Ch13: Meeting Discord

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Aurora's pov

I woke up on Capper's chest as he lay on the porch, his paws wrapped around me. I smiled and nudged him with my hoof as he stirred. "Morning sleepyhead" I teased as he sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"What's going on" he asked, stretching his arms. "Well we were at the party last night and I was out here, you came with me and you proposed before we both fell asleep" I replied, sitting on the floorboards of the porch.

"We should tell the others" Capper suggested. "We can tell them in a bit, I'm helping Fluttershy today but I need to do something before that" I replied. Capper nodded as I picked the stuff up and carried it, the ring hidden a little by my emerald.

I trotted in, Capper not far behind as I grabbed a saddlebag and put the stuff in it. "Good morning Aurora" Uncle Platinum greeted as I smiled. I placed a hoof on my head and rubbed it, messing my hair up a little. "So how was your little nap" he asked, winking at me. Thankfully Capper was busy so he didn't hear this.

"We just fell asleep, nothing else" I replied as he chuckled. "Well hopefully I'll be seeing you soon, it's nice to know that we still have our little granddaughter" Sapphire spoke up as I rolled my eyes. "I'm not little anymore. I'm all grown up" I replied.

"I also see that you have the emerald that your father gave to your mother" she smiled, pointing at the emerald around my neck. "Oh this was a birthday present from them on the day that they, well, you know" I explained.

"We you better go, your friends seem to be awake" Platinum chuckled before leaning in. "And good luck with that engagement" he whispered, winking as I looked at him, wondering how he knew because the ring is hidden behind my emerald.

I got out of my shock as the others were heading to the door and I trotted after them. I walked next to Capper as he purred quietly.

Time skip

Capper's pov

I sat on a bench in the park, waiting for Aurora to come. She had agreed to let me come and help Fluttershy since there would be someone there that I could socialise with while she helped with the animals.

I waited, bored as I placed my head on my paw, kinking my tail in boredom. "Capper, Capper guess what" I heard Aurora yell. "What's wrong, did something happen" I questioned in panic.

"Yep, look who got they're cast off" she replied, flying into the air to show that there was no cast on her wing. "Wait so it's better now" I asked. "Yep and this means I can start flying again" she replied with a smile as she landed on the ground again.

"Now let's go meet Fluttershy" she added as we headed over to Fluttershy's cottage. Aurora walked up to the door and knocked on it as the door opened and Fluttershy smiled and hugged Aurora. "Hello Aurora. Thanks for agreeing to help out" Fluttershy smiled before turning to Capper. "Discord is in there if you guys want to talk" she spoke to me before the two of them headed off to help the animals while talking.

'Discord, who's that' I wondered before the door opened again and someone I mean somepony around my height came out and went to talk to Fluttershy. She explained something to him and then pointed at me before he came over and looked at me. "So what exactly are you" I asked, tilting my head in confusion because he seemed to be a mash-up of different things.

"I'm Discord, a Draconequus. And who are you? Some sort of talking cat" he replied, being quite annoyed when asking about who I was. "I'm Capper and yes I am a cat for your information" I replied, flicking my tail in annoyance.

"So your just a basic housecat" he spoke as I gritted my teeth. "And why do you wear a jacket if there's no reason to wear it" he added, pointing at my jacket. "At least I'm not a sad mash-up of different creatures" I replied. "Well at least I'm not a boring old housecat that can't even use magic" he replied, getting quite close.

"I helped defeat the storm king's army with my friends" I replied, not liking that he was calling me a housecat. "Well I've defeated the changlings when they tried to take over by kidnapping the princesses and Twilight's friends" he replied.

I couldn't think of anything to reply to that so I just stood trying to think of something when he spoke again. "And you'd better stay away from Fluttershy. She's mine" he growled.

"Fluttershy is just a friend. I'm interested on a different Pegasus and I'm already engaged to her" I replied, boosting a little about the engagement. "Hold on, you like a pony too" be asked, sounding less angry now.

"Well yeah, she is a very good artist and writer" I replied. "By any chance is that her over there" he asked, pointing over at Fluttershy and Aurora who were feeding some of the animals.

"Well yes" I replied simply. "So your engaged to her" he asked. "Yes and we live with her adopted younger siblings....... And her dog" I resented the last part. Even though I was warming up to Thorn, I still didn't like him.

"I guess your alright, it's nice to know that there is another that is around my height that hangs out with ponies. Just don't get any ideas about Fluttershy" he replied, his ears down when he said the last part.

"Wasn't planning on it" I replied before looking over at the two Pegasi that were still feeding the animals and I did this for the rest of the time that they were doing this.

MLP: The cat and the Pegasus(A Capper x OC fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now