Ch5: Saving Princess Twilight and Equestria

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Aurora's Pov

I sat in the cake with Skystar and the parrots as we headed into Cantorlot. We could only find 5 harnesses so I volunteered to be the pony to go into the cake with the others. I couldn't hear anything outside so I just waited for the signal. 

I heard the kick and then the Celaeno and her crew leapt out of the cake as I flew out with Skystar. We all fought against those guys and one came towards me and went to hit me with his spear but I dodged and gave his knee a good swift kick as he collapsed onto the ground. "Oh this is so much fun" I yelled. 

"Head for the castle. We'll hold them off" Celaeno ordered. "Come on" Rainbow yelled as we headed for the castle leaving the pirates behind. "FLUTTERSHY!!" We all yelled as she didn't follow. 

More guards came towards us as Skystar yelled "Keep going" and went to hold them off. "We arrived at the entrance of the courtyard and there were tons of guards. "Uh oh" Applejack spoke as I gulped. "Hey ain't you a fire breathing dragon" Capper asked Spike. Capper then picked up Spike and used him as a flamethrower while all the guards that got set on fire ran away screaming in they're own way.

Suddenly a huge tornado started s I tried not to be blown away. We all ran for shelter and looked out at the tornado. "You'd have to be faster than a speeding Pegasus to get past those winds" Rainbow pointed out. "Excellent idea Rainbow dash" Pinkie spoke as she pulled a helmet out of nowhere and onto her head before leading us over to a huge and I mean huge canon. "Everypony get in" Pinkie yelled as all of us ponies and Spike got into the canon and the others got to a lever to push.

"You sure about this" One of the parrots asked. "Yes do it. Thank you" Pinkie yelled in reply. "I'm excited. Who's excited. I've never been so excited "I'm not so sure about this" I said, getting nervous. Then the canon fired we all crashed into the castle as I stood up my eyes wide in shock.

"Pinkie. You all came back. I'm so sorry I was wrong to-" Twilight started but Pinkie gave her a hug. "I'm sorry too. Friends mess up sometime but we should never-" Pinkie started to explain but Rainbow interrupted. "Ugh make up later. This isn't over" she yelled, pointing at the staff in one of the windows.

It then started to zap at the roof as the ceiling came collapsing down. I looked behind me to see Tempest standing in the way of some of the rocks. "Look out" I yelled, leaping at her and pushing her out the way as rocks surrounded the both of us, trapping us. 

"Why would you do that" Tempest asked. "Because your a pony like me and it would be wrong to not help you" I replied, kicking the rocks with my hooves. I broke the rocks and leapt out just as the Storm King was about to get the staff. "Twilight look out" I yelled and flew over and banged into the Storm King. 

Twilight grabbed the staff just as window broke and the Storm King flew out, grabbing onto my wing which I heard a snap come from and I went with him. Unable to use my wings as one of them wasn't working.

Nopony's Pov

Twilight grabbed the staff but Pinkie wasn't able to hold onto Twilight anymore and she was dragged into the tornado along with the Storm King and Aurora. "Twilight, Aurora. Noooooooo" Pinkie yelled, extending her hoof. Tempest looked in shook at what happened s the storm started to slow down and stop.

Everypony looked at the sky as Pinkie placed her ears down and started to cry as she looked at the sky before crying into Applejack who placed a hoof around her. The sky then started to glow and all of them looked up to see what it was.

Flying down from the sky was Twilight holding both the staff and Aurora who had one wing dangling down. Twilight landed down and placed Aurora down on her hooves as the others came to give them a hug. 

The storm king climbed back up and went to throw one of the orbs that would turn the ponies to stone but Tempest sparked her horn with magic and ran forward. The ponies other than Aurora took this the wrong way and thought that she was going to attack them but Tempest leapt right over them and got hit but also managed to get the Storm king and they both turned to stone. 

The Storm king fell over the balcony and smashed to pieces while the ponies caught Tempest and placed her gently onto the balcony. "I can't believe she did that" Rainbow said in disbelief. "I can" Twilight and Aurora said together before looking at each other and smiling. 

They then used the staff to change Tempest back to normal. Tempest then lead them to the throne room and both her and Twilight put the top of the staff into the section as the magic returned to the princesses and Equestria and the princesses were turned back to normal


Capper's Pov

"Hey Capper" I heard someone call my name. I looked down and saw Aurora standing there with a smile. I put my ears down and felt a blush on my face as she laughed a little. "Here" she added, holding a piece of paper that was rolled up. 

I took it and opened up to see a drawing of me. "Did you draw this" I asked and she nodded. "Wow. Its actually really good" I replied, rolling it back up and putting it in my pocket. 

"Hey Aurora, Capper. How about you guys move to Ponyville" Pinkie spoke happily. "Isn't Ponyville for well Ponies" I asked. "You could always come live there anyway. I'm sure nopony will mind" Twilight replied. "What about you Aurora" Rainbow asked. 

"I don't have any bits at the moment. I think Thorn and I are fine where we are" She replied. "You could stay in my castle till you find your own place if you want" Twilight explained. "Who's Thorn" Applejack asked. "Oh he's my dog. I've had him since I was a filly" Aurora replied. 

"I guess I could see if I could find a place to stay in Ponyville" I decided as the others laughed or rolled they're eyes playfully. "Tempest. I mean Fizzlepop Berrytwist is moving to Ponyville" Pinkie added happily, leaping over to Pinkie. "Wow that's a mouthful but I think I'll just stick with Tempest. Its easier" Aurora spoke.

"How about we head to yours tomorrow and get your stuff and take it over to the castle and you can give me that book you were telling me about oh and Starlight can come with us to help" Twilight spoke happily. "Umm ok" Aurora replied. 

"How's your wing doing" Fluttershy asked, pointing at Aurora's left wing. "Doctor said that its broken so I wont be flying anytime soon" she replied. "How did you hurt your wing" I asked. "The Storm King pulled on it to stop himself from being pulled into the tornado after I flew into him in an attempt to stop him from getting the staff and the glass window broke" she replied.

"Well it did work since he didn't get it" Tempest replied. "I guess it did" Aurora smiled as everyone continued to chat through out the night.

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