Ch8: Returning to ponyville

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Capper's pov

We got of the train as Moonshadow and Mystic raced out of the train in excitement while Aurora laughed lightly. Tempest trotted along side me and knudged my leg with her hoof. She nodded towards Aurora who was watching Moonshadow and Mystic having fun while running around happily. 

"Hey Aurora" I called as she turned around. "Yeah" she asked. "Do you wanna..... um do you wanna...... um..... head to Twilight's castle" I explained. "We were going to head there anywhere. I sort of live there remember" Aurora laughed lightly before trotting off after the two younger ponies. 

"Seriously" Tempest asked, looking at me with a face of disbelief. I placed my ears down and sighed before following Aurora to the castle. We walked into the catsle and into the throne room where the others were minus Twilight. Suddenly the door burst open as Twilight galloped in really excited, levetating a book with her magic. 

"Oh my Celestia this book is amazing. You have got to read it" Twilight spoke excitedly. "Wait, is that my book" Aurora asked, looking at the book. "Oh your back anyway yes it is your book. I'm sorry but I ended up unpacking all your stuff out of bordom and found your book in amongst it and I couldnt help but read it" Twilight replied. 

"And you want other people to read it" Aurora asked. "Well I'm going to make copies for all of us but no one else" Twilight replied before gesturing to Starlight. She walked over to Twilight before they cast a spell on the book and it became 11 copies. One copy landed in my paws as I just looked at it.

After some talking of what happened on the trip, we all headed our separate ways. I walked to my house and opened the door, walking in. I closed the door and slumped down on my couch and sighed. I looked at the book that I clutched in my paws and sighed. "I'm so stupid. I can't believe I wasn't able to ask Aurora on a date" I hissed lightly. I looked over to my mantelpiece where the picture that Aurora had drawn of me which I had framed. 

I went back to stare at the book when Pinkie appeared above. "What are you doing" she yelled. I screamed in shock and fell on the floor with a huge thump. "What are you doing in my house" I asked her as she jumped down from my ceiling. 

"We just waked in because you left your door unlocked" Rainbow replied as she flew above my couch. "Tempest told us about your failed attempt at asking Aurora out" Rarity added as I looked at Tempest. "You needed help and I had to tell them" she replied. "Come on Capper, we can help you" Twilight added.

"And how are you going to do that" I asked. "Well we could start by actually asking her out" Applejack pointed out. "Right. That might help" I replied blushing a little with my ears down. "Okay so this is how we'll do this....." Starlight explained.

Time skip

I stood outside Aurora's door in the castle and took in a big gulp. I knocked on the large doors as a lot of noise came from inside before the door opened to reveal Aurora, standing in the doorway. "Oh hey Capper, what is it. Do you wanna come in" She asked 

"No I'm fine. I just wanted to ask a question" I replied, twitching my tail nervously. "Ok, what is it" she asked with a smile. "Will you.....will you go on a date with me" I asked, kneeling down and holding her hoof in my paw, a blush spread across my face. 

I looked up at her and saw a blush spread across her purple and blue muzzle and cheeks. "Umm okay" she replied, taking her hoof back, the blush still present on her face. "Cool, pick you up at 7" I explained and walked away. The moment I walked around the corner and celebrated happily.

Time skip

I stood in my house, looking in the mirror. Applejack, Rainbow, Fluttershy and Pinkie were helping me get ready. "Please sit down so I can do your hair" Fluttershy spoke calmly as she lead me to the couch while holding a brush. I sat down as Fluttershy pulled the brush through my hair, styling it. 

After a while, Fluttershy stopped and I got up, walking towards the mirror. I looked into the mirror and at my hair. It had been brushed into a nice style that looked neat. "Wow, its really nice" I replied. 

"You should get into your suit, its getting close to 7" Applejack spoke, pointing at my suit. I took off my jacket and buttoned up the shirt, I pulled on the trousers and put on the black jacket. I tied the tie and put on the shoes. 

"What do you think" I asked, looking at the others. "Maybe you should change the bandage to match the suit" Pinkie replied, pointing at my tail. "I guess" I replied. I removed it and put a piece of black cloth in its place. 


Aurora's Pov

"Oh my Celestia. What if something goes wrong. What if I mess up" I panicked. "Come on, it cant be that bad" Starlight replied. "Darling, could you hold still or I cant do your hair" Rarity spoke, trotting over with a brush.

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous" I replied as Rarity brushed my hair using her magic. Once she had finished, she levitated a mirror to show me my hair as I smiled. "It looks nice" I replied. Rarity then styled my tail. 

I changed into the dress that was a scarlet red colour. It attached to my necklace as I looked at myself in a mirror. I smiled happily and kept looking at myself. "You look really nice" Tempest commented. "Thanks" I replied before a knock came from the front door, I got ready to go to the door. 

To be contiued

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