Jackson Requested

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You see Jackson again after a long time

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You see Jackson again after a long time.


I was wandering through the crowded halls listening to my favorite tunes. My eyes met Jackson's again. You were mad at him so you just looked away. You felt his eyes on you.

"Staring is rude Jackson." I said.
"Becca." I heard but I kept walking.

My phone vibrated. I looked at it. A message from Jackson I didn't even bother to look at it. I walked up to Lydia.

"Guess who's back?" I sighed.
"Not now we have to find whatever came out with us." Lydia said.
"Okay what do we have? I have twenty minutes left before class."

They started listing what we had. My phone kept vibrating. I sighed annoyed. I looked at it and saw all texts of Jackson.

"Stop texting me." I growled.
"Who?" Liam asked.
"Jackson. I'm mad at him." I said. "Oh."
"I'm fine." I smiled.

I walked to class. Jackson tried to speak to me but I avoided him. I went straight home. There was a knock on my door. I opened and surprise, surprise, it was Jackson.

"What!?" I asked annoyed.
"I'm sorry." Jackson said.
"You left." I said.
"I know." Jackson sighed.
"What's your pitiful excuse now? Your father? Your ego?"
"I was scared." Jackson said.

I didn't see that one coming.

"Scared of what?" I asked.
"My feelings. I know sounds cheap but it's true. Can I come in?" Jackson asked.

I doubted.

"Come on it's too late to ignore me now." Jackson said.
"Fine come in."

We sat down in my couch.

"So you ran from your feelings. why not call me or anything? I waited for you Jackson." I sighed.
"I couldn't. I hurt you and I knew that hearing your voice would break me."
"So that's it no explanation for leaving me out of nowhere?" I asked.
"I was a monster Becca there is no other explanation for me."
"I didn't think you were a monster." I said, "I loved you."
"I know now, okay I was a fool."
"So was there anther girl in England?" I asked.
"Not exactly." He sighed.

I looked at him and waited for an explanation.

"I met a boy, Becca. I met Ethan." Jackson confessed.

I looked away processing it.

"Say something." Jackson sighed
"What do you want me to say Jackson?" I asked.
"At this point anything. Hate me I deserve it." Jackson said.
"No you don't of course you don't deserve hate. Yes I'm mad or was or whatever but I don't hate you I still care about you Jackson. I still love you." I confessed.
"Why? I hurt you."
"I don't know. I just do." I sighed.

Jackson leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back but pushed him away not much later.

"Jackson what are you doing? You have Ethan."
"Guess I'm not sure what I feel for you. I still love you too but Ethan also holds my heart."

I stood up and looked at Jackson.

"What does that mean?" I asked.
"Honestly I don't know." He sighed.
"You should go Jackson."
"You've played with my heart for years. First you chose Lydia then you dumped her and flirted with me. I agreed with Lydia we could be together so I gave in and a month later you stood me up because you left. You broke my heart and yet here I am craving to be your loved one again." I said.
"I thought you would be different."
"I am different." Jackson said.
"Yeah, you're torn between Ethan and me." I smiled.
"Please understand that I'm confused."
"You should go Jackson we'll talk again when you made up your mind. I'll be waiting for you when you make up your mind but if Ethan is the one you love I'll be fine." I smiled.

Jackson kissed me and left. I closed the door behind him.

"Becca, what are you getting yourself into again?" I asked myself.

I sighed and tried not to think about it too much. Jackson hadn't been in touch but he wasn't hanging around Ethan either. I gave him some time. I was about to leave to Scott when my doorbell rang. I opened up. it was Jackson.

"Jackson?" I asked.
"Hey we need to talk." Jackson said nervously breathing.
"You are tensed, why?" I asked.
"I don't know. I have this feeling on me. That something terrible is about to happen. I don't know. I panicked and I had to see you." Jackson said.
"Come in." I hushed.
"I'm sorry, I know I didn't decide yet but I had to see you. You always know how to calm me down." Jackson said.
"It's okay just talk to me."
"I don't know what to do anymore no one talks to me you and McCall run around keeping everyone safe but no one tells me anything."
"The fewer people they know are supernatural the better." I explained, "We're trying to keep you safe."
"How has that been working out for you so far?" He asked.
"Not that great but you know everyone is still alive so better than we thought."

Jackson sat down.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked and sat next to him.

Jackson turned to me and opened his mouth to say something but he stopped.

"What is going on?" I asked.

Jackson stood up. I followed his lead.

"It's nothing I should go."
"Jackson you're scaring me." I said.

Jackson faced me and looked into my eyes.

"Jackson talk to me." I said.
"I am not much of a talker." Jackson said and cupped my face before crashing his lips in mine.

I didn't pull back. My brain wanted me to push him away but my heart needed this.


For BeccaaJohnson I'm sorry it took me so long I've been busy with exams and other projects but I'm back :) hope you liked it!

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