9; then im left alone

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I woke up to a beeping sound. I poked my head up and rubbed my eyes, looking around to find the source of the noise. Oh, the microwave. I see my mom pulling out some microwaveable mini pancakes.

I look down and next to me on the couch is Finn, a blanket covering everything but his curly hair. I smile instantly and play with it, causing him to groan and sit up.

"Good morning." I say and chuckle lightly as he rubbed his eyes. "Morning Jackie." He replies and pecks my lips. I respond back to his action with a bright pink blush and a small smile.

"Jack! Are you two up?" My mom called over from the kitchen and I turn my head to face her. "Yeah we are!" I reply and look back over to Finn who had stood up onto the rug.

"It's Saturday right?" Finn says with a scratchy voice. I laid back down on the couch, spreading my legs and arms out across all of it, while my head was buried into the soft arm rest. "Yup- Which means..Sleeping in!" I say and close my eyes.

"Nooo~!" Finn whines and tugs at my sweatshirt. "Fine, fine." I say and stand up, smiling at him. He pulls me into an embrace and I bury my head into his chest. His heart was beating fast.

"Jack you seem like you're in a better mood than you were in yesterday." My mom says, walking over to where we were, a smile forming across her face.

I pull away from Finn and look over at my mom, my mouth opened slightly. I turn to Finn and he smiles brightly. I turn back to my mom and smile as well. "Yeah..I guess I am." I say in return.

~12:46 PM same day~

Me and Finn were at home, playing video games the whole morning. I had just won and I was rubbing it in his face while Finn argued back playfully, making up excuses.

I laugh but it's then interrupted by my stomach growling. I stop laughing and hold my stomach. How embarrassing. "Are you hungry?" Finn asks and I slowly nod. He stands up and laces his fingers with mine.

"We can go to Starbucks or Chick-fil-a if you want to." He says and I nod quickly. "Starbucks." I'm such a girl. Finn just laughs and begins to walk towards the door, me walking beside him with our hands still interlaced.

"Jack- Sweetie. You forgot your.." My mom holds out a pill bottle and I turn to face her, my eyes tracing down her arm and to the pill bottle labeled, 'Anti-Depressants'. "Oh right."

I slowly untie my hand from Finn's and take the bottle, twisting it open and pouring out one onto my hand. I take the water my mom holds out for me and look over at Finn who had a saddened look on his face. I popped the pill in my mouth and swallowed it down with some water quickly.

I hand the water and pill bottle back to my mom and tie our fingers back together. "Okay, let's go." I say and we head out the door.

Once we arrived there, walking and joking with each other along the way, me and Finn order our drinks. We sit down at an empty two seater table and chat. I scoot my chair closer to his and lean my head against his shoulder. Finn takes my chin with his pointer finger and thumb and turn my head to face his.

He leans in and kisses me. I see a flash in the corner of my eye as we kiss and I turn my head and see Sophia, holding her phone up. It was pointed towards us.

Finn stood up. "Did you just take a pict-" Finn started, a sense of anger in his voice. Sophia cut him off, stepping closer to him and saying so that only me and him could hear, "Long time no see Jack. Wait till everyone at school finds out that we have proof of you two being fags! Everyone will hate you even more! Oh and don't worry, I'll tell Henry all. of. the. details." She smiled and walked off, leaving Finn standing there with his fists clenched.

I couldn't talk over the huge lump forming in my throat. I looked at Finn who stayed standing with his head downwards and eyes covered by his curly hair. I looked down at the table and I brought my hands up to my eyes, crying silently to myself, sniffling every now and then.

After a little bit I felt someone pull me in from behind. I knew it was Finn and it made me cry harder, now letting out small sobs. "Finn.." I croaked and he quietly answered, "Yes Jack?"

"I'm becoming homeschooled." I manage to say, but the tears started to pour out heavier.

I felt the warm arms slowly pull away from me. I felt cold. I hear footsteps walking away over everyone's talking. I listen as the door rings a tiny bell after being opened.

Then I'm left alone.

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