Stiles x Morgan Requested.

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You were gone for a long time when a new monster arrived in Beacon Hills

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You were gone for a long time when a new monster arrived in Beacon Hills. Stiles made the pack look for you


"Morgan, no."
"Stiles, I have to, trust me."
"Let Scott help. He knows this."
"Fine I'll go talk to Scott you just get some rest okay, you look tired."
"No I'm coming with you."
"Stiles. I know you're our pack mom. But I got this. I'm a vampire and Scott's a werewolf."
"Okay. I trust you Morgan."

I left and went to the place where it happened. I know I said I'd ask for help, but I had to do this for my pack.

"I'm here! That's what you wanted right?"

A wolf appeared. I started running, but more wolfs followed. I fought some off and ran as fast as I could, which as a vampire was pretty fast. I was cornered. I wanted to call Scott, but one of them scratched my leg. I screamed out the pain and dropped my phone limping to an elevator. This was safe right? I closed the doors and went to any floor I could escape from. Unfortunately for me they were smart. They broke the power line and the elevator stopped.

"No no no no."

I was trapped. I tried to open the doors, but they wouldn't budge, not even with super strength. 

"I'm sorry stiles."

Stiles was tossing and turning. Something felt off. He tried calling you, but there was no response. He called Scott.

"What is it?" Scott asked.
"Where is Morgan I can't get a hold of her."
"Probably asleep."
"Scott what happened when you investigated the scene?"
"What scene? I was with Malia. We were doing research."
"No Morgan said she'd come to you. She was going to look for that threat."
"I didn't see Morgan."
"I'll meet you at Derek's in 10."
"Stiles, I'm sure she's fine just forgot to call you. Can't we do this in the morning see if she's at school."
"No we can't. She might be dying needing our help."
"Stiles, go to sleep."
"No I-" Stiles heard that Scott ended the call, "He hung up. Unbelievable." 

Stiles got dressed and drove to Scott's house. He banged on the door. A sleepy Scott opened the door.

"We're going."

Scott took his coat and got in the car. Stiles drove to Derek.

"You better tell me why you're here or I'm going to rip your throat out." Derek sighed.
"Morgan is missing."
"At home?"
"No, she's not there. I drove past her house curtains open. I know her, she always closes them. I know something is wrong.
"Why do you care anyway?
"Why do I care? Let's see... She's part of a pack that I'm trying to protect. No one has talked to her in... 5 hours and I'm in love with her."
"Enough! It doesn't matter why we're here, we're a pack. we look out for each other. This is priority.  We'll find her." Scott said.

Derek relaxed and leaned against the wall. They listened. Scott was right. 

"Stiles tell us what you know." 
"Thanks Scott. Morgan was with me before she vanished. She said she was going back to the place of the incident. I didn't want her going alone and she didn't want me to come. So she promised me she'd go with Scott."
"But she never arrived." Malia concluded.
"She's a vampire so I'm excluding all normal things."
"She went back alone." Lydia said.

Lydia had been mindlessly drawing the symbols they found there.

"That's where we start.Derek and Malia you two track her scent leaving Stiles' house, in case she went somewhere else. The rest is coming with me." 

They split up and arrived at the abandoned area.

"She was here."
"Not alone." Scott said.
"Morgan why?"
"Stiles, we'll find her." Lydia smiled.
"They went this way." Liam said. 

The group followed the trail to the old warehouse. Stiles was worried sick, not a sign that you were alive.

"Her phone!"
"Scott give it to me." Stiles shouted.

I perked up and heard voices.

"Please don't be in my head." I whispered.
"So her phone's here? where is she?"

Stiles. I pulled myself up.

"Help!" I tried but I had been without food for a long time my strength was getting weaker.
"hold on." Liam said.
"No! She might be in great danger! That's blood."
"Stiles shut up."
"Help" I said louder I wasn't letting them leave.
"Elevator!" Lydia said.

They worked together to open the doors.

"Morgan!" Stiles shouted.
"I thought I'd never see you again." I smiled.

Stiles hugged me tight and wasn't letting go any time soon. He mumbled things in my shoulder. He sounded angry and so happy at the same time.

"Stiles I'm okay." I smiled.
"You weren't! Why did you run off?"
"I had to protect the pack."
"So you lied?"
"I can't lose you Stiles. I love you."

Everything went quiet. Stiles just stood there.

"I can't lose anyone else."
"You were going to do this alone so we wouldn't get hurt."
"Of course. And I thought if I can prove myself here I can prove that I am worthy of this pack."
"You don't have to prove anything to belong in this group, we're a team. That means no one is doing this alone."

Stiles just crashed his lips on mine.

"I'm never letting go ever again."
"I can live with that." I smiled.

A/N: This was requested by @EquineLilly about a year ago. I'm so sorry you had to wait so long but life happened and I just stopped doing what I love. But I'm back (sort of...) To give this book and journey a proper ending! Thank you all so much for reading, this has made me so happy to see you're enjoying it. Have a wonderful day! 

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