Stiles Request

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Stiles asking you out but Derek doesn't approve

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Stiles asking you out but Derek doesn't approve.


I was reading a book lying pretty much upside down. I got up when I heard a noise. My brother Derek got up. I smelled a familiar cologne. It was Stiles. I hid behind my book. I really liked him.

"Stiles, learn how to knock."
"If I knock you won't let me in, because you know it's me, Derek." Stiles said and turned to me.

I knew he was looking but pretended not to.

"Hi." Stiles smiled.

I looked up from my book and smiled.

"Hi Stiles."

Derek looked at me, so I looked away. Derek could not find out I liked Stiles.

"What are you doing here Stiles?"Derek asked.
"Right, I found something that might interest you." Stiles said.
"About Scott's secret lady?" I asked interested.

I asked Stiles to do some digging because Scott had been sneaking around with a girl we could smell the scent of him but he never gave us a clue to what was happening.

"Yeah that girl is a huntress but it's more like when Allison and Scott couldn't see each other." Stiles said walking up to me knowing I was just as passionate as him.
"What are we waiting for?" I smiled.

Stiles held out his hand. I gladly took it into mine and smiled. Derek looked at us. I didn't know how he did it but his look told us enough. Stiles let go of my hand.

"I'm letting go." Stiles said.

I sighed annoyed and walked to the car. I used my hearing to listen to Derek's speech.

"No! Not my sister." Derek said firmly.
"Come on one date?" Stiles tried.
"No way she'd never say yes." Derek said confident.
"Then what is there to fear?" Stiles asked.
"No." Derek said.
"One date. It's all I'm asking." Stiles tried.
"No." Derek said stubborn.

Stiles sighed and got in the car. I smiled at Stiles and Derek got in as well. Stiles looked at me through the mirror. Every time we locked eyes I felt my cheeks get red. Derek looked annoyed to me but I decided this to be my time.

"Stiles I would like to go out with you." I smiled.
"wha- really!?"

Stiles was happier than he had ever been.

"Cheer up, Derek. Stiles is the best guy we have." I smiled.
"Tough luck you don't decide that."
"Stone. He's your brother. He's just trying to protect you and just a little bit terrifying at the same time."

Derek looked over.

"Maybe a lot, but I'm willing to face that fear. For you, because I'm never want to hurt you for two reasons. One I love you and two: If I do, Derek is going to rip out my throat with his teeth and that is terrifying." 

Derek smiled a little. 

A/n: For @ddccaatt I apologise this is about a year late but I promised it so here you go. I hope you like it.

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