5; what i have to live for

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I, Jack Dylan Grazer, am a complete idiot. I told off my only friend, the only person that cares about me in this fucking world, that he had no right to call me his friend. I am so, goddamn, stupid.

I decided against going to class, and went up to the roof. Once I arrived, I stared down at the drop and began to think about what people would think if I were to jump.

I came to the conclusion that nobody would care. I have nothing to live for anymore.

I heard the door creak open behind me. I then felt myself get shoved. I panicked and almost fell off, but managed to grip onto the railing tight enough. I stumbled backwards and bumped into none other than Henry Bowers. "Oh sorry, was I supposed to push you all the way off?" He asked and I turned around, breathing heavily.

Henry pounced on top of me and swung his fist across my face. I heard ringing in my ears and my eyes couldn't focus on a single point. "Down already? My god your so weak!" Henry got off of me and stood up, walking back to the doors. I stood up and wobbled around. "Fuck you." I said with a shaky breath.

"What'd you say faggot?" Henry turned around again, walking towards me. I wobbled around some more before feeling my head snap to the left. I dropped to the floor after getting punched for the second time. My eyes were spinning and I heard Henry laughing.

After standing in the cafeteria, I decide to find Jack. I couldn't stand thinking that he hated me.

I watched Henry walk up the stairs with a smug look spread across his face, and i decided to follow him. I ran up the stairs and poked my head through the door. My eyes widened at the sight of Jack on the floor with Henry, bent over, laughing.

I grab the nearest object, a fire extinguisher, and sneak up behind Henry. "Bitch!" I screamed and swung the metal at Henry's head. I watched as Henry slowly fell down to his left, probably unconscious.

I drop the fire extinguisher and fall onto my knees, pulling Jack into my chest. "Jack, please.. wake up." My voice cracked and I stared down at the fragile boy in my hands.
Jack's eyes flutter open and I smile big, sitting him up. "Jack, it's me, Finn." I say, cupping his face in my hands. "I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry what I did. But I promise you, I did not tell Henry Bowers about your cuts."

"You didn't?.." Jack's voice was weak and soft.
"I didn't."
"You promise?.."
"I promise."
"Good.." Jack said before snuggling his head into my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my chin on the top of his head. "I'll always be your friend, okay?.."

// A/N: This was a vvvv short chapter for me :O \\

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