Ch1: An Invasion

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Edited: 30th December 2017

Aurora's Pov

I sat down at one of the table's near the castle. I had one of my pencils in my mouth as I sketched out the stage in front of me, adding in ponies if need be. Drawing was one of my special talents along with writing. It's what my cutie mark stands for. The paint brush stands for the art while the pencil stands for the writing.

I kept happily sketching until a loud crash of thunder came from over head and some dark storm clouds started to cover the sky. "That's odd. I thought it wasn't supposed to rain today, let alone a thunder storm" I pointed out to no one in particular, dropping my pencil on top of my pad.

I put my pencil and art pad back into my saddlebag which I never leave home without since I didn't want my pad to get wet and stood up, walking around the table. A huge ship lowered into the side of the area that I was standing on, breaking some of the pedestals and a deck lowered down.

A tiny little creature that I had never seen before walked out carrying some box before placing it at the bottom of the deck. It then opened up to be like a big speaker and the guy was holding the part that you speak into.

"Ponies of Equestria. We come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the almighty Storm King" he spoke as a banner of some creature that I had never seen before was lowered on the side of the airship.

"Storm King, I've never heard of him" I whispered to myself, staying back a little, not wanting to get involved in this. I'm just a regular Pegasus after all. "And now to deliver the evil, evil message. Put your hooves together for commander Tempest" he spoke again, his voice booming through the speaker as he gestured towards the ship where you could hear hoof steps on metal.

A dark purple pony with a dark pink mane that was a lighter pink on the edges and spiked up walked to the entrance of the ship. She was wearing some armour over her with armour on her hooves as well. A scar was over her right eye and a the tip of her horn was broken, leaving it as just a base with magic sparking out of it.

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Princess Cadence flew in front of the crowd as everyone whispered about what was going on. Celestia looked over at the pony with a calm face, which is what you would expect from a ruler. "Tempest is it. How may we help you" Celestia asked, placing one hoof down in front of her.

"Oh I'm so glad you asked. How about we start with your complete and utter surrender" Tempest replied, her expression showing that she was being serious. My eyes widened in shock and surprise. 'Why would she want the princesses to surrender. Does she want to take over Equestria' I thought, my breath catching as I thought about it.

Princess Twilight then walked from behind Princess Celestia and waved. "Hi there, Princess of friendship. Not exactly sure what's going on but I know we can talk things out" Twilight suggested, standing next to the other Princesses. "Oh goody, all four princesses. Here's the deal ladies, I need your magic. Give it up nicely, please or we make it difficult FOR EVERYONE" Tempest spoke, walking down the ramp, her armoured shoes clanging against the metal of the ramp.

"And why should we cower before you. There's one of you and hundreds of us" Luna asked Tempest. Tempest did a laugh before replying "I was hoping you'd choose difficult" and two more creatures walked to the entrance of the airship while two more airships appeared and more of the soldiers leapt out of them.

I placed my ears down next to my head and backed away a little. I looked around as every pony was panicking, trying to get away. Tempest kicked some weird orb thing towards Celestia but Cadence jumped in front and used a spell to protect them but it broke through and turned Cadence to stone.

Celestia then turned to Luna and started to tell her to do something but Tempest hit her and turned Princess Celestia to stone. Luna was about to fly away but was also turned to stone and Twilight caught her but was about to be turned to stone but somepony else got to her and moved her out the way. A few of the guards chased after Twilight and her friends while the others started catching the other ponies.

I watched in horror, backing away before bumping into one of the soldiers and gulped. It stretched out its paws and tried to grab me but I opened my wings and flew out of its grasp just in time. Using my hind legs, I kicked the soldier in the face as it gave a cry of pain and held its face.

I took this as an opportunity to escape and landed on the ground and ran towards the bridge at one of the exits to Cantorlot.

I ran across the bridge but when I had reached about halfway, I spotted that the bridge had already been broken but lucky for me, I'm a Pegasus. I leapt across the gap, ready to use my wings if need be but two of those soldiers were on the other side. In panic, my wings instantly closed and I felt like they were glued to me. My hooves hit the edge of the other side of the bridge as the two soldiers went to grab me. I tried to catch my balance but a section of the bridge broke under my hoof and I fell right off of the bridge, heading to the pool down below.

I tried to unfold my wings but they wouldn't budge as I got closer to the water. I kept trying to open my wings but each time failed and I got closer to the water as I spun onto back in midair, covering my eyes with my hooves and took a big gulp of air before feeling the cold water hit my back.

I opened my eyes, removing my hooves from my eyes as I used my hooves to swim through the water. I continued to search for the water bed till I could feel the sand under my hooves and walked out of the water, my hair and tail wet and dripping with water.

I swam through the water, my hooves looking for the water bed. When I fiy felt it, the water was getting shallower and I walked out and onto the shore.

"Who are you" a voice asked. I looked up to see none other then Twilight and her friends. "No way, it's Princess Twilight and her friends. I know so much about you. I know that you've saved Equestria from Nightmare moon, Discord, Spike saved the crystal empire from King Sombra and you defeated Tirek" I explained in excitement trying my best to not seem that way but failing.

"How do you know about that" Applejack asked. "Well it's on the stain glass windows in the castle for one" I replied as the others nodded in agreement. "Oh my. That emerald of yours is simply devine. Where in Equestria did you get it" Rarity asked, looking straight at the emerald that I always wore around my neck.

"It's from my mother, she gave it to me not long before she...... Well...... Went to a better place in nice words. It was a present to her from my father" I replied. "I like you. Can she come with us Twilight. Can she. Can she. Can she" Pinkie Pie pleaded to Twilight.

"Fine she can come, it might come in handy to have another Pegasus with us. Especially one so knowledged and apparently packed" Twilight replied, gesturing towards my saddlebags.

"Oh these just have my art and writing stuff in it as well as a couple of books. Like the friendship journal. I don't have any friends but I loved reading it and learning the lessons so I always carry it with me as well as a couple other books" I explained, happy that Twilight was alright with me tagging along on the journey.

"What kind of books do you like" Fluttershy asked as we walked into the area that was dark. "Well I like all kinds of books" I replied. "Do you like Daring Do" Rainbow asked. "Of course. Those books inspired me to write my own books" I replied.

"You have books" Twilight asked. "Yeah, I haven't published the book I have though because I'm just not sure if people will like it" I replied.

"I can read it if you want" Twilight replied excitedly. "You'd read my book" I asked in surprise. "I love books so it wouldn't be a problem" Twilight replied. "Aww thanks. You guys are even better then I imagined" I replied, placing my ears down in embarrassment.

We started walking through some trees as Pinkie was asking if we wanted to play a game before saying she spied something orange and when no one replied she said that it was Applejack.

Edited                       Word Count: 1555

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