Christmas Special(Also Not A Filler. It's Part Of The Story)

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Merry Christmas and Happy hearth's Warming everypony

No one's pov

Capper woke up with a yawn to the sound of bells ringing. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking around for the source of the jingling. "Morning Capper" Aurora cheered happily, smiling at him. "How are you feeling, nothing serious right" I asked, hoping that both her and the baby were all right.

"I'm fine. I made breakfast" she replied, still smiling as I headed into the main room. I sat down at the table and started to eat my breakfast, a purr building up in my throat.

"Is there something wrong" I asked, confused about everything that was happening. "It's Hearths warming day" Aurora replied, eating some cereal.

"Isn't that the holiday you told me about with the snow and the presents and stuff" I asked not sure if I was right. "Yep. Twilight invited us over to the castle for lunch. It's a good opportunity to tell them about the baby" Aurora told me as I nodded.

We still hadn't told anypony about the baby yet so they were going to be shocked when they find out. "I wonder how our friends are going to react" I spoke.

"Well, Pinkie will try to throw a party probably every month or something" she laughed as I nodded. I had heard from the two ponies that help Pinkie run sugarcube corner that Pinkie celebrates every tiny little thing that the two babies do.

I ate my breakfast as I kept an eye on Aurora, not wanting something bad to happen to her. I was basically eating my breakfast with one eye looking down at the bowl and one eye watching Aurora and I think she picked up on it.

"You can look down for 5 seconds. It's not like someone is going to kidnap me in that amount of time" she told me. I smiled nervously, placing my ears against my head before Aurora stood up and walked towards the door.

"You coming" she asked, reaching for the doorknob. I rushed over and opened the door for her as she rolled her eyes and walked out.

Mini time skip

Aurora's pov

We reached the castle as I lifted my hoof and knocked on the door as it opened to show Spike.

"Happy hearths warming" I told Spike. He smiled and nodded as he opened the door and let us in. The moment Capper and I stepped through the door however was the moment that Pinkie brought her party Canon out of nowhere and hit us with the confetti. "Surprise" she yelled happily as the others shook their heads.

"Pinkie, let them get through the door first" Starlight laughed as Pinkie just gave a huge grin. I laughed as Twilight walked in and spoke up. "The food is ready" she cheered as everyone went to her dinning room and sat at the table.

I sat next to Capper who through out the entire lunch, kept his tail on my back. I laughed a little at his actions but kept it quite so that no one could hear.

After lunch, we all gathered around the tree in Twilight's living room as we exchanged gifts although Twilight and Spike had already done that with each other.

I decided to start telling the others about the baby so I went over to Tempest who was sitting and talking with Starlight. "Um Tempest, could I talk with you in private" I asked as she nodded and stood up, following me into the hallway.

"So what do you need to talk about" she asked, probably wondering why I was talking to her and not someone else. "Well, I have something that I'm going to tell everypony today but I wanted to start with you" I told her, sitting down on the floor.

Tempest nodded and sat down as well, waiting for me to tell her what the news was. I took a deep breath before telling her. "I'm going to have a baby"

Tempest just stared at me, not blinking as I waited for her to say something. "Capper's the father, right" she asked, one ear bent down a little.

I nodded as she then looked at the ground and back up again. "Are you sure that this is the case" she asked. "I went to the doctor and he checked. It's definitely the case" I replied as she kept looking around and asking questions.

Capper's pov

I waited for Aurora to come back into the room after going to talk with Tempest. I fiddled with my paws but the moment the large doors opened, I shot my head up.

Aurora trotted in with Tempest before going over to Twilight and talked to her. Twilight nodded before she spoke up. "Everypony, Aurora has something to say" she told us as Aurora came over to me.

Everypony turned to us and I felt a little uncomfortable but still placed my tail on Aurora's back none the less. Aurora took a breath before speaking. "Capper and I are going to have a baby" she spoke.


Suddenly the whole room burst with congratulations and cheers as Pinkie yelled. "We need to celebrate"

After everything had calmed down, Aurora turned to me and held up a box. "I know you've never celebrated hearths warming eve before but I got you a little something" she smiled as she placed the box in my paws.

I looked at the box before opening it up and seeing a drawing of the two of us and it was in a frame. "It's beautiful but not as beautiful as you" I whispered, nuzzling my muzzle into her neck.

She smiled and kissed the top of my muzzle as a small purr escapes from my mouth. 'Best winter ever' I thought, wrapping my tail around Aurora and our unborn baby.

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