Ch12: Surprise

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Aurora's Pov

"Hey Aurora" I heard a familiar voice call my name but I ignored it and buried my head into the soft pillow that it lay against. "Aurora, come on wake up" the voice called again but I still didn't budge.

"Don't make me get you out of this bed" they spoke as I opened my eyes lazily only to see Capper then closed them again while whispering "What do you want" but I honestly don't know why I whispered.

"I want you to wake up, that's what I want" Capper replied as I sighed and sat up in the bed. "I'm up so now what" I asked. "Follow me" he replied as he lead me outside the house.

"Where are Moonshadow and Mystic and why weren't you in the house two nights running" I asked him. "Moonshadow and Mystic are with Pinkie and as for where I was, I'm not telling" Capper replied.

"So your keeping secrets from me now" I asked. "No need to get your feathers in a bunch, it's not very important, oh and sorry about that pun with the Feathers. I would have said that to any Pegasus" Capper spoke and apologize at the end.

"Its fine, I don't mind" I replied as Capper led me to the train station and we got on the train. I was confused by this but then he covered my eyes and said "From this point on, you aren't allowed to look until we get to our destination" he explained.

"OK but what is on my face" I asked, tapping it with my hoof. "That would be my tail" he replied as I just looked at the darkness that was caused by his tail.

Time skip

We got off the train and Capper still had his tail over my eyes as he lead me somewhere. I felt the dirt under my hoofs turn to stone and a door open and close.

"Capper, what's going on" I asked, now getting very nervous. I felt Capper's tail lift off my eyes and I opened then as a light flickered on and all my friends yelled surprise and Pinkie bounded over, placing a party hat on my head.

I turned to Capper and looked at him. "I told you I don't celebrate my birthday and you went behind my back and threw me a party" I told him angrily. Capper placed his paws on my shoulders and said "Just calm down and let me explain, right after I give you, your present from me" Capper explained.

I was about to protest when he turned me around and I was facing a mare and a stallion that looked quite old before they embraced me in a hug.

I was bit shocked by the sudden action when the mare spoke. "Oh Aurora, we missed you so much"

I pulled away from the hug and looked at them for a couple seconds before realising who they were. "Granny and Grampa" I spoke as they pulled me into a hug again while I cried tears of joy.

After all these years of being alone, I finally found some of my family. I turned to Capper, leapt up at him and gave him a hug while whispering. "Thank you, this means so much to me"

I heard him a give a small chuckle and whisper back. "I'm glad your happy" as he wiped the leftover tears from my eyes.

"Alright everypony. Let's get this party started" Pinkie yelled as we started to play all sorts of games. After a while a cake was brought out and everyone had a slice as the others gave me gifts which I felt a little embarrassed over this.

After a while, I walked out onto the back porch and sat down, watching the sun set. "Hey, what are you doing" Somepony asked. I turned around and saw Capper standing there. He had a bit of cake on the side of his muzzle and his whiskers as I looked back at the sunset.

"I just needed some space, that's all" I told him. He sat down, placing a box down on the wood of the porch and asked "Why are your grandparents unicorns, when you a Pegasus"

I looked at him and he looked a little started before speaking again "Sorry, that sounded kind of rude" he apologized. "It's fine but to answer your question my mother's side is Unicorns while my father's side is Pegasi so I got my genes from my dad for whether I would be a unicorn or a Pegasus" I explained.

Capper smiled before handing me the box that was neatly wrapped. "Your grandparents wanted you to have this" he explained as I looked at him and smiled before wiping the cake off of his muzzle and whiskers. He thanked me before I opened up the box.

Inside was a book but it didn't look like any ordinary book. It looked like a photo album. I opened it up and looked inside only to see pictures of me and my parents. "It's a photo album from when you were a filly. Your grandparents found it in your old house" Capper explained.

"It's beautiful" I spoke as I looked at the album. "Well, you have one more present that to get today" Capper spoke. I put the box and photo album back on the porch and looked at Capper in confusion.

"Yes, I have one last gift to give you" he explained. "Oh Capper you didn't have to do that" I told him. "Oh but I did" he purred and got down on one knee.

I looked at him confused as he pulled out a small red coloured box from his pocket and opened it up to reveal a sapphire ring.

"Aurora Feathers, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife" he asked as I looked at him. 'This is happening so fast. We only went on one date and.....'

Capper noticed that I paused and spoked up "its ike if you say no. I know it's quite early but...." he started "Yes" I cut in

"What was that" he asked in excitement and hope. "Yes I'll marry you. On one condition" I told him.

"And what' s that" he asked with a purr. "You take me out on one more date before the wedding" I told him. "Deal" he replied and pulled me into a kiss as I kissed back.

I could here a deep purr rising from his throat as we parted and he smiled. "Aurora Dapperpaws has a nice ring to it don't you think" he smiled. "I guess it does" I told him as I yawned.

Capper picked me up and pulled me into him as I slowly fell asleep with the warmth of his fur next to me

MLP: The cat and the Pegasus(A Capper x OC fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now