Ch9: The date

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Aurora's pov

I walked over to the entrance and opened up the huge door. "My lady" Capper spoke with a bow, holding a bouquet of flowers. "Aww Capper, they're beautiful" I smiled, looking at the flowers. "I'm glad you like them" he replied.

I took the flowers and put it into the castle before trotting out of the house. I followed Capper along the streets of Ponyville. "So where are we going" I asked with a smile. "Its a surprize" he replied. "Close your eyes" he smiled, covering my eyes with his tail as he lead me across the streets. 

I followed him, trusting that Capper wouldn't let any harm come to me. I felt the cobblestone turn to grass as I continued to walk. After a while Capper removed his tail from my face and I opened my eyes, shocked at what I saw.

A blanket was laid down on the grass with a small table in the middle. Three candles sat in the middle of the table, a couple of menus sat on the table with napkins next to it. Cherry blossoms were scattered around the place. There was no trees around which allowed you to see the sky as the stars twinkled brightly.

"Wow, its lovely" I spoke, looking at it happily. Capper led me to one side and bent over in a nice way, taking hold of my hoof. "My, your being quite the gentlemen tonight" I replied as he let go of my hoof and sat down. "May I take your orders" Somepony asked. I looked over to see Applejack in a nice waiter suit. "Oh Applejack, your so sweet" I spoke before I looked at the menu. 

"Do you think I could have some apple juice" I asked, Applejack nodded before turning to Capper. "I think I'll have some water" Capper replied. AJ nodded and left before returning soon after with our drinks. "Thanks" I told her before taking a sip of my drink.

"This was so sweet of you Capper" I told him as he placed his ears down and blushed. "Thanks" he replied before looking at me. "I think you look really pretty but its not because of the outfit, I think you look pretty all the time" he added. "Well I think you look very handsome all the time" I replied

After a while, Applejack brought us dinner and we finished it. Once we were done, we just sat there and talked abut each other until Capper got up. "Aurora Feathers, will you be my Marefriend" Capper asked. "Sure" I replied with a smile. 

"Well now that that's decided. I think I might have a place for you to live" Capper spoke, flicking his tail. "Where's that" I asked. "My place" he replied. "Your ok with that" Its better then living alone" he replied. "So you'd be ok with having Moonshadow and Mystic living there too" she asked. "Yeah sure, I'd be fine with that" Capper replied. "Well I guess I'll be packing once again" I replied. 

"Hey, how about I take you home, its getting late" Capper suggested. "Sure that's not a problem" I replied. We walked back to the castle and Capper took me to my room. "You could always come in. I'm sure you don't want to walk back to yours so you could always stay here" I replied

Capper's pov

"Umm ok" I replied as Aurora opened the door and I followed her in. Both Moonshadow and Mystic had fallen asleep and were sleeping in they're beds in the room. Aurora walked over to her bed and took off the dress but didn't take off her emerald. 

I took of the suit since I didn't normally sleep in clothes so it wasn't to unusual for me to take it off although I kept the cloth in my tail. "Hey Capper you can sleep in my bed with me tonight. Its not to bad since we're dating now" Aurora pointed out.

"Ok" I replied and walked over but before I had a chance to do much, Aurora pulled me into a kiss and a purr escaped. We quickly parted and gave a quite laugh. "Did you just purr" she asked, holding a hoof over her mouth. "I can't control it. It happens when I'm happy" I replied, feeling my face heat up. 

"Awww. There's no need to be embarrassed, your my kitty" she replied before patting the bed with her hoof. I sat on the bed as Aurora moved the covers back. "How's your wing" I asked. "Still sore but its healing which is good" she replied. "That's good" I told her before she snuggled next to me in the bed and quickly fell asleep. 

I gave another purr and wrapped my arms around her as she slowly fell asleep. I pulled her closer to me as I wrapped my tail around her protectively and buried my muzzle into her neck3

MLP: The cat and the Pegasus(A Capper x OC fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now