrupted when Finn leaned in. I noticed and I leaned in as well. He kissed me gently but passionately. Then, after we both completely lost our breath, we pulled away and smile at each other. "You really are my hero." I say. Finn chuckles then replies with,

"I love you."

"I love you too."

// A/N: guys i think this is the end;( don't worry though, I'm making a reddie book and i plan on making it vvv long so go check it out!!\\

My Hero ♡ ↠ Fick/Fack {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now