Ch7: Finding And Solving a friendship problem

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Aurora's pov

I walked along the streets of Manehattan, searching for a friendship with Tempest and Capper. "Hey look over there" Tempest spoke, pointing at a couple of ponies(Around The Cutie mark crusaders age) ,  that were arguing. One of them was a purple pegasus with a blond mane while the other was a gray unicorn with a black mane with pastel green highlights.

Both of the ponies split up and went seperate directions. "Okay so do we split up" Capper asked. "I guess so. Tempest, you go with Capper and go to the Unicorn. I'll go after the Pegasus" I told them. I crossed the street once it was all clear and headed in the direction that the Pegasus had gone in. 

I finally spotted her and trotted over. "Hey" I smiled and sat down on the bench next to her. "Who are you" she asked turning her head as her bangs fell into her face. "I'm Aurora Feathers. I saw what happened between you and that Unicorn. Can you tell me what happened" I asked politely.

"Moonshadow was my best friend but just there he said how Pegasai and Earth Ponies are stupid and useless because we can't use magic like the unicorns can" the Pegasus sniffled, tears building up in her eyes. "And where are your parents" I asked. 

"I never knew my parents. They abandoned me at an orphanage when I was a foal" She replied. I looked at her and placed my good wing over her.

She looked up at me with surprise and confusion in her eyes. "I sort of know how you feel. I was just a filly when I lost my parents and had to go to an orphanage and being the only blank flank there is hard but I'm sure that you'll be amazing when it comes to what you have to be in the future" I told her, smiling at the end.

I wiped away her tears as she looked up at me and smiled. "How about we go talk to your friend. Maybe he has a reason for saying what he did" I pointed out. "OK miss" she replied. "You don't have to be so formal, just call me Aurora" I told her. "OK my name is Mystic Daisy" she told me.

"Well that's a really nice name" I replied. "I've got a question" Mystic asked. "And what's that" I asked. "Are you planning on becoming a parent anytime soon" she asked. I was a little taken aback by this question.

"Well I haven't really thought about it" I replied. Mystic looked down at the ground and put her ears down. "Hey don't be sad. Maybe I might take you in but as a sister not a child" I told her. "Really. Oh I've always wanted a big sister" Mystic cheered. "But you might need to change your name to make it a little more believable" I told her as she leapt up and down happily.

"Hmm Mystic Feathers. I like that name" she cheered happily. "So what about your friend, does he have any parents" I asked. "Moonshadow just joined the orphanage a couple of moons ago. We really hit it off until what he said" she explained.

"Well maybe I'll take both of you under my wing" I told her with a smile. "But your a Pegasus and he's a Unicorn" Mystic pointed out. "True but when I was born, I had a 50% chance of being a Unicorn as my mother's side of the family are Unicorns while my father's side of the family are Pegasai" I explained.

"So you would really take us both in as your siblings" she asked, looking like she was going to burst from happiness. "Of course, you remind me of myself when I was your age and I don't really have any family myself so it would be nice to have a younger sibling or two" I replied.

"Yeah" she cheered as she leapt up and down in happiness. She had endless energy just like Pinkie Pie which made me laugh since I thought Pinkie was the only one who had endless bounds of energy.


Capper's pov

"So we are looking for a unicorn that is a colt" I asked. "I guess but why did we have to be the ones to go after the unicorn. I'm not that good at spells because of my horn" Tempest replied.

"Maybe he'll find your horn cool" I replied before hearing sobbing noise from an alleyway. I looked at Tempest before the two of us walked to the edge of the alleyway. Sitting next to the wall, crying was the colt that had been fighting with the Pegasus.

"Hey little one, are you ok" Tempest asked, trying to be kind. "Who... Who are you" The unicorn sniffled. "I'm Capper and this is Tempest. We want to know why your crying" I asked.

"My friend Mystic Daisy and I were playing a game when I saw a happy family. Mystic was asking if I was OK and I snapped back at her, saying that Pegasai and Earth Ponies weren't needed in Equestria because I remember my parents would always say that. Mystic then got mad and we got into a fight and then I ran off" The colt explained. "So what's your name" Tempest asked. "My name is......"

"Moonshadow" a filly voice called. The colt got up and looked out the alleyway as did Tempest and I.

"Mystic" the colt who I presumed was called Moonshadow, ran over to the purple Pegasus. "I'm so sorry about what I said, I didn't mean to be so mean to you. Can you forgive me" Moonshadow explained to the filly.

"I forgive you but I have some great news" Mystic cheered. "What's that" Moonshadow asked. "This Pegasus here is going to adopt us as her siblings" Mystic cheered.

"Are you being serious" Moonshadow asked before turning to Aurora. I just watched with my jaw hanging. "You must be Moonshadow correct. My name is Aurora Feathers and yes I am going to take you in" Aurora told Moonshadow.

"Yay" he cheered before turning stopping and saying. "I'll show you to the orphanage so we can get signed out and get our stuff" before walking past us with Mystic next to him.

"Are you actually going to take them in" I asked, in complete shock. "Yeah, they seem nice and I've always wanted a younger sibling and now I can have two" she replied as we arrived at the orphanage.

Moonshadow and Mystic ran inside as we followed. A pony that was sitting behind the counter looked up as we walked in. "May I help you" she asked.

"Yes, I would like to sign an adoption form for Mystic Daisy and Moonshadow" Aurora replied. She looked at me before grabbing a pen and paper and placing it on the table.

Aurora picked up the pen and started to sign her name on both sheets. "You don't need to call them, they already know and are packing as we speak" Aurora explained to the desk clerk as she was about to push the call button with her hoof.

A couple of minutes later, the two ponies rushed down with they're saddlebags. "Can we go now" Mystic asked. "Well we just need to stop off at a hotel to pick up some things but then we can go" Aurora replied.

"So are the three of you siblings or friends" Moonshadow asked. "We're friends" Tempest replied. "So where do you live" Mystic asked. "We live in Ponyville. I don't have a house of my own so I'm staying in Twilight's castle till I can get one" Aurora replied.

"Wait you guys are friends with Princess Twilight" Moonshadow asked. "Yeah. She's pretty nice" Tempest replied. "And so are the rest of our friends. In they're own unique way" I added.

"Wow, have you guys saved Equestria" Mystic asked. "Well Capper and I have saved Equestria and you could say Tempest helped since she saved us from being turned to stone and got rid of the evil storm king" Aurora explained.

"Awesome" Moonshadow and Mystic cheered while Aurora laughed a little.

Hey guys. I will do my best to get a drawing of Moonshadow and Mystic Daisy up by next week so don't worry.

MLP: The cat and the Pegasus(A Capper x OC fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now