2; my physical scars

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"Let me just check." Finn insisted but I shook my head no and backed up. I turned around and began to walk away. I felt someone's hand interlace with mine and I froze, my face and ears turning a slight red color. Finn used his free hand to pull up my sleeve while I remained frozen.

Finn's eye's widened. "What-"

"No!" I snapped back to reality and yelled, yanking my wrist away from him. I pulled down my sleeve and my eyes filled up with tears.

He'll hate me, I thought. He'll tell everyone that I'm- I'm.. a suicidal freak!

I turned around and ran as fast as I could. I didn't want to hear what Finn wanted to say. He would probably make fun of me.
I arrived at my house and immediately ran up the stairs. "Jack, how was your first day?" I heard my mother yell from the kitchen. I held my head down and avoided looking in her direction. "I'm fine! I'll be in my room.. I have a lot of homework." I lied.

I shut the door once I was in my room and locked it. I trudged over to the bed and laid down. I brought a pillow tight into my chest and cried into it silently.

I stared wide eyed at the slits on Jack's wrists. "What-" I started to say but was cut off by Jack who screamed, "No!" and ran off. "Wait Jack!" I yelled but Jack hadn't heard me, he just kept running.
The next morning, after eating breakfast, I walked outside, getting ready to walk to school like I did every morning. As I started to head in the direction of the school, I noticed the bus passing. I stopped and my eyes traced every window that passed. In the last window, I recognized a familiar face. Jack. I began to pick up my pace, running to try to keep up with the bus. Of course I couldn't keep up with it, but I turned the block just in time to see the kids start to pour out of the bus. I walked over, wanting to see Jack.

Just then, I see Jack being pushed off the bus stairs and down onto the concrete. My eyes widened and I began to run again. I saw Henry step off the bus after Jack, laughing.

•J. G
I stepped onto the bus stairs then felt myself falling forwards. I fell down onto my forearms and knees, the spots that hit the concrete burning. I heard laughing behind me and I turned to see Henry. I began to stand up, my limbs wobbling. I felt myself being shoved down again. "I would stay down if I were you faggot." Bowers laughed and walked off. I turned around to see Mr. Hopper, the bus driver, staring down at me. He shut the doors to the bus and drove off. "A-Asshole.." I muttered.

I began to stand up again and I felt a warm hand help me up. I turned to see Finn. "Are you okay?.." He asked in that soothing, caring voice of his. "I'm fine.." My voice came out scratchy and I hated it. I walked forwards before collapsing again. Finn caught me and wrapped my arm around his shoulder, "Let's go to the nurse."

Once we got to the nurse, she sat me down and asked what happened. She nodded after I told her what had happened. "Did you land on your forearms? Your sweatshirt is ripped." She asked. I nodded then my eyes widened. I looked down at where my cuts would be. They were still covered by the fabric of my sweatshirt, and the rips were a little farther up.

"Okay, let me check then." She said and grabbed at my sweatshirt, beginning to pull it up. "Wait no!-" I pulled my hands away, pulling the sleeves back down. I looked over at Finn who had a worried look on his face. "Jack, I have to check to see if you need stitches. I need to clean the wounds." She said. I slowly brought my arms back out and looked away as she pulled up my sleeves.

After awhile, she walked away and called who I'm pretty sure was my mom because after 10
minutes, my mom bursted through the door. "We're going now." My mom declared, helping me stand up. "Can I come?" Finn asked and glanced over at me before turning back to my mom. "Sure- whatever, just come on.."
I sat in the doctor's office, my sleeves pulled up. My mom was crying silently and Finn looked pale as he stared at my arms. While waiting for the doctor, Finn whispered to me,

"Why do you do this?"

"Why should I tell you?" I whispered back, sternly.

"Because I care about you?" He said with a confused look.

My mouth dropped slightly and I gulped, averting my eyes away from his.

The doctor walked in and sat down in his chair. He folded his arms in front of him. "Mrs. Grazer, your son.. has been diagnosed with depression." He said slowly and cautiously. My mom's sob got louder. Finn turned even more pale than he already was, if that was even possible. "We have anti-depressants.. and you can bring him to get help if you want too." He said, handing me the pill bottle.

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