Liam Requested

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Liam is broken after they killed you

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Liam is broken after they killed you.


"Ellouise?" Liam whispered, carefully waking me up.
"Hey Liam." I smiled.
"Come on I want to show you something." He smiled.
"Can't it wait? It's 4 in the morning." I mumbled.
"No, come on." Liam smiled.
"Fine." I groaned and put on some warmer clothes.

I didn't mind him watch. Liam was kind of my boyfriend. We kissed but we didn't really use the term boyfriend and girlfriend. I don't know why though. Liam kissed my neck and pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Let's go." He smiled and took my hand.

I was no supernatural but Liam told me all about it. We ran through the woods.

"Where are we going?" I smiled.
"You'll see."
"Liam, wait don't go so fast." I laughed.
"Sorry I'm excited." He smiled

I chuckled a bit. Liam stopped at a cliff. The view over the town was amazing and the stars were shining bright.

"Wow Liam." I smiled.
"Do you like it?" Liam asked.
"Liam, I love it." I smiled and kissed him.

He picked me up and smiled.

"There is something I wanted to ask you." Liam smiled.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I know we're something so I wanted to make it official since I realise that my life would suck without you. So, Ellouise, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

I looked over his shoulder to pretend to think, but something moved in the woods. The moon lit up the end of the gun.

"Get down." I shouted.

I pushed Liam on the floor and was too late to get down myself I looked at the blood stains on my shirt as I stepped back and accidentally fell off the cliff.


Liam screamed out his lungs. He got back up his feet and ran to the bottom. He saw my lifeless body lay there. He broke down in pieces and hugged me. Tears ran down his face.

"This can't be true." He mumbled.

He kissed the top of my head and scooped me of the floor. He walked to Scott's house. Crying and falling apart.

"It's 5 in the morning." Liam heard.

Scott open the door and was shocked by the view. His beta carrying his girlfriend. Scott had a flashback to the time Allison died in his arms.

"They killed her." Liam cried.

Scott texted his mom and Stiles. Liam was falling apart even more with ever passing second. Scott took my body out of his arms and placed me in the couch. Liam fell on his knees and couldn't hold back all the pain he was feeling. Scott hugged him tight. Liam cried out every last tear. He was broken. He didn't say a word. Stiles came in and felt terrible when he saw Liam in that much pain. Melissa came in and gasped. Scott picked Liam up and put the exhausted teen on his bed. Liam cried himself to sleep.

"What happened?" Melissa asked.
"Someone killed her." Scott said.
"Who did?" Stiles asked.
"I don't know he arrived 30 minutes ago carrying her lifeless body." Scott said.
"I'll take her to the morgue." She sighed.
"I'll search where they were maybe we can find out who did this." Stiles said.
"Be careful Stiles. I can't lose you." Scott said.
"I'll be careful." He said.

Scott went upstairs to check on the slender boy. He was having a nightmare. He was twisting and turning. Scott touched Liam's head and it was all sweaty.

"You're safe Liam. I'm here." Scott hushed.

He watched over him. Liam woke up screaming reliving the horrifying death. Scott was there to support him immediately.

"Make it stop." Liam cried.
"I wish I could. I really do." Scott whispered.

Liam cried for hours for days and even a few weeks. He refused to eat much so the slender boy got thinner an weaker. Everyone tried the best they could but nothing was enough. Nothing would be good enough to bring back his Ellouise. The love of his life. The girl he pictured himself growing old with. Liam looked at the rain outside. Scott sat down next to him with a picture of Allison.

"Liam you have to talk to me. I can help you." Scott tried.
"You don't understand she was everything I ever wished for and they took it from me! They killed her."
"You're wrong. I do understand." Scott hushed and gave Liam the picture.
"Who is that?" Liam asked.
"Her name is Allison. She used to be the love of my life. She still is I mean you never forget your first love, an evil spirit called oni killed her after she save one of my pack members. We weren't dating at that point because she loved someone else but that didn't mean it hurt any less." Scott explained.
"What did you do." Liam asked.
"I cried but then I got up again because I had a pack to protect." He said, "I had my friends and not much later you came in my life. I bit you trying to save you and from that second you were my priority. You were my beta, my responsibility."

Liam looked at his alpha and tried to be strong but he couldn't.

"I'm not like you Scott I'm not strong enough." He sobbed.
"It's okay to be broken, it makes you human but you are strong enough." Scott hushed.
"How do you know that?" Liam asked.
"You're my beta I know you are." Scott hushed.
"I loved Ellouise, I had just asked her to be my official girlfriend. She pretended to think just to tease me and the next thing I know I'm on the ground looking up at her. He shirt was completely covered in blood and then she fell of the cliff. I watched her die and there was nothing I could do."
"I understand what you're feeling." Scott hushed and hugged him.
"Every time I close my eyes I see her falling of the cliff. I try to save her but I'm always to late." Liam said.

He was out of tears. He had no energy to fight. He just lost his reason to live.

"I know it sounds cheep but this is not what she would've wanted. Ellouise was a great girl. I didn't talk to her that much but she made me promise that whatever happened I would take care of you. She told me that I had to protect you at all costs because she loved you and she couldn't even imagine a life without you. She wanted you safe. She couldn't care less about herself. You had to live. So don't let her sacrifice be for nothing. If you give up Ellouise died for nothing and I can't let that happen." Scott said.
"Thank you, Scott but my life will never be the same without her." Liam said.
"Life can be tough but you can either suffer and give up or you can rise up from the ashes and learn from it." Scott said and left the room.

Liam looked back outside. His imagination pictured his Ellouise on the other side. He put his hand on the cold glass and smiled a bit.

"God I miss you so much. I know it's been 8 months but it still hurts." He mumbled.


For dolanimaginesbaby Hope you liked it 😊

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