10; dont leave me

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//warning suicidal actions+kind of smut ig not really just kissing ye\\

God I'm such an idiot! I left him! I left him sitting there, crying!.. I was just afraid I would show him my weak side, crying over how he was leaving me. I was afraid that he would think I couldn't protect him.. Like I... promised too.


As soon as I got out of the Starbucks, I felt the warm, salty water start to pour from my eyes. I rubbed them with my sweatshirt sleeve while I leaned my back against the Starbucks door.

I felt the door being pushed from behind me and I quickly stepped out of the way as a guy, who I didn't know, stepped out of the door. He looked over at me and I turned my head away quickly, going back to crying into my sleeve.

Then the little bell on the door chimed again, signaling it had been opened. I turned my head again, and this time, my eyes met with someone who was familiar. Jack. My eyes were red and so was my nose. I almost instantly turned away.

"Finn- I..I'm sorry-" Jack stammered, placing his small hand on my shoulder. I jerked forward, forcing his hand off of me.

"D-Don't come near me!" My voice cracks.
wait no i-i.. that's not what i meant!

I hear tiny sobs coming from the heart-broken boy behind me. I can't turn around and let him see this side of me.

"Wha-Why?.." Jack's voice seemed broken. Jack IS broken.

I gulp and bite my lip nervously. I have to turn around, I can't let him think I hate him.

I turn around, but it's too late. I see Jack running in the distance. My feet were glued to the ground, I wouldn't be able to catch up to him. I just, turn around and head in the direction of my home. Where I'll continue to cry, but this time in the comfort of my own bed.

"D-Don't come near me!" Finn's voice got louder every word he spoke.

My bottom lip was trembling and the water flowed like a river down my cheeks. "Wha-Why?" My voice was scratchy, I sounded pathetic.

Finn didn't talk at all after what I had said. I took a few steps backwards. Then, I turned around and ran. I ran as fast as I could, taking the long way back to my house.


When I arrived at my house, I ran instantly to my room. My mom was at work so she wouldn't bother me about those stupid depression pills.

I open my drawer with a rough pull and grab the sharp, metal object laying under a small pile of papers. My hands tremble at the sight of it.

I slowly trudged over to the bathroom, locking the door once I get inside. I plopped down onto the small rug and pull up my sweatshirt sleeve.

I pressed the metal tool over a previous marking. I push it down slowly and wince as a dot of blood forms on the spot I punctured.

It was weird. I usually don't feel the pain since Ive gotten so used to it. But I guess.. I haven't done it in awhile.

I thought about Finn, but that only made me dig the pointy end deeper into my skin. I inhaled sharply at the pain it caused me. Then I thought of Sophia, making another cut. Next Henry, cut, my dad.. cut.

That's right.. I forgot... In the end, everyone always ends up hating me.



FW- Jack, I'm really sorry for doing that to you.. I understand if you wont forgive me
sent 5:30 pm read 5:32pm

FW- Jack please just reply!
sent 5:34 pm read 5:34 pm

Why're you apologizing? -JG
You hate me.
sent 6:01 pm read 6:01 pm

I stare down at the phone then instantly throw it to the other side of my bed. I lay down on my side and clutch a pillow tightly. "Idiot.. If anything, I love you!.." I bury my head deep into the pillow and cry softly. "So why do you have to leave me?"

At 6:30 I decided I would go meet Jack. I couldn't help it anymore, I needed to check on him. I slipped on a jacket and ran down stairs, slipping on my shoes by the door. Then I ran in the direction of his house.

Once I arrive, I pound on the door. A few minutes later, the door squeaks open and reveals a horrific sight. It was Jack.. but his white hoodie sleeves were stained red.. and there was blood dripping from his arms.

I was in shock, I couldn't move. "Jack." My voice cracked badly and I took a step towards him. "Finn?.." Jack said in a low voice. His eyes were half shut and his arms and legs were shaking. He began to fall forwards but I instantly lunged forwards and pulled him in tight, beginning to break down and cry.

"Jack- Jack! Wake up..Oh my god, Oh my god!" I screamed and sat down, laying his head in my lap. I pulled out my phone and began to dial the number '911'. Just before I hit call, Jack's raspy voice caught my attention. "Finn.. don't call them." He spoke low again, sitting up with my help.

I throw my phone off to the side and stand up, searching frantically. "Where's your first aid kit?!" I yell before finding it in a drawer near the kitchen. I run back and gently take Jack's hand into mine. I slowly roll up his sleeves and take a cotton ball from the first aid kit. His cuts were deep, but not a deep enough to where he would need stitches, which was definitely a relief. I start to wipe away at the blood, trying not to cause Jack any pain. Next I open an alcohol pad and look up at Jack, meeting his pretty brown eyes. "It's gonna sting.. just hang in there okay?" I say and watch as Jack nods. I slowly start to wipe the cuts with the alcohol pad, feeling Jack's arm tense up. After, I finish it off with a bandaid to cover the marks. I repeat the same process on his other arm.

"There, done." I say and move my eyes back up to Jack's. Jack was looking down at his wrists.

I slowly moved my head in towards his, closing the space between our lips slowly. Jack didn't even notice me coming in so when my lips landed on his, his eyes widened. I let my tongue glide along his bottom lip and he opens his mouth, allowing my tongue to slip in and explore his mouth. Our tongues connect and I open my eyes slowly to see Jack's eyes closed. I close my own again and continued our kiss. It lasted for a long time before I pulled away. Jack stared up at me with innocent and warm eyes, his mouth slightly opened.

I smiled at him before feeling a single drop of water stroll down my cheek. I put my head down, more starting to drop from my eyes. I sob quietly, then feel hot arms wrap around me. I bury my head into Jack's chest, leaving my arms down by my side. "Don't leave me.." I struggle to say, my voice shaky.

"Don't worry.. I wouldn't leave the person I love.."

//yay, almost caught up! \\

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