Ch11: Research

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Capper's pov

"I need help, stat" I spoke as they looked at me. "Why do you need help" Spike asked with confusion. "Aurora's birthday is coming up and I need help with her present" I explained.

"Oh I need to throw her a giant party and......" Pinkie started but I cut her off. "Wait, Aurora doesn't like celebrating her birthday because it is the anniversary of when her parents.... Passed" I explained.

"So don't do anything about" Twilight spoke up. "No you see, I'm going to get her something that she will surely love" I told them.

"And what's that" Rainbow asked. "I'm going to find some of her family" I told them as they all of them looked at me.

"That's where I need your help, I thought that Twilight might have something on the history of different ponies and I need to get this information as soon as possible since her birthday is in a couple of days" I contiued to explain. "Well I think that's an amazing idea" Applejack spoke up. "I couldn't agree more" Rarity agreed. "Let's go find ourselves some of Aurora's ancestors" Rainbow cheered. "Yay" Fluttershy added.

1 day Timeskip

I woke up with my face in a book when I heard Twilight's front door open and non other than Aurora shout "Hey Twilight, your door was unlocked so I just came in, I need to ask you something" she called.

"Oh no, what if she comes in here" Rarity panicked. "We need a distraction" Tempest added. "I'll go" Rainbow spoke before flying out of the room

(the bold is Aurora and the italics is Rainbow

"Hey there Aurora"

"Hey Rainbow, what were you doing in Twilight's library"

"I was uh..... Rereading the last Daring Do book of course"

"Well could you please tell Twilight that I need to talk to her. Capper never came back home last night and he has Moonshadow and Mystic so I want to know where he is and I asked somepony and they told me that they saw him coming to the castle"

"Yeah right, maybe they were heading that way but weren't actually coming to the castle"

It was clear that Rainbow was having trouble convincing Aurora and when  Moonshadow and Mystic got up to leave I pushed them back down with my tail. Then Pinkie leapt out into the hallway.

"Hey Aurora"

"Hi Pinkie, what were you doing in the library"

"Oh I was helping Dashie read"

"You were helping Rainbow read"

"No I mean I was reading with Rainbow"

"Yeah she was reading a completely different book from me"

"Just tell me where Twilight is"

"She isn't home right now"

"What about Starlight or Tempest"

"They're all out, doing some training with they're magic"

"Fine but tell Twilight when  she comes back that I would like to ask if she's seen Capper"

I the  heard the door close and Rainbow and Pinkie came back into the room. "That was a close one" Rarity commented. "Why can't we tell Aurora that we are here" Mystic asked. "Because it has something to do with her birthday present and it's a surprise" Pinkie replied happily before Rainbow flew into her and knocked her into the bookshelf.

"Oh sorry Pinkie, but seriously guys, I don't think we are going to find anything on the Feathers family" Rainbow sighed. "I would have to agree, we've searched so many books and....." Rarity started but was cut off by Pinkie Pie.

"Wait the Feathers Family, hold on" she told them and ran back a bit and threw a book which landed on my face and fell in front of me on top of a pile of books. "Page 56" Pinkie spoke as I flipped to page 56. "How did you do that" Applejack asked, looking at Pinkie suspiciously. "Oh it just landed on my face when Rainbow dash knocked me into the bookcase" Pinkie replied(Do any of you remember this)

I looked at the book and before reading it out loud. "Arctic Feathers, a very good archaeologist married Delilah Snow and had a daughter together. Arctic's parents who were Velvet and Astral Feathers are presumed missing or dead while Delilah's parents Sapphire and Platinum Snow are still alive and live in a small remote town white rail woods"(I made this town up)

"Well let's go to this town and see if we can find Sapphire and Platinum Snow" Twilight spoke as we all prepared to leave.

Time skip" We got of the train and walked for a little while till we reached a small settlement where a two floored house stood at the end.

We walked up to the large house and read the sign that was on the gate which read 'The Snow family'

We looked at each other before they got me to take the lead, I gulped and walked over to the door and knocked on it. I waited a couple of minutes before an old unicorn opened the door and looked up at me.

"Hello there, what are you doing here" she asked looking up at me. "I'm here with my friends, we're looking for Sapphire and Platinum Snow" I explained gesturing to my friends at one point.

The mare looked at us before finally speaking. "Come in" she told us as she used her magic to open the door fully. Now that I could see her coat colour, I noticed that it was a light blue colour although her hair was now a grey colour so I couldn't tell what colour it used to be.

She walked over to a stallion who also had grey hair and was a silvery grey colour. The mare sat down on the couch and started to talk. "So why are you looking for these two ponies" she asked as I looked at all the different pictures behind them.

"Well you see we have a friend and it's her birthday tomorrow and we wanted to find her family since her parents passed away on her birthday as well so Capper, who has started to date her decided that as a present for Aurora, he would find some of her family" Tempest explained. I was quite shocked that she explained this because she usually doesn't really do a lot of talking around a lot of ponies.

I think it might be because of the whole, I almost brought doom upon Equestria just because I wanted my horn back thing.

Anyway I turned around as the two ponies looked at me before the mare trotted up to me and looked at me.

"Hmmm, he seems to be the curious type. What do you think honey?" she spoke, turning to the stallion. "I think he's just right" the stallion replied. "Just right for what" I asked.

"To be our Granddaughter's stallionfriend" they said in unison as we all looked at them. "Wait so your Sapphire and Platinum Snow" Rainbow asked before adding "I thought that you were a couple of ponies who loved here and didn't change the sign outside"

This caused the two ponies to laugh before looking at all of us. "It seems Aurora has quite rambunctious friends" they spoke. "And family" Moonshadow piped up. "And who might you be" Platinum asked, looking down at Moonshadow and Mystic.

"I'm Moonshadow and this is my best friend Mystic. We are Aurora's adopted siblings" Moonshadow spoke again as Mystic nodded in agreement.

"So can we throw a party for Aurora here tomorrow" Pinkie asked, hanging from the ceiling. "Sure, how about you set up now" Sapphire smiled as Pinkie brought out her party cannon from nowhere

Time skip

We had finished decorating the house for Aurora's party tomorrow and it was late afternoon. "Hey Rarity, can I talk to you for a second" I asked.

"Yeah sure, what is it" Rarity asked, backing away from the group. "Well you see I would like to...........

To be continued

I am so evil because it's a cliff hanger and you won't get to find out till next chapter but that chapter will probably be out today because I had 3 chapters left to publish today and it's 2 out of 3 so far so yeah lucky you guys right.

Anyway till next time, bye

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