7; im gay too.

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As the hallway cleared, kids going to their classes, I went over and wrapped the hurt boy's hand around my shoulder. I wasn't much help to Finn considering the size difference but I would do anything, anything at all, to help him.

"Wh-What happened? Why'd he do that?!" I stammered, walking doing the hallway slowly as Finn limped by my side.

"Henry Bowers got suspended." Finn said with a scratchy voice. "Im guessing that guy was his friend or something.. cause he was pissed."

I stopped and turned to him. I pulled up my sleeve, revealing my cuts to him as my eyes watered up. "Finn-" I stammered, my voice shaky. "I'm already like this- If you end up in the hospital or..or even worse! I-I wouldn't be able to handle it." I was crying now.

Finn looked at me, his mouth agape after what I had said. The corners of his mouth then curled up, forming a smile that resulted in my face turning red. "Jack- I can't let what happened in middle school, happen again, so I'll continue to do my best to protect you- even if it means getting hurt." Finn said, continuing to smile my way.

A single butterfly did a backflip in my stomach and I felt my face begin to heat up even more. I turned my head away from his, looking down at the ground ahead of me. I nodded and began to slowly walk again, rubbing the water away from my eyes.

Once we arrived at the nurse's office. The nurse automatically asked what happened, sitting Finn down on the bed. Once we told the story, she walked out and came back with Principal Byers, who as well, asked us what happened.

Finn was all bandaged up with a cotton ball stuffed up his bleeding nose and I walked with him to lunch since it had taken a while to get Finn cleaned up. When we got to the cafeteria, Finn walked ahead of me then looked back. "Come- I'll introduce you to my friends." He said then continued to walk forwards while I followed.

Finn sat down in-front of two people who I didn't know. I gulped and sat down next to Finn. The two boys in-front of us stared at me and I turned, looking at Finn slowly.

"Guys, this is Jack. Jack this is Wyatt and Jaeden." Finn introduced me. "Hi." Wyatt said. Jaeden plopped his head on Wyatt's shoulder and gave a shy, "Hello." Finn looked over at me and smiled. "There gay." Finn said and my eyes widened slightly looking over at them.

"Why do you have to say it like it's a bad thing! Geez Wolfhard, you're gay too!" Wyatt said and my eyes grew bigger while my face turned red. Finn eyes widened as well and he gave a look to Wyatt as if to say, 'You weren't supposed to say that!'

Wyatt frowned slightly while looking at Finn's expression, he turned his eyes to me and smiled slightly at my red face. He turned his head towards Finn again. "What? Is he a homophobe or something..or do you perhaps like him-" Wyatt said but was cutoff when Finn stood up abruptly.

I hear Finn stand up and I scrunch up my shoulders, shocked. I continued to stare down in-front of me. "I'm gay too." I said quietly out of nowhere and it felt as if everyone had stopped talking in the whole cafeteria. Of course everyone continued to talk but I felt stares coming from Jaeden, Wyatt, and Finn, who weren't talking.

I suddenly felt arms embrace around me coming from my left. I looked over and see Finn's curly hair, his head buried into my shoulder. I smiled weakly and looked over at Wyatt and Jaeden. Wyatt had a smile on with one of his eyebrows raised like he was saying, 'I know you like him'. I gulped and turned to Jaeden who also smiled softly at me.

After a while, Finn let go of me but kept his head close to my face, smiling. I blushed madly, our faces just a tiny bit apart. He leaned his head in and I shut my eyes tightly as I felt his hands move to my shoulders. I then heard his whisper. "Thank you." He moved his head back, still smiling. My heart sank.

Why the hell did I think he was gonna kiss me?

"I-I'm gay too." Is what Jack had said to me. I was screaming internally. I wanted to kiss him. Of course I didn't though, but I showed my affection by wrapping my hands around him and hugging him tightly.

I know that Jack likes me. It's pretty obvious the way his face turns red every time I smile or get close to him. I find it really adorable and honestly..I can't help but like him back.

I pulled back my head but kept it close to Jack's. I see his face begin to turn red and I place my hands on his shoulder. I really want to kiss him but instead, I move my head to his ear."Thank you." I whispered and pulled my head back smiling.

I was just messing with him, teasing him. I wanted to see his interesting reaction. Oh boy was not kissing him worth it, well, almost worth it. Not really.

Jack's face turned completely red of embarrassment, he probably thought the same thing I did.. "Ye-Yeah were f-friends and all! Of-Of course!" He said, his voice cracking. I kept myself from saying that it was a joke and I turned over to look at Wyatt, who was rolling his eyes.

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